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  1. Evening folks. I've had unexplained anger all day and I can't seem to figure out what I'm angry about. Where's a punching bag when you need it.
  2. I'm in. Now where's the Rookery Anti-Social group?
  3. Tech_Striker


    Cerebral Widow: 42-50
    Teknis.: 23-36
    Chronos Knight: 14-26
  4. Matikz: Corrupting kittens does not further his agenda so he would ignore it
    Teknis.: Would probably shock the hell out it just because he can
    Black-Gamma: Would attempt to mutate the kitten into some killing machine
    Cerebral Angel: Take it home
    Kovenant Alpha Squad: Depends on if the kitten is part of a contract
    Belldonna Atropa: Feed it to her fly trap
    Kommandant Macht: Total Focus it into next week
    Cerebral Widow: Kittens are no threat to Arachnos so she'd ignore it
  5. *stumbles in grumbling about the cable company*
    Morning all. Up a lot earlier then I had planned. Forgot the cable company was coming out to fix a mistake they made in the first place. Plus they had the nerve to send the same tech that screwed it up after I requested a senior tech. Gah I'm in a foul mood. Think I need pamcakes and lots of em.
  6. You're gonna get sick of hearing me say this but I love this piece. Thank you again.
  7. Missed this before the forums went offline. Happy belated Birthday Fed. Hope it was a good one.
  8. Hello all. Good to be back.
  9. *Walks in with a moving crew*

    I'm going to use this period of renovation to give all the Chef Bots an overhaul and upgrade. Coming Soon: Chef Bot 2.0. Now with yummier Pamcakes!
  10. *lays down a second giant Reeses cup*

    Now let's see the kitteh and the sackboy wired on too much chocolate.
  11. Tech_Striker

    Tron Legacy?....

    Really rather excited about this. Been hoping for a awhile that they'd do another Tron movie. I'll hold all judgement about what this movie does or doesn't do to my childhood. Which will probably be nothing since I remember my childhood for more then cartoons, movies and comics unlike most of the internet.
  12. If you guys want I'll be happy to bring Feral again. That way we can maintain the kitteh quota for Neko.
  13. Eiko, as the player of a full human build WS all I can say is do it. Human builds are really fun and not as painfull before the changes a few issues back.

    Oh an hi all.
  14. Well Pogo they actually sell oatmeal bath solutions or you can make your own.

    Make Your Own Oatmeal Bath

    Also for the itch, poison ivy or not, you could try applting calamine lotion or aloe vera gel. Both will help sooth the itch. Also try combating the itch with a standard antihistamine like Benadryl. The itching sensation is caused by the histamine that your body is sending to the infected areas.
  15. Evening all. Pogo have you thought about an oatmeal bath for the itch? Only had poison ivy once and the on call doctor suggested that to help with the itching until I could see my normal doctor.
  16. Psh...Detra in latex is nothing new. Fey's red latex outfit on the other hand...

    *lets out a long, loud wolf whistle*
  17. Afternoon all. Weekend is off to a good start. Enjoyed laughing my [censored] off at all the lightweights I was drinking with last night.

    *grabs a couple slices of random cold pizza and flops into a FBBC*
  18. Tech_Striker

    TGIF Rookery.

    Afternoon all. Anything good happen while I was passed out?
  19. Tech_Striker

    TGIF Rookery.

    Morning folks.

    *collapses in a FBBC and hangs and "Do Not Disturb" sign around his neck*
  20. Dude that's so awesome. I'm sure I'll think of more to say later but I just got home from work and need sleep. Thanks for doing that.
  21. Yeah. Luckily I don't work it often. Usually work the 6-2 shift but that may all be changing. I'm trying to transfer stores to the new one that opened literally around the corner from me but I'm not sure what they're gonna have open. May get stuck on permanent night shift there. I'm hoping my training in the ordering system will get me on day shift though.
  22. A little on the bored side. Tried to get some play time in earlier since I work overnight but it was pretty dead aside from the usual AE farms. Sucks when I have to stop playing by 8pm EST to start getting ready for the night shift.
  23. Reading In Conquest Born by CS Friedman Bay.

    Hey Fed. How's my favorite sackperson today?
  24. Hello folks. A little dead in here today. Ah well.

    *hops into a FBBC and reads a book*