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  1. Arc Name: The Sisterhood, Part 1
    Arc ID: 181551
    Morality: Hero/Neutral
    Creator: @Talia Rayvyn
    Length: 2 Missions
    -Act 1: The Devil's Rejects
    -Act 2: The Devil's Hands Have Been Busy
    Villain Groups:
    The Hell's Belles - Based on the Hellions/Skulls
    The Deadly Dames - Based on the Family/Mooks
    Arc Description: Tired of being rejected by the local gangs based on their gender, the women associated with various gangs in Paragon and the Rogue Isles join together to prove that they can be just as bad as the boys. It's up to you to stop their rampage before the streets erupt into a gang war of the sexes.
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: I've been trying to think of a 3rd arc since I made the first two but was drawing a blank for a long time. Then during a conversation I made an off-hand comment about no women being in a majority of the villain groups in the game and then a light bulb went off.

    After starting to work on the idea it became an experiment of sorts as well. There's absolutely NO way to have a large number of custom enemies and have enough memory for more than 2 to 3 mission per story. So the storyline has to be broken up into not only multiple missions but multiple stories.

    I'm not really concerned about star ratings since each Part gets unpublished to bring in the next one. But I will be using the ratings as a guide to how well/how fun people though that particular arc was. Right now I'm aiming for a new Story Arc every other week but that is a working timeline depending on how long they take to create and my motivation.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy playing through the Sisterhood. So far I'm really happy with how the idea is turning out and I am looking forward to working on the next part. I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts on where you think the story is going and your feedback on the missions/villain groups.
  2. 1: What?
    2: This isn't Virtue, it's City of Heroes and lolVillains.
    3: Cute avatar.
  3. Talia_Rayvyn

    >.> <.<


    That is all.
  4. Talia_Rayvyn

    @global change?

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    what'd you say Talia? Bonus points for a Smoke tag?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure I can add in a clause where more difficult to tag people are worth moar points.
  6. Yeah so it's probably been over a year or so since the last round of Justice Tag... so sue me

    For those new to the game, Tag is very simple. We have a starting list of "targets" that are fair game on any of their characters. You find them, and you tag them! The top 3 winners usually get spiffy prizes such as Influence/Infamy/Recipes and/or Salvage depending on what I have at the time and what gets donated for the Event.

    Tag them while they Patrol
    Tag them while they Taskforce
    Tag them while they PvP
    Tag them while they Raid
    You can even Tag them while they Market !!!

    No where is safe! Well mostly, the details of what's off-limits will come later

    For now this thread is for people to volunteer to be the starting 10 targets when Tag is officially underway. The more people that volunteer the better as I want to randomly pick 10 names so the more over 10 I have the bigger pot I have to choose from for the starters.
    Oh and be sure to add in your Global Handle too please!

    Also, this thread will serve for me to start up the DO NOT TAG List. I understand some of you don't want to participate for one reason or another so if you know you don't want to play now (or know someone else that won't want to play but doesn't check the Forums often), let me know.
  7. I shall see if I can make it to one of these times as well.
  8. I've only seen Fling and Fone but I imagine they are only on for the duration of the free activation weekend.

    Chaos Sorcerer I havn't seen around since like issue 4 or 5 lol.
  9. Let's try this again and see if the Forums don't go down in the middle of me posting lol.

    Arc Name: Rumble with Beef Cake
    Arc ID: 1070
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Well this guy is like Green Dwarf in that you will probally get a message from him saying something along the lines of "Hi, I played your arc. I gave you X-Stars, play mine at #1070."
    Well the story of his is pretty straightforward, it is one mission where ...well, you brawl with Beef Cake.
    This was the one thing that I really liked about the mission. Since it wasn't story driven it was nice that he provided a chart that showed what would spawn on his map depending on what mission setting I was at.
    Aside from that it was a pretty straightforward brawl that thankfully lacked any ambushes as his health went down.

    Arc Name: Welcome to My Nightmare
    Arc ID: 77274
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Ok so this one is right up there with Teri's arc in my opinion with atmosphere. To best sum it up the tone of the story is like Nightmare on Elm Street and Silent Hill went on a date, got really drunk and conceived a baby. From the dialogue to the clues you just get a feeling that everything going on around you is very.... not good. I had to go find my Silent Hill cd and play it in the background as I played through it and was kind of hoping it may persuade Pyramidhead to appear. But alas he did not, sad face.
    My only complaints were that the story was VERY ambiguous, to the point that everything in it almost seems random. You're constanly left wondering why you are fighting the things you are fighting but there is never really an explanation to it and by the 5th mission you just start scratching your head trying to come to a conclusion.
    I also would have preferred some kind of explanation for the contact (the Curator) in relation to Steven.
    Other than that this was an interesting follow-up to it's predecessor, Plastic's Revenge, which has now gone from a one-shot to a Prequel and I would suggest you play through it before this one. It's only one mission so it doesn't take long.
  10. Arc Name: Formula For War
    Arc ID: 50512
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: This story is set during the end of DubyaDubya Two and involves you working with the Allies to stop the 5th Column from producing a super soldier serum.

    The reason this story works so well is because it's a peroid piece so it makes sense for either a hero or villain to be working with the contact considering the time period. Another nice feature that is overlooked until you sit down and think about it is that the 5th column and spetsnaz soldiers are all custom. Which means not only do they spawn at any level but you won't have to deal with Warwolves or vampyri or floating robotics which makes you think "wait they need a super serum for what?"

    The story hits an interesting twist when the Russians decide they want the serum as well and you are racing against them to get it. And for my favorite part...he tied it into one of his characters (who's like dirt old in modern times) as one of their metahumans back then. I enjoy seeing MA arcs where people not only incorporate their characters but let you learn something about them, and this got it covered.

    The pacing was also nice as it was mostly 5th and then spets, which we all know we can rampage through. The fight vs the super soldiers are challenging but not frustratingly so as (YAY) their super strength is set on Hard tops. I can't tell you the number of times I /em forehead when I see an EB/AV with Super Strength on Extreme.
    Rage + KO Blow + EB/AV level = BADBADBADBADBAD.
  11. Arc Name: Hell hath no fury
    Arc ID: 37596
    Creator: @Ms. Teri
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: The reason I liked this one was because it was story driven. While I like a lot of arcs because they are story driven, this one was unique in the aspect of what the story entailed.

    Essentially you were dealing with a super-villain named Scorned. Sadly I forgot to write down her real name but before she was a super villain she was a normal married woman with two children. Then her husband divorced her, took the children and refused to let her see them.
    That pretty much broke her down mentally and she took on the name Scorned and is determined to get revenge on her ex-husband and everyone that was involved in the ending of the marriage.

    The reason I like it so much is that we have lots of different stories out there right now and they're all really good, but this one was real. When I say real I mean it was written well enough that you could understand why the villain was doing what she was doing and at the same time be slightly horrified at what well... someone scorned is capable of, especially if they have super powers.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    I haven't written most of the dialogue yet, and what little I did write I did after a few shots and I didn't spell check anything yet, but it is mindblowingly awesome

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh by the way Talia, I sometimes I like getting exp for my testing so I copy the arc I am working on, delete a few missions and publish the 1 mission arc. So yeah, if you did hit one of those ... it would look unfinish ... but I don't promote those and even if I got 1 star for them ... I wouldn't mind since I unpublish them quickly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't pointing the finger at any one person.

    Actually, I'm not even sure the arcs I was referring to are from anyone on Justice since the MA arcs cover all the servers.

    People on Justice have been very good at telling me if I am just testing/feedbacking or actually playing through their finished arcs
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm glad you enjoyed it though, and here's another song to play while playing the arc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No that's being saved for the sequel
  14. Discussion
    *Hops on soapbox*
    I do not mind testing out arcs for people and giving them feedback, but I'm really not a fan of people just going "ok my arc is done, go play it" and I walk into the mission and the objectives on the nav screen aren't right, there's numerous typos, their npcs are missing dialogue, there's no clues and/or their custom characters lack bios.

    In the end it would end up frustrating the creator because I would just rate it on whether the story was interesting and how much I enjoyed what was there. However my 3, 4 or 5-star rating would quickly be gobbled up by 1 star ratings and negative comments about how terrible it was, when technically it wasn't complete.

    So my new policy on this is... When an arc is not complete, I give them a review of what i like/dislike and mention they are not getting a star rating yet because the arc is not done. It's not really fair to give someone a low rating just because, in a way, the arc isn't completely done. But on the other hand, it'd be nice if they didn't publish it until it was.

    Anyone else experience this?
  15. Arc Name: Rise of the Drakule
    Arc ID: 51357
    Creator: @LaserJesus
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Doctor Von Heksung wants me to help him destroy the evil vampire lord DRAKULE to put a stop to his reign of vampire-induced evil.

    I've played all 3 of LJs arcs and this one was the most enjoyable to me because he took something that was basically an inside-joke meme from the Halloween events and turned it into a fun story arc.

    The atmosphere was perfect for the story from the goth rave with teenagers drinking hemoblood to the final fight with Drakule... who I had to admit was pretty bad[censored] looking. Actually all of his characters fit the vampire motif without seeming stereotypical, even though they were...but maybe that's why it works.

    My only 2 complaints were that one of the bosses in the first level was a runner and that he did not name the brides of Drakule in the 2nd. But I imagine with all the customs he probally had .001% of space left, so I will just pretend they were all named: Druscilla, Dragula, Dannika and Darla *nod*

    Suggested Music to Jam With: This, This or This

    Moving on to.....

    Arc Name: Complete Randomness (Part 1 and Part 2)
    Arc ID: Part 1: 38882, Part 2: 47623
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Ok this arc is being chosen because over the last few days I have noticed a rising trend in arcs that being released.... they are half-done. The first story arc consists of me running through 5 maps collecting one item for my contact for reasons that she does not give me. I also do not recieve a clue each time I collect the item so I really have no idea what I am getting but from the mission descriptions I was thinking "Ok I must be building a megamek for this Fortunata or something."

    Part 2 comes around and the Fortunata is now upgraded to a femme-fatale Iron Man uniform. Now she reveals her past and future plans. She was gathering the items to make herself a power suit, which makes sense, and now she wants my help to assassinate Lord Recluse so she can take over Arachnos.
    I'm ok with that, as the AE simulator is just that I'm not going to throw a OMG THAT IS BREAKING CANON flag down or anything. But here is where the problem is: The contact says we need to find where Recluse is at and she's coming with... so off we go! Once inside, the contact is inside...captured by the Arachnos.

    [NPC] Mechaweaver Faye: Thanks for the save. I forgot to turn my armor on.

    See that was a pretty funny line because it fit in with her being captured. Well, we find his hideout and from the computer and go to mission #2...where Faye is once AGAIN captured by Arachnos. So after freeing her, and there was no dialogue this time, we get to the end and my brain broke a little.
    Apparently Recluse hired the Mu Goddess Hequat to stand in for him. So rather than Recluse being there I had to beat on her.
    Finish the mission start #3 and surprise... Faye is captured again. We go through it and I beat Recluse, Faye died in the process, and my debriefing is that now that he is dead she is going to take over and make the Rogue Isles a nicer place to live.
  16. Today was mostly spent running arcs with people to help them debug it... BUT I did end up running a pair of new ones.

    Arc Name: Red Capps dont take napps
    Arc ID: 39546
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: The contact, which is just the standard hologram guy, tells me in my briefing "kill all recaps".
    I zone into the mission (city map) and the navigational text has:
    kill everyone
    1 the bomb

    So I fly around, see a glowing barrel and click it. MISSION COMPLETE. I go talk to my contact again and the arc is over with an encouraging, "lol you did it".

    Total play time: 45 seconds.

    Next up!

    Arc Name: Stop the evil gang group
    Arc ID: 39874
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Super duber girl is my contact and informs me that "Not a mission to take lightly" and sends me on mah way. I zone into the mission (1 room map) and the navigational text has "All Consuming Hatred" as my mission objective.

    So I'm wondering what in the world that is when suddenly a tiny-sized fire/kin controller comes zipping in and starts attacking. It's name is, of course, All Consuming Hatred (or the ACH as I call it).

    After a quick beat down the mission completes and I get my briefing message of: WOW!!!!! you have returned.

    Total Playtime: About a minute because ACH got off one heal.
  17. Slow-day I was doing normal TFs all day so I didn't get to any new story arcs.. so I have few to catch-up on over the weekend..

    Arc Name: Head Above Water
    Arc ID: 1291
    Creator: @Cassie
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: This was a story arc that could almost be a Positron Taskforce 2.0. Actually if they took out the old Positron TF and put this one in instead, I'd definately be ok with that lol. The quick synposis is that Posi recruits you to help him find out why the Freakshow are in Steel Canyon and that leads you to into a much bigger plot against Positron himself.

    My only two complaints with the arc were that the Freakshow Tank boss didn't spawn in the first map. Which is totally not anyone's fault and goes back to a bug in the MA system with spawning things. With a quick restart the Boss was back and the problem was solved.
    The other is that halfway through you end up with Synapse as an ally to help you. Normally I don't think anything about that, but at the beginning of the arc you are called in by Positron because he said all of the Phalanx were busy elsewhere. I think hat would have been a spot for the creator to insert maybe their character or someone else to assist you other than Synapse. But that is a very minor previously established story plot nitpick. The rest is very solid, good pacing, good dialogue and good map layouts.

    Also in the L.O.L. category... Synapse got 'lost' when he was with me because he couldn't keep up. The levels of humor in that is BOUNDLESS!
  18. Arc Name: To Hell and Back
    Arc ID: 1026
    Creator Pohsyb
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: The first charming thing about is the spastic imp that serves as your contact. It reminds me of Gollum for some reason. Anyways he wants you to do some work to help prevent something bad from happening to his Demonic Lord.
    But the real gem in this arc comes when you visit Mission #2. I won't spoil it for you but you'll bust out into laughter and declare Poh a genious between what you see on the screen and the zone-in dialogue.

    Arc Name: What Happens in Cyberspace Stays in the Recycle Bin
    Arc ID: 17030
    Creator @FallenFantom
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: Ok I kept hearing people talk about this arc on my global channel all evening. So at the end of the night I was going over my To-Play list and remembered I had yet to do it.
    The general idea is that you are going into FallenFantom's computer and ridding it of viruses, spyware and adult content before his wife gets home.
    So you enter and are fighting the likes of Pop-Ups that appropriately come back to life after they are killed, and MrMcAfee who likes to attack the Mature Websites you 'rescue'. Then you can top it off with the dialogue here is a sample:
    [NPC] Doctor: CHEiAP VIf,AGkRA CLixk BwELoO
    [NPC] Mature Websites: My hero!
  19. LOL Mary Sue! Ok back to some of the other arcs I did last night.

    Arc Name: The Perfect Brew
    Arc ID: 2007
    Morality: Neutral
    Creator: @Green Dwarf
    Arc Length: 5 missions
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed: So the overall story is very straight to the point. You're helping Green Dwarf collect 4 items for his perfect brew, then in the last mission you are to brew it. Though it's only 5 missions long the maps are all outdoors and usually only have 1 objective so you can finish the arc fairly quickly if you don't want to spend a lot of time playing.
    The thing that completely won me over was the surprise in the 4th mission.
    ** SPOILER **
    I almost fell out of my chair and started yelling in my global channels about it, which also caught them by surprise. Having the ability to put something like [spoiler] in missions defenately adds a brand new element to the creator.

    Has anyone else noticed that objectives sometimes simply disappear from a mission?
    When I placed a Boss spawn on the condition of a rescue being completed. When I would play solo it would spawn just fine, but then when I tried it on a team of 4 on Setting 2 the Boss never spawned.
    On two Story Arcs that I tried last night (and I'll post up my review of them in another post). The boss did not properly spawn in the first mission. It was a freakshow Tank and the only objective on a city map and I was solo on Level 1, which was very odd. Fortunately it was the first mission so i just reset it and taa-daa he appeared that time.
    The second one was a bit more troublesome, as it was in the 4th mission. That time there was a full team and the Boss was to appear upon the defeat of a boss.

    Has this particular bug happened to anyone else?
  20. oooo spiffy let me know when it's out!

    Ok my first night was...hectic i played a LOT of arcs, so I'm going to post my thoughts of them in small clumps at a time.

    First up!

    Arc Name: In the Shadow of the Towers
    Arc ID: 1402
    Morality: Hero
    Creator: @TheDeepBlue
    Why you think it deserves to be played: Ok this story arc is everything I always wanted in City of Heroes. Basically you are working WITH that's right, with not for, the Paragon Police Department. And the reason it was instantly likeable was the part where the chief says "I know this is low level stuff but we are overbooked on crime and honestly one hero can do what a squad of my best people can do".
    That is the kind of stuff I like to here in CoH because superheroes ARE supposed to be better than a normal police member but yet we pretty much end up getting stuck working for them like we're an average citizen. Despite being exemplar'd to 15 this is one of those really well written arcs that makes me ignore that I just lost a buncha my powers.

    Arc Name: Last Dead Standing
    Arc ID: 5671
    Morality: Neutral
    Creator: @Docam
    Why you think it deserves to be played: Ok the premise of this one was a fun one. A city is overrun by zombies and you need to stop them. When you load inside it is filled with PlayNC zombies, Cyborg zombies, Police Zombies, etc.
    The only initial problem with it was that the objective was to defeat Lady Docam and it was set in a city map. So while in theory I -could- have punched my way to the zombies I can also just as easily hit fly + tab my way around till I find her. Now granted she hit hard but still the fight lasted less than five minutes.

    Which brings me to my MA tip of the day! When making a city map it's always best to give people more than one assignment to do if you put them in an outside mission. Usually you should try to put something in the mission that fits the theme. So in this case you should go with, rescues and maybe another boss battle.

    I am happy to say that the new version that is up of this mission requries you to rescue citizens from the zombalalies and you have to fight an additional boss battle, which lets you stick around longer and enjoy the doomed atmosphere!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Well played madame. Well played.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I know right

    I'll put my arcs up first I suppose.

    Arc Name: Fall of the White Plains
    Arc ID: 2248
    Morality: Hero
    Creator: @talia rayvyn
    Difficulty Level: Solo/Medium but Group play works too (Medium)
    Arc Description: In the final days of the First War, the city of White Plains is under attack by the invaders known as 'the Rikti'. It is up to you to aid Tessa Rayvyn in rescuing her family.
    Arc Length:
    -Long: Between 30 minutes to an Hour to complete.


    Arc Name: The Rose in the Web
    Arc ID: 3677
    Morality: Villain
    Creator: @talia rayvyn
    Difficulty Level: Solo/Medium but Group play works too (Medium)
    Arc Description: Set shortly after the Arachnos breakout of the Ziggurat. You find yourself aboard a Flier hjiacked by the Black Rose. They present you with an offer of membership with them rather than Arachnos.
    Arc Length:
    -Long: Between 30 minutes to an Hour to complete.

    Why you think it deserves to be played: Well for one I made it Also it is a story arc set during the Rikti War so players get an experience of what it was like for the heroes before the Paragon we know and live from when CoH went live and a visit to a place that is familiar and yet not.

    Also I reallyreally like feedback on my arcs whether you liked it or not. Though if you don't like it I would like you to tell me what aspects of it you did not like, because that allows me to make changes to my works.
  22. Title: Fall of the White Plains
    Arc ID: 2248
    Creator’s Global Name: @talia rayvyn
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis – In the final days of the First War, the city of White Plains is under attack by the invaders known as 'the Rikti'. It is up to you to aid Tessa Rayvyn in rescuing her family.
    Number of EB/AVS – 5?
    Story Type – Serious
    Mission Count: 5
    Estimated Time to Play: An hour

    Title: The Rose in the Web
    Arc ID: 3677
    Creator’s Global Name: @talia rayvyn
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis – Set shortly after the Arachnos breakout of the Ziggurat. You find yourself aboard a Flier hjiacked by the Black Rose. They present you with an offer of membership with them rather than Arachnos.
    Number of EB/AVS – 10
    Story Type – Serious
    Mission Count: 4
    Estimated Time to Play: An hour

    Note – I like to hear your feedback on my arcs, stuff you like and stuff you didn't like
  23. Thread changed to a MA Arc Discussion thread
  24. Welcome to the official Justice Server Mission Architect discussion thread.

    This thread can be used to discuss/recommend story arcs that you think should be played by others.

    Orange Info = Manditory to post, so we can try it
    Bolded Info = Optional misc info

    Arc Name:
    Arc ID:
    Morality: Hero, Villain or Neutral
    Creator: Global/Forum Name
    Difficulty Level:
    -Solo or Group Orientated
    -Easy Medium or Hard
    Arc Description:
    Arc Length:
    -Short: Less than 30 minutes to complete.
    -Average: Around 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
    -Long: Between 30 minutes to an Hour to complete.
    Very Long: Over an Hour to complete.
    Why you think it deserves to be played/discussed:
  25. Arc Name: The Fall of White Plains
    Arc ID: 7866
    Faction: Heroes
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Macabre Rayvyn
    Difficulty Level: Moderate and scales up to Hard
    Synopsis: You find a strange disk in Ourboros labeled "the Rayvyn's Nest" and upload it to the computer. A portal activates behind you and the following message displays: The city of White Plains is under attack by the invaders known as 'the Rikti'. It is up to you to aid Tessa Rayvyn in rescuing her family.
    Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour
    Link to More Details or Feedback: PM me on the Forums or get in touch with me @Talia Rayvyn on live.