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  1. Pancake winner dies in all-you-can-eat contest
    The winner of a pancake-eating contest dropped dead after gorging himself on 43 of the cream and banana stuffed desserts.

    Boris Isayev, 48, from west Russia, collapsed to his knees and died on stage after stuffing himself with pancakes in a competition to mark the end of the region’s ‘Pancake Week’.

    "He had really enjoyed the pancakes but then he started foaming at the mouth and went down like a sack of stones," one witness said.

    "We have seen people fainting [during such contests] before," she added.

    Onlookers tried to revive the man, but he died on the stage.

    Witnesses apparently described Isayev as “the most active participant in the contest" adding that he "ate all the types of pancakes on offer and won fairly.”

    The exact cause of death is not clear but doctors believe he choked after a piece of pancake got lodged in his throat.
  2. PayPal Charges $81,400,836,908 For $26 Tank Of Gas
    Juan Zamora fed his 1994 Chevy Camaro $26 worth of gas, a transaction for which PayPal charged his debit card $81,400,836,908. Unsurprisingly, PayPal saw nothing wrong with the charge and demanded that Juan prove that he didn't actually buy $81.4 billion worth of gas.

    He only learned of the astounding figure when he received an email later that afternoon informing him that his debit card, which started out with $90 on it, was maxed out.

    Initially, Mr. Zamora thought it must've been a joke. But after contacting PayPal customer service he was surprised to see that the company treated it as anything but a laughing matter.

    "Somebody from a foreign country who spoke in broken English argued with me for 10 to 15 minutes," Zamora said. " ‘Did you get the gas?' he asked. Like I had to prove that I didn't pump $81,400,836,908 in gas!"

    He would have needed more than 3 billion fill-ups of the amount he actually pumped into his tank in order to reach that outrageous sum.

    Eventually, Zamora said, he was finally able to convince the representative that he didn't deserve to be in the same position as General Motors, who has lost roughly 80 billion dollars since 2005.

    When Zamora returned to the Conoco gas station, he said, the attendant would not believe him until he showed her the printout of the PayPal receipt.

    What moral is Juan taking away from the story? "Pay cash."
  3. Sad but needs to be put up.

    Young hero died protecting sister from molester

    A seven-year-old boy who died defending his older sister from a potential rapist has been honoured posthumously. Zhenya Tabakov's mother received the order of courage medal on behalf of her son.

    Just over two months ago Galina lost her son and she's still struggling to get over the shock.

    Zhenya was brutally murdered by a robber, as the boy was trying to save his 12-year-old sister from being [censored].

    It all happened in late November, in the small military town of Noginsk-9 - a place where even small crimes are rare.

    Around midday, a man rang the bell of the flat where Zhenya and his family lived.

    “I asked who it was. The man said he was the postman, and he needed to give us a telegram and get a signature. So I opened the door,” recalls Zhenya’s sister Yana.

    The little girl says the man held a knife to her throat, and demanded that her brother bring him all the money he could find. Zhenya did as he was told. But when the man started undressing his sister it was more than the boy could bear.

    Zhenya seized a knife from the kitchen and plunged it into the man's back. This didn't kill the attacker, but it was enough to set Zhenya's sister free. She ran for help. But it was too late for her brother - he was stabbed eight times.

    Thirty-five-year old Sergey Kiyashko is in custody accused of the murder. Police say they have all the evidence they need to convict him.

    The entire population of the little town seemed to show up for the farewell ceremony. The heroic death of seven-year-old Zhenya was something that the federal prosecutor's office could not pass by either. The chief inspector Aleksandr Bystrykin paid tribute to the boy's courage.

    “At the prosecutor’s office, we witness many atrocities on a daily basis. But this case has sent many of us into shock. And it's played a part in the drafting of a new law on tougher punishment for those who commit crimes against children,” Bystrykin said.

    Receiving the order for her son, Galina was unable to speak.

    Nothing can bring Zhenya back to life again, but the little boy's heroism has become the pride of the town - and of his school in particular.

    The boy’s photo now occupies the desk where he used to sit. Later on a special plaque will be fixed onto it. And only the best pupils will have the chance and honor of taking that place.
  4. I love MMO drama and I got this one from Gnome yesterday.

    EVE Online Goonfleet Espionage Leads to Largest Corporation Takeover in History

    In what may be the most significant case of in-game espionage in history, one of the largest guild of players in CCP's spaceship MMO EVE Online, Band of Brothers (BoB), was entirely disbanded today when a BoB director defected to the SomethingAwful-derived Goonfleet.

    In a story that only EVE Online could spawn, Goonfleet Intelligence Agency (GSA) leader The Mittani and his league of spies managed to "encourage" a Band of Brothers director to turn coat, transferring trillions of BoB's in-game ISK currency to the Goons before nullifying BoB's control over all of its territory.

    "A director with full access to BoB alliance controls defected to Goonfleet and The Mittani was happy to accept his conditions," writes Shacknews tipster Frylock, who noted that while BoB can reform, the name "Band of Brothers" is now permanently owned by Goonfleet.

    Goonfleet Audio of what happened (NWS)

    Now for the people who have never played EVE Online, ISK = Influence and Capital Ships are bought with LOTs of ISK like imagine the only way you could buy a LotG was with influence and you only got 100,000 a night (and they still cost the same).

    It takes a lot of IRL time to gather up both, so essentially all the people in this massive coalition of people that put all that time and effort and managing into getting that guild that far (and this is years worth of resources)... got screwed over by a guy at the top.

    Now people try to keep getting me to play EVE but ironically everyone I know that plays it... well, their entire goal in the game are to do things like this to other people... and ruining other people's work doesn't sound that fun to me
  5. Server: Justice
    Character Name: Artemis Rayvyn
    SG/VG Name: Department of Metahuman Affairs
    When do you crash: Trying to log in with the character who is in Recluse's Victory
    Does it affect all characters: No
    Does it affect only characters in one or more SG's or VG's: No

    The loading progress bar when I try to load in with Artemis gets to around 30%, freezes for two seconds then the screen goes black and I get a (program not responding) text. After a minute it will boot me back to the login screen.
  6. Gears of War DRM screwup makes PC version unplayable

    Gamers who tried to play Gears of War on the PC Thursday ran into a slight snag: it seems that the digital certificate that allows the game to run expired on January 28, 2009. Basically that means if you keep your PC's clock up to date, you can no longer play the game. The official Epic forum is ablaze with complaints about this issue, as the still-kicking community becomes enraged.

    "I had this problem this evening, I had to change the date and time (from PM to AM) and I am able to get in just fine," one frustrated gamer posted. "I also changed it back to the current date and time and it didn't work. Change it back to yesterday AM and it works fine... EPIC games won't be on my list anytime soon...."

    Unfortunately, DRM can sometimes feel like a rug that can be yanked out from under our feet at any moment.

    Epic Games is aware of the issue, but don't expect much hard news about what to do about the inability to play the game. "We have been notified of the issue and are working with Microsoft to get it resolved," a super moderator posted on the forum. "Sorry for any problems related to this. I'll post more once we have a resolution." (Microsoft is the publisher, and GoW is a Games for Windows release.)

    Until then? You can either fiddle with your computer's clock or not play. Neither choice is much fun.
  7. Two-For-One!

    University Opens Porn Course
    A university in Taiwan has opened a course to teach students how to appreciate and analyze porn movies.

    To pass the course, students must give a 15 minute presentation in which they analyze an audience's psychological reaction to a porn clip from an academic perspective.

    Starcraft Course opened for College
    Students in UC - Berkeley can take up StarCraft studies for college credits. Something we’ve never imagined would happen. I figure World of Warcraft would’ve been the first to be opened for classes but Starcraft did come out much earlier than WoW. Maybe another 2-3 years?

    This is a gamers dream come true, something they’ve always fantasized about other than a porn course (which has came true as well). Some of the prerequisites for the course is that students “should be familiar with all units and some basic StarCraft strategy”. Anyone interested in the course needs to enter the class with “an open and analytic mind”. Oh, and you need to have StarCraft: Brood War, doh!
  8. Virgin passenger emails food complaint around the world

    VIRGIN Airline boss Sir Richard Branson has thanked the author of a 1000-word tirade - complete with embarrassing photos - that slates food onboard a Virgin airlines flight as a "culinary journey of hell".

    The anonymous email - which has whipped around the internet - is described by the UK Telegraph as one of the best airline complaints in the world.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It's been my experience that DC doesn't kill off characters *nearly* as often as Marvel does. Seriously, how many times are they going kill (and subsequently rez) Jean Grey before they just let that poor girl rest in peace??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well they do that for 2 reasons:
    1: She falls under the same category of Wolverine. Artists love Wolverine since he heals so fast they can actually have him get maimed or injured in any concievable way and just walk it off. Jean is basically immortal so writers get the liberty of killing her off without any major repercussions cause she can come back at anytime.

    2: That's just the nature of her being the Phoenix folklore and otherwise, giant cycle of death and rebirth.

    She's currently on the rebirth cycle and is bouncing through time as an infant with her "son" Cable, who's like 50 and was born from her clone who is now the queen of a demonic dimension.

    Anyone's head explode yet?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Didn't they already do that with a host of other major characters?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last major person I know of that's gotten killed off was Captain America but that was Marvel.

    For DC the last person killed was the Martian Manhunter (see also: lolmartianmanhunter) and before that Mister Superman to Doomsday.

    Plus...it's Batman!
  11. **If you read comics and haven't read Final Crisis #6 yet, don't read below**

    **Turn back now**

    **Last chance to avoid a spoiler!!**

    Final Crisis #6 Review
    The Batman is dead.

    Read it again, The Batman is dead.

    If you want to see the full story go to the linkie.

    The Batman pics are at the bottom of the review.
  12. Talia_Rayvyn


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    *makes a snort fort* Team Rayvyn Assemble!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Wants pictures of SNORT fort!*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'll never know, cause you're not on my team now
    Take that Encyclopedia Brown! *shakes fist*

    Everyone else to the snort fort!
  13. Talia_Rayvyn



    *makes a snort fort* Team Rayvyn Assemble!!!
  14. Talia_Rayvyn


    And for the Friday Versus Match-up we're taking it out to space!

    Captain Kirk


    Captain Picard

    Which Captain reigns supreme??
  15. Talia_Rayvyn


    With 3 votes it looks like the winner is: The Iron Monkey !!!!
  16. Talia_Rayvyn


    Easy piesy, Iron Monkey.

    Donnie Yen rules and that was one of his best kung-fu movies
  17. Talia_Rayvyn


    And for the first versus match-up the winner is...........
    Neither! It's a tie!

    So congrats Symphony of the Night and Soul Reaver
  18. Talia_Rayvyn


    The first match up will be:
    Vampire Video Game Intros!

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

    "It was not by my hand that I was made flesh. I was brought back by humans who wished to pay me tribute." - Dracula

    "Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him, but only few know the truth. He was mortal once. As were we all." - Raziel

    Which Vampire Game will rule supreme? Who will go home with total victory while the other leaves with the burden of defeat?

    That's up to your to vote and reasons for making that choice!

    Edit: Docam will be doing the Wednesday match-up!
  19. Talia_Rayvyn


    Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we should have match-up. Anything goes: Pirate vs Ninja, Marvel vs DC, Miller vs Emmert, Manga vs Comics, Scrubs vs ER, Dr. Tran vs Dr. House, whatever!

    Only thing that is required is a picture, audio sample, video, etc of the two match-ups.

    I'll try to put up one versus a week (usually Friday) but the other two days can be filled by other people's mash-ups, just be sure to declare it the day before or something so no one is stepping on anyone's toes!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Superhuman Registry? I don't think so

    *Joins the Anti-Registration Act with Cap and the Runaways*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You seem to forget, Tal, we've already registered in order to run around as superheroes/villains in the first place. Remember that whole ID form we had to fill out? The one that allows us access to certain hazard zones? Yup, it's too late. You're already in the system... and the Sentinels are on their way.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1: You mean the registry that says I'm Angela Giangaleazzo from Madrid,Spain?

    2: If we're already registered via the government then what is this registry for? I'll tell you what... THIS
    *Forms the New Freedom Phalanx with other anti-registration peoples*
    We call dibs on Hero-1, Blue Steel, Ohmtown and Becky the Tarantula.
  21. Superhuman Registry? I don't think so

    *Joins the Anti-Registration Act with Cap and the Runaways*
  22. I really enjoyed watching that like your other videos, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut as a comment of improvement for future videos, please use less "fluff" or extend the length of your videos to compensate for it.

    The video was 3 minutes long and was seperated as:
    15 seconds of intro + 1 minute and 45 seconds of actual video + 1 minute of credits (20 secods of actual credits + 40 seconds of usual studio logo and extra credits).

    In my opinion you could've condensed the credits or shortened/removed the intro and used that time for more video. Or you could have lengthened the video by another 30 - 40 seconds (at least) and kept the intro/credits as is.

    So while the video itself was a definate 5/5 I'd have to say overall it was 3/5 just because I was like "oh it's the credits", then looked at the time remaining and was like "...wow there's still a minute left on this video."

  23. My Widow made it into the comic, yay!!!
    (The one in Black with White strips/helm & Red shoulders/chest)

    Defenately glad I went to that photoshoot in Pocket D now lol.

    Thanks for the read Chase and Cinder