419 -
Ah, but see, this is how you get to go to Hero Con. Bring her along, the hotel is veeery nice and the pool and hot tub are fabulous, and she can join the Hero Con Fabric Expedition and hang by the pool with me. Then we can all get a dUmb table at the banquet. Oh! And last year there was a Quilting Con at the same hotel, and you pay by the workshop. So there's something for both of you.
I'm actually going to skip some panels at Hero Con and do some workshops at the Quilting Con if they coincide again.
...I could plan the entire weekend around "Things to Do if Your Spouse Dragged You to Hero Con and You Couldn't Care Less About It" -
Obviously you should come to the Hero Con Fabric Tour 2009, too.
Mr. Sins: Who are all of these women and why are they in your sewing room?
Me: Fabric nuts from Infinity. It's our pre-Fabric Expedition Party.
Mr. Sins: I see.
Me: You can get a ride to the con with Manoa and Somber, right?
Mr. Sins: ... -
San Jose has an airport, San Fran International is an hour away from Hero Con, and Sacramento International is closest to me.
Well, the Hero Con offer still stands. In fact, come early and we can do a fabric tour.
Depending on where you're coming from, I might ask for coffee, though. My favorite coffee company in the world is located in Shelburne Falls, MA. -
I'm very lucky to live within a couple of hours of several excellent fabric shops. My mom does not, however, so whenever she visits, we go around to all of the shops. If you're near the Bay Area, I can recommend some stores to you, or if you make it to Hero Con this year, there's a GREAT shop just 10 minutes from the con, and I'd be willing to drive out with you.
Man Text, I love that fabric sight....
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yeah, it's a good site! I actually bought the rocket babies I used on Troll's quilt from equilter, then matched the colors in person. Speaking of, check out, from the same designer, the cowboy kids
I can't match colors well enough online to buy more than the main fabric for a project, but I like to collect ideas there. -
It's good to have a fabric stash!
I'll PM you my e-mail addy for the fabric picture.
For dressing gowns, I might have to see some of this in person. It might be more 'elaborate' than 'busy,' in person. Or it might be horrible! I got the Victorian valentine stuff for myself because its awesome in person and because I wanted something fancy. I mean, it's easy to buy a fuzzy bathrobe, harder to find something romantic and sexy and frankly, when I'm down, I want to feel attractive. -
I was back on dressing gowns with that green/pink flirt fabric.
Hmmm, the last link you posted is probably a little too brown for me as a skirt, but maybe for the corset? -
We oughta have a costume party. Bring your own machine!
That would work quite well, too. It's hard to figure out someone else's style.
While doing your hair to get dressed up in these clothes, I bet you could also use a nice dressing gown.
Something whimsical
Something gorgeous and elegant
Let me see if I can find the fabulous victorian valentine print I made my dressing gown out of, because I think you'd love it. And I'll post the pattern I used, too. Oh, here it is, it's less purple in person and I bought it at a different store, although I like equilter for ideas.
I also make smoking jackets for men.(And women, too, in theory, but no one has requested one yet)
I'm afraid Mr. Textilian beat you to the punch by about four years. -
I love those boots but anything over two inch heels and I fall over.
How about a tulip skirt to go with, in a nice steampunky print?
Here, how about this fabric? It's not steampunk, but the browns would go well and you could pair it with a pink shorty corset and a poofy-short-sleeved shirt in cream.
I'll add more ideas as I find them.
Oh, or how about a pencil skirt in this , with a long sleeved, high neck top, very hot librarian? And then a cute corset underneath yet over a cute cami, to add shape and posture? -
Sewing. Lots and lots of sewing. And some interent and game while the computer is free. Maybe getting my dom to 15 for Saturday.
You? -
I deleted 'Snikersnak' and am thinking of deleting 'Locomotion'
I'm usually in favor of villains having new, not regurgitated content, yes. I did think Lusca fit into your new zone idea, though, and in fact with a series of islands in general. I also like the idea of a seafaring GM in general.
You know, we're always going to Pargon via submarine, wouldn't they come at us in a submarine, too? Although I'd really rather not fight more Longbow.
I'm having a bad brain day. I know I can do better than that. Someone please send coffee via the universal speed boost port. -
I liked the Lusca idea for a GM.
From the diary of Countess Clink Clank
Tonight we finished a rather tedious set of tasks for Positron. While I still admire the ingenuity of his armor, the nature of some of the quests we were sent on grates. But no matter, it is a thing of the past. As are all of we here at the Leviathan Guild...
Enough melancholy! We continue to regain our old powers and develop new ones. In none of this is it more readily apparent than in Lotus Cri or in the Baronne, who begins to hear voices again, leading us in the end to Faultine, were we will meet again and see what mysteries lie there. Patches too remains a powerhouse, and Aluriel is quickly becoming the fearsome creature she once was. The Professor and Civil Twilight also begin to show greater might, and the Professor's wit remains as sharp as it ever was. And my mastery of gadgets continues to grow, allowing me to better aid my team.
OOC Notes:
-No LG next Tuesday, I'll be watching the inauguration
-Yes LG next Thursday, we'll start the Faultline arcs
-If those arcs take us all the way to 20, we'll continue to do them before heading to either Striga or Croatoa
-If they do not, we will access where we are and either do the next Safeguard mission or the Synapse TF, which is one of the better ones in the game
-Speaking of TFs, once we've outleveled something, by all means, go ahead and run it as much as you want. But for the TFs we miss, once we get much higher level, at least 40, we'll go ahead and take a bit of a vacation and run the missed Freedom Phalanx TFs.
-At this point, any Warrior from a Lost Civilization who wanted to join us will need to be our rescue party, sent after our disappearance. And they need to be the same level as we are or exemp down, and the same time commitments apply -
Some ooc notes:
I'd really prefer to finish the Posi tonight. And I'm nearing the level cap for it, so most of the rest of you are, too. Therefore, we should try stealthing when we can, though the use of sprint and invisibility and our best mob avoidance.
As previously noted, there will be no theme team next Tuesday. We will resume as normal on Thursday.
That's all, see you in an hour. -
I like it quite a bit. It sounds like a fun zone to poke around in, it doesn't clash with the rest of the Rogue Isles, and the strike forces sound fun and fill in some SF gaps.
Maybe we could get some unlockable weapons from, oh, the conquistadors? And since they're new, would you attatch a hunt badge to them?
What would you name the exploration badges in the zone? (Just curious) -
Are merits or recipe and salvage drops going to be doubled as well?
(I'd be shocked if that was the case, but wanted to double-check) -
From the diary of Countess Clink Clank
Tonight we experimented more with the new technology of the police scanner to fight some more of the abomidations the Baronne says are not true zombies and also a misanthropic group of men in uniforms I later found out were "Council." Researching a bit of their doctorine at the university, I was quite repulsed. From there we spoke with another constable and were sent to stop a bank robbery, at which we suceeded with the greatest of ease.
From there we went to Steel Canyon, to meet with a man in a QUITE fetching suit of armor about a special series of missions. We eventually got the Professor away from the heroine Valkyre, which whom he was attempting to flirt (and with limited sucess, I might add, perhaps she knows Miss Liberty?), and went off at the bequest of Positron. We fought yet more false undead, some more the clever clanks known as clockwork, and some false fallen for whom Aluriel expressed the unmost contempt.
Our powers continue to grow. Lotus Cri in particular has regained a most useful power, to hide us all in plain sight, to render us invisible. Soon we will resume the fight, perhaps employing more stealth as a tactic, and finish the series for Positron.
I must ask him more about his armor. -
Tonight we radio and safeguard, then start the Posi TF.
I'm giving blood tonight, so if I'm wonky, I confer power to Siolfir. (Like there's power, heh! Like I'm ever not wonky, double heh.) And the team report won't be posted until tomorrow morning.