419 -
Yup. I make baby quilts as gifts and sometimes other things because it lets me work with textures and colors I wouldn't have chosen for myself and also because I can then give it away. Not that I don't want to hoard the baby quilts sometimes, but they need to go out into the world to be drooled on and chewed on and washed and loved to shreds.
Ooooh. The ponies are totally cute! I like the turtle, too, but really its all about the ponies.
Six months ago:
Me: Whatcha doing?
Mr. Sins: Stacking desks
Me: Why?
Mr. Sins: For the library
Me: Oh. *wanders off*
6 hours later:
Me: Are you still at that?
Mr. Sins: Grrrrr
Me: There's this movie playing I'd like to see.
Mr. Sins: Can't... leave.... desks
Me: *departs for movie* -
Am I the only person who likes their job? :O
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah, I like mine, and I'm deeply grateful to have it. That does not mean, however, that I wouldn't have rather continued with Plan A of "stealing Mr. Sins warm spot in bed and drifting back to sleep for a couple of hours, to be followed by coffee and a day of sewing."
Speaking of, Anightgirl, check out the canvas I bought to make groccery bags from:
- First one
- Second one
Also got some neat buttons and Mr. Sins picked out some fabric for custom bowling shirts. We will not speak of that. Had a nice chat with the lady at the shop, all about sewing for other people and what we were both working on at the time. If you're wondering, I went to this shop here . -
Wait... you have a BOOT DISTRICT? Like a whole area dedicated to BOOTS??
Oh hell yeah... I'm going to Cali!
[/ QUOTE ]
Great! If you're going to HeroCon, fly into San Jose, if you're coming to see me, fly into Sacramento. Avoid San Fran International like the plague. Whoever built it didn't take into account fog and so one runway out of two is usually closed. -
I'm going into Berkeley this weekend, to one of my favorite fabric stores, and then maybe down to the boot district of San Fran. -
From the Adventure Log of Countess Clink Clank:
Tonight we discovered a cure for the Lost! Perhaps this is what we were sent to the future to do!
We then returned to Faultline to assist the Doctor there and did a service for a tailor in Steel Canyon. As I came out in my fashionable new armor, imagine my surprise to see airships! And Rikti! I hurried to where the rest of the heroes were to assist, cursing the circumstances which has disbanded the Guild for evening, that they were not by my side. Eventually, we repelled the invaders. -
I up and gave up on this day. I came home and have bread rising and am now going to nap.
Still like it, still link to it. Looking forward to reading the next version.
I'm particularly looking forward to Blood Spectre seeing the TF for the first time.
*transmission from airport*
Friends don't let friends dress like the Crow. Or have Crowesc avatars, even if you suspect your friend of having one to go "Nyah!" at you. So you ban them in a ban thread on one of the fabled 'Other Servers.' -
It's warm here and the pool is 74 degrees, but it's a little cloudy.
[/ QUOTE ]
*packs bathing suit*
*departs* -
It's cold and sunny and clear here, but I'd rather have a snew, er, sew, er, snow day.
And it is a snow day so no work!
Happy really awesome hump day people!
[/ QUOTE ]
*sigh* -
From the Adventure Log of Countess Clink Clank
Today's adventures were odd ones. We started out by returning to Skyway City, were we used the police scanner to fight the trolls and the ever-repugnant Council before stopping a bank robbery; I think the bankers here must not spend much on security for the frequency with which those events occur. The conversation was especially entertaining, however:
-I shared part of my secret cake recipe, starting with building a mechanical whisking apparatus
-Patches discovered the young heroine "Mynx," who IS, in fact, a "kitty"
-We discussed past and present inventions of mine, including my most recent which blew me up. I'm happy to report the mobs were more distressed by it than I, although I did lose consciousness at the end. Almost everyone else declined to have me show it how it was done.
But most notably of all, the Professor seems to be, as we suspected, possessed! Tonight he transformed into a glowing, crab-looking MONSTER, proclaiming its freedom. The Baronne and Civil Twilight promptly hit him upside the head, but to no avail. So we hied ourselves off to the University in Steel Canyon to meet with a mysterious fellow named Montague who we hoped could help, but instead, he asked for ours!
We spent the rest of the evening fighting the Lost and a new foe, the Rikti, whom I at first thought were fey but instead seem something... other. But vile. And at the end, help arrived, in the form of a golumn whom the Professor had met, who offered some insights into the Professors condition, although a pressing (literally) need to repair my armor prevented me from hearing all of it.
I believe for our next adventure, we'll finish helping the man at the University before returning to Faultine to help the suicidal Doc Delilah.
I giggled a lot this time around. Professor, it's wonderful.
Since Siolfir and Gol aren't going to be available on 2/10/2009 I thought we could do one of two things: Cancel or run the Synapse TF (levels 15-20). My preference is for the Synapse, we could easily do it within two hours, but I'd like your thoughts on the matter. -
Yes, I thought of Faultline later. It's been a VERY bonkers day for me.
Plan B: Skyway to Faultline to Striga (which is level 20+ anyhow). -
Tonight's plan:
Go to Skyway City. Run scanner missions and a mayhem. Run the cape mission. Run the tailor mission. Head to Striga, run some arcs there. Eventually run the Moonfire TF, although that's probably not until Thursday. -
Speaking of searching and repeat posts, my current favorite take on any kind of side-switching is the related amoral AT idea as suggested by Kerinna here.
There's this GREAT fabric shop off of Union Square, in San Fran, called Britex. They have an entire floor of notions, including all kinds of amazing applique, buttons, feather flowers, glitters, and sparkly. They also have an entire floor of remnents. It's a very dangerous place and I'm visiting it this weekend.
No, no, don't wipe it off, transform it using more sharpie. Sharpie tatoo for the win!
It's more no one wants to go up against Anightgirl for you, and I see her name right there.
I'm mostly me-myself-and-I in terms of VGs, but if you wanted to also go a me-myself-and-I route, I'd Coalition with you for teleporters and lend you an alt for prestige. Or you can just /gfriend me (send a tell so I know you're not a spammer).