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  1. Sewer entrance near the tram is where I'm parked.
  2. 9 pm EST, running until 11 pm EST.

    Wrapping up the intro story now, will post it this evening.
  3. Gearing up to start, the roster to date:

    Aluriel, Supernatural Creature

    Little is know of the details of Aluriel’s origin- she appeared in the sewers of Paragon City with a group of other unregistered heroes and when questioned, merely answered, “Surely you’ve heard the tales of the Fall. I am a product.” This has lead Hero Corps to assume a demonic heritage, although she coldly laughed when asked and stated such an assumption shows how little humans know of such things.

    What is known is that every test MAGI could run on her showed a human show, and her unwillingness to clarify her past has presented a great deal of suspicion. She does, however, seem to keep her word once given, and has given her word she will harm no citizens of Paragon City during her registration. Despite a sometimes cold nature and haughty personality, surveillance shows her willingness to aid others and fight the criminals plaguing the city.

    Baronne Cimitiere, Exotic Foreigner

    Officially, the Baronne Cimi'tiere is the ambassador to the Queen from the Island of Haiti. The truth is a little more muddy, however. Since fighting for their freedom and abolishing the practice of slavery in Haiti, the Haitians still struggled against French aggression. Both Napoloen and Charles the Tenth tried to re-conquer the island, and re-establish slavery. They might have succeeded if not for the undying hatred of a dark and malicious man known only as Baron Kriminel. Kriminel was a horse, the chosen vessel of a mighty loa spirit. This gave him terrible powers of death and darkness, which he used to visit woe on the oppressors. But his hatred knew no sane limitations. With his power, the Baron brought as much destruction on his own people as the oppressors. The loa was displeased, and so Kriminel had to be stopped. The loa chose a young woman with a fierce and protective nature to share it's blessings with. This young woman then rose up, and defeated Baron Kriminel, taking the powers he had abused for herself. These powers she would use to protect Haiti, and towards that goal she ventured into Europe, to England, as an ambassador from Haiti. In exchange for English support against further French aggression, Baronne Cimi'tiere pledged her powers and services to the crown, joining the prestigious Leviathan Guild. She has remained there ever since, tirelessly honoring her oath, and advocating for the rights of her people.

    Civil Twilight, Lady Adventurer

    A youngest daughter, her family eventually realized she was completely immarriagable and eventually gave up on preventing her tinkering, eventually allowing her to spend her fortune attempting to prove the impossibility of magic. But during an expedition in the Kush range of India (doubtless playing the Great Game for the British), the woman who would be known as Civil Twilight, they encountered a demon. During the subsequent battle, all of her companions her killed before she managed to slay it using her archery skills.

    But hubris was near her downfall. Legend said whomever consumed the heart of the beast would be granted immortality; the legends were incomplete. Although a measure of immortality was granted, the soul of the demon resided within the consumer, enticing them to savagery and acts of great evil.

    A chance encounter with the Leviathan Guild and its more esoteric members gradually allowed the young woman (presumed dead) a chance at redemption. With them, she learned to control the beast within and went on to acts of bravery and goodness, although the soul of the beast will torment her for all of her long life.

    Countess Click Clank, Gadgeteer

    Born into a family of tinkerers, young Cecilia [surname withheld] observed early on that all one had to do to be considered gentry was to be from far away. During one of her families annual forays to India, Cecilia opted to stay, joining another family, honing her own tinkering and gadeterring skills in the British occupied subcontinent.

    Although she found the British troops rather repugnant, nor did she agree with many of the traditional views of India. In a fit of humor, she persuaded a local (and native) magistrate to present her to the local British commander as a young princess, secretly Christian, seeking to flee an arranged marriage into a family. Gullible, the commander offered her the sanctuary of the empire, arranging for her transport back to Europe. It was quite a successful prank!

    Once in England, she was touted in London society, styled as the Indian equivalent to a Countess, laughing up her sleeve the entire time. But increased exposure revealed that not all of high society was as silly as she had thought, and some of it, the Leviathon Guild (who interrupted an ill-fated, if fashionable, séance, saving the day, er, twilight), actually served a noble purpose. Tracking down one, the mysterious De Profondious, she applied to join and added her knowledge of gadgetry to the team.

    Patches, Victim of Mad Science

    He might be dead for aught I know/ With that red gaunt collapsed and neck a-strain, and shut eyes underneath the rusty mane/ Seldom went such grotesqueness with such woe; I never saw a brute I hated so./ He must be wicked to deserve such pain. – Robert Browning

    Professor Candelabra, A Foreign Doctor of Dubious Sanity

    Ee has pierced zee aether and infused hiself with zee light of zee BEYOND! Ahh, zee zhings ee have seen! Glorious!

    We still have room for a Warrior from a Lost Civilization and a Mysterious Master of the Occult!
  4. Only if you bring me back a prehistoric pony
  5. Sounds good, Apple Eater. Welcome aboard.

    I'll be catching up on this thread later today, having just returned from the land of dial-up.
  6. I'd like to encourage people to sign-up for this. The last theme team I ran, Mind Over Matter on the Infinity server, was a lot of fun. Just oodles. Quite a few of the members from that team have signed-up here (I'm sure you've seen us in the Ban the User Above You thread, which, um... I'm not sorry!) and they've all solid players and willing to role play. It looks like we have three spots left and we'll be starting out together at level 1 or 2, picking arcs to run together, running task forces and trials, and doing our best to get to 50 before the summer. I'll be summing up our adventures at the end of every evening here in the thread.

    If you've been wanting to make a new charecter and have a good group to run with regularly, please consider this team. My original hope was to get to meet many of the neat folks who consider Guardian their home and I'm saddened some of that opportunity was lost by my unplanned break in the fall.

  7. [ QUOTE ]

    And would making a Sewer Run (or alternate ferry route) to get there kill the game for them?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Being a vigilante, it really stinks!

    *bump bump CHING*
  8. Liking the "Just use the BM" solution to the markets, but what about trades?

    The trial suggestion is interesting, but I'm actually not sure if it could be done. Well, I'm not sure *I* could do it. I'm going to let it perculate in my brain a while longer and hope someone else makes good comments on that aspect while my brain is brewing.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm... Split the Difference? Have to have a level 25 villain and a Level 25 hero in order to gain access? Or perhaps just make it a paid expansion?

    As for the reason you're on the list... hmm... Could just have it be a shock to the character. Have an Arbiter point you over to the contact who lets you pick your patron and then he pretends it's -always- been so. Through that method the only way to AVOID being a Destined One is to head to Paragon. Could be an interesting Impetus for a Dominator, Brute, or Stalker to flee the Isles?

    Though I wouldn't be -averse- to another Villain storyline... It'd have to be MUCH better than the VEAT ones... Those were lame.

    ESPECIALLY the Final Mission!!! I REALIZE that Pandora's box is an in-game reason for superpowers. But Doctor Brainstorm and Powerset Proliferation should NEVER have been put into the game's storyline... *sigh*


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure I want a paid expansion. I'd like to up the odds the player has the basics of the games down. And I wouldn't make a level requirement, just because in my experience, it is very easy to get powerleveled very quickly, especially now with I13 and leveling pacts and permabridges.

    I like the epic trial idea the very best. And I like your ideas about why you're a Destined Ones. (I, um, did like the VEAT stuff, though)

    The longer this thread gets, the more I like the whole notion.
  10. Epic TF/SF or trial would be fine by me. I don't know about the any level part. I'd make it 25 or higher, since that's about the level when I really start to get a feel for the charecter, how it plays, what its limitations are, ans so on. Also, it just 'feels' right (very subjective, I know).
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    Destined Ones
    If you've played the Higher Level villain content you know that anyone can be a Destined One. Even someone from Paragon. I'd still limit the archetypes to their normal APP/PPP choices (no blasters with Ghost Widow powers), however. So a Dominator from Paragon who becomes a Destined One... Yeah. there ya go.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have and I do. As long as there's a story reason for it, maybe another unique arc, explaining why you're on the list.

    That reminds me... would this option be open to everyone from day one? I know I played a hero first, then a villain, and how so much of it tied together really made me go, "Ohhhhh! That makes SENSE!" I almost think it should be unlocked somehow, and not by having level 50s.
  12. I don't object to more story options and I did not have a "Nooooo!!!" reaction to this.

    A couple of questions:

    1) What was your reasoning behind limiting the Vigilante to the ATs you did? Something more elaborate than 'balance,' please, since I'm genuinely interested.

    2) Isn't the need for a supervisor for a SF/TF redundant since everyone else on the team is already the appropriate designation, or is this just to prevent all-vigilante teams or to prevent them from starting them? I can see preventing them from starting the SF/TFs for story reasons, but I'd like to hear more on your reasoning (again, genuine interest).

    3) Quite a bit of the content for villains, especially at the lower and upper levels, centers around being a "Destined One." I see you've addressed the issue at the lower levels, but how does this work with the upper levels and other parts of the overarching story?

    4) The inability to enter hazard zones by oneself makes sense thematically, but what happens when a contact in a non-hazard zone sends the character into a zone for a mission? Do they then have to find a team to complete the mission? Seems inconvenient, was that deliberate, a balance as it were? (So bummed I wouldn't be able to go solo the Hollows at level 5, too...)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Ack! My eyes! Troll showed me his rack!

    *runs off to wash eyes out*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    His spice rack drives all the girls from the yard.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I see I see, well I'm having a helluva time fitting Text into a avatar I'm making >_<

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry. Shouldn't have eaten that last piece of pie, I guess.
  15. Nevertheless, it's very nifty.
  16. That part is to explain why we, the era's best heroes, are now all level one or two again.

    Once I have all of the backstories, I'll post our first adventure here. As in, how we all came to be in Paragon City. Subsequent updates will record what we did that night and will also be in charecter. And of course, other people should feel free to post their in-charecter impressions, too.
  17. Still meeting in the sewers. Once we get a little closer to the start, I'll post our first story, including the "What the HELL is wrong with this section of the aqueducts?!"
  18. Sound good to me. I hope your character keeps the accent, too.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Does this mean the Refugee team on Infinity is going kaput?

    Amazingly, my sole character on Guardian fits the theme. I have a jewish occult investigator who's acquired the powers of the Golem. He's in the low 20s, levelwise, not sure exactly what any more. It's been a while since I played him, but if the refugee team is breaking up, I'll be happy to switch over and exemplar down.

    Oh, and he's a stone/stone tank, so nyah.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please make a new character which fits with the theme and follows the two powerset requests I made if you want to join us. And if I read correctly in the other thread, you can't commit to the team on Thursdays unless you miss half of the session?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and Jan 7 2009 is a Wednesday. Do you mean that?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    It wasn't enough you use logic on me, you also bring facts into it?

  21. There will be other theme teams. The next one will be a villaious one, and I'll hold a spot just for you. Look for it in the summer.
  22. We'll miss you, Troll. Maybe you can sneak on sometimes and join us. Or be my global friend and team on other events!
  23. Yes, I have to log-on tomorrow and get the name and build of who I made. And her backstory.