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  1. TheDrakai

    Villain Emotes

    Lotsa great suggestions

    Need emotes to cover all the variety of villians. The maniacs, the killers, the professionals, the thugs, the evil genuis, the aristocrats and the monsters. Classic Frankenstein, anyone? Arms out, blank face, straight legged, slow steps.

    /em Pelvic Thrust
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    What ho, kind super hero! Canst thou directeth me to thine favorite enhancements store for Natural heroes, such as I? Huzzah! Someone is in need!

    This looketh like a task for... Captain Everquest!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I don't mind RPers, and like the OP I can dabble a bit. Still, abuse is abuse and Drakai would not tolerate it being directed at himself or his teammates. He's a Hero like that.