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  1. TheRook

    Ever lovely

    heh comrade hero and crimson sabre should do a crossover
  2. TheRook

    Ever lovely

    this beautiful new piece was done by shyft9. I think he really captured her soft and sultry sex appeal. No wonder all those american spies fell to her during the cold war
  3. i really like his style. it's dirty and gritty. i think he could be a great success with conan art or even steampunk type stuff. i first thought of dark sun when i saw his artwork and i'm a big fan of that stuff
  4. so totally interested. i just sent you a note on DA
  5. Totally Brutal!!! my newest piece of art work as done by tim kelly
  6. TheRook

    New ART!

    we all know Crimson Sabre is my Favorite russian swordswoman... well just yesterday i got some great art from Tatious on DA
    Here she is! Now DROOL
  7. oh my!!!
    Why did the song ebony and ivory instantly pop into my mind?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Everybody knows I have blog, right? Especially Soul Train and TheRook?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol yeah i know i just need my govt stimulous check so i can afford more art
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry for the lack of updates. But we sold my house and just bought a new one. And I have 30 days to move! So i am going crazy! I only have a handful left to do, so at least that is something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I should really have you do a couple for me too
  10. my god...she's...beautiful *tear*
  11. Hey Alex I may be a bit late to jump this bandwagon, but i humbly submit Crimson Sabre for your consideration.
  12. looks really good. I personally would choose a different belt, but otherwise she looks GREAT
  13. damn i wish i had actual money

    i get paid in monopoly money
  14. wow that's kinda creepy. no wonder there are billboards saying earth for humans

    great job man
  15. Alex did my first piece of propaganda art. now to go cover the entire russian country side and red square! muwahahaha comrade!
  16. OK so there I was just checking my email when I discovered This Crimson Sabre piece and This Lord Raptor piece done by images by alex as a continued part of his baby sale. I think I have 1 more coming from him. Thank you alex. you've done a superb job with these.
  17. i'm more and more impressed with every piece he does
  18. around the time you should be at work or class
  19. there is an error on each link when i click them
  20. don't know how that happend...try again
  21. i think it has a great feeling of cold war soviet power
  22. I just got this new peice of art from my buddy Dub-T of crimson sabre. I hope you enjoy it