708 -
Best of luck in all and any endeavor you undertake, Rockjaw and look after yourself.
Thanks for everything! -
No can do either. My flat was flooded yesterday but I managed to salvage everything.
PC is unplugged etc..
Damn you Dublin City Council - Water division! >.> -
I've removed the Shakespeare derailment. Please try to avoid any further completely irrelevant tangents.
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Thank you. -
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Aye, drop your life in the UK, get a job at NCNC and remake the game the way you think it should be made.
Sorry couldn't resist. -
Ben oui, c'est bien ce que je pensais: je m'exprime mal, vu que comme je dis plus haut: on se fait tous du soucis pour tous les CC (et autres employés) qu'on côtoie quotidiennement.
Non mais c'est pas grave. C'est moi: Toujours coincé entre ces 2 langues >< -
Bonne nouvelle pour toi Palla. ^^
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Le fait de ne pas se faire virer ne constitue pas une bonne nouvelle, mais plutot une mauvaise pour ceux qui doivent partir
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Je me serais sans doute mal expliqué. C'est parce que je pratique pas assez mon français..
bonne nouvelle = tant mieux pour Palla de ne pas avoir à chercher un autre boulot.
Ou est-ce que le fait que Palla reste tandis que les autres partent consiste en soit à une mauvaise nouvelle? -
Update from the French boards from Palladium:
Pour ce qui est de l'équipe communautaire ici en Europe... Il va effectivement y avoir des changements. Rockjaw et Aero risquent de nous quitter (bien qu'ils ne travaillaient pas exclusivement sur CoX, ils ont organisé pas mal d'évènements), Kerensky (CC allemand) également. GhostRaptor (CC anglais) et moi-même ne sommes pas concernés.
J'espère que cela clarifie un peu la situation.
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Regarding the CC team, here in Europe... there will indeed be changes. There is a chance that Rockjaw and Aero might leave us (even though they aren't working only on CoX, they organized many events), Kerensky as well. GhostRaptor and myself aren't concerned [by the redundancies]. -
Any word about Palladium or they are phasing out French and German servers in the process of cutting down expenses?
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No word from Palladium as of yet besides the one I posted earlier, stating that city of is not affected by the downsize. -
Pour Rockjaw, c'est sur son Feed Twitter et son Blogmobile! .
Pour Aero, c'est ici.
Pour Kerensky, c'est ici aussi (même si il vient de dire qu'après être rentré d'Allemagne, il serait dans les bureaux d'NCE lundi.
Les posts suivant sont dans le sujet lié ci-dessus. Trop fatigué pour traduire.
Post d' Aero - #1203277:
Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the messages of support. I won't go into detail about anything, as that's going to be GhostRaptor's job (yes he's still going to be around - you can't get rid of him that easily I'm afraid). At the time I came to NCsoft I had been a CoX player for some time, and will still remain in game. In fact now I might have some time to play it(!!) so hopefully I'll see some of you in the skies over Paragon City.
/em bows out
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Post de Rockjaw - #1203639:
Hey guys. This'll be quick mostly as my battery is dying, it's 2:20am, and I don't want to go blundering around in the dark waking the missus up looking for a charger.
I am truly touched, and honoured, to read some of the stuff you guys have said here, both about - er - me, and also about us, being my team (who pretty much ran shows) and the rest of the Community guys.
Just to clarify a couple of things: despite my tendency to hang out here, I don't officially work on COH (Oops: didn't) and truly, never did, at least not solely. I worked on all NCsoft products. However, as (I can't believe I'm saying this) Golden Girl correctly said, COH was the entire reason I came to work here in the first place - so yeah, special place, all that.
Second: GhostRaptor's still here, and I'm sure when he wakes up he'll be in this thread. COH is fine right now. I have every confidence NCNC will keep on rockin' that game. Like Aero, maybe I'll have time to play now.
I don't want to talk about much else here right now, as it might not be prudent to. However my blog's linked in the sig (hint... such a linkwhore) and maybe I'll see you there.
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Post de GhostRaptor - #1204181:
While I can't go into details heavily, I wanted to address a few points to ease any concerns you may have about City of Heroes, and specifically CoH in Europe.
I'll start by linking to Lighthouse's post with regards the status of NCNC and CoH. In summary, City of Heroes is not directly affected. Development continues, and the expansion of the NCNC team continues. CoH in Europe will also continue as it has previously.
The only thing that might change is that there is a possibility that Kerensky may be leaving us. I stress possibility, because it is not decided yet. The community team will still be here, doing all the things we've always done: attending shows, supporting your player events, subduing naughty posts, flying over Paragon City and the Rogue Isles spying on what you're all up to and more.
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Post de Kerensky - #1204643:
I'm sitting here in Cologne, visiting friends who are going to be wed this weekend (I will be back in the office on Monday)...
I want to thank you all for your wonderful words and your votes for me. Saxtus: It is overwhelming - I have tears in my eyes. Thank you all!
Alas, this is the way of the world. I have a couple of days left until the final decision will be made and until then I will still be here for the City of Heroes Community.
However, if Fate decides that I have to take a different way, so be it.
Thank you all - over and over - I know now for sure that it this is something worth fighting for.
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Du coup, on se fait tous du soucis là haut et je me disais que Palla dit pas grand chose à part que le City of* continuera.
Je pense qu'il y en a à qui on aura proposé de rester un temps ou de prendre l'argent et partir, comme le souligne Rockjaw:
Option A: walk away with redundancy (ie, money). Option B: er, stay for a bit, then walk away. Im pretty sure right now Ill be taking Option A.
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Enfin tout ça pour dire que le "downsize" fait mal, surtout quand on côtoie quotidiennement les CC (de près ou de loin).
Et puis ça pourrait (et je stresse le terme "pourrait" vu qu'on est pas trop au courant non plus) affecter aussi tout ceux qui bosse derrière la scène aussi: service clientele, GM, etc...
EDIT: Pfft, je corrige quelques fautes de frappe et les liens partent en sucette >.> -
Kerensky a reçu la botte aux fesses.
Rockjaw aussi...
Dis Arckont, tu peux me filer le lien de ou cela est dit stp?
Merci. -
J'espère que Palladium n'est pas touché pas cette re-organisation...
I never really had any contact with either Rockjaw nor Aero. Barely any rednames in fact (Midoh excluded).
Still, even I know that the CC's we had here, regardless of who they are/were, still put more than a solid worker's rating effort into this community.
When 60% of Vivendi Universal Games Dublin was made redundant, we had many concerns but everyone found much better (and for some, more fun) jobs.
I'm sure the ex-NCE lads will find something much, much better and only retain the good memories from their time in Brighton.
Good luck! -
I'm with Zortel... Sod CoHEU, it's the staff I'm worried about! Morale must be pretty sucky there right now...
*big hugs* for everyone there, and I REALLY hope things will be OK for you guys...
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Aye. No one enjoys losing their jobs.
On a side note, Palladium posted this on the French boards :
Un article de presse devrait être publié dans les prochaines heures, sachez juste que City of n'est pas affecté, le jeu se porte au mieux depuis longtemps et reste l'un des produits phare de NCsoft, malgré ce que certains peuvent penser.
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A press release should be available from NCsoft in the next couple of hours. Know that "City of" won't be affected by this. The game is alive and at it's peak for quite some time now and is set to stay as one of NCsoft's leading titles, regardless of what some might think. -
Holy brown stuff.
Never thought it was that serious.
They were mentioning something about UK publishing and QA operations for an untitled MMO.... not the European community support team. :O -
Well it was going to be around at some stage. I mean it's not like EDGE has low traffic...
I'm just curious as to what title they are referring to. -
NCsoft will cease all development operations at its Brighton, UK-based studio, reports Develop.
According to the site, up to 50 staff were notified earlier this week of plans to close the development team just a year after its launch.
The move reportedly follows the decision to cancel an untitled MMO that was in development.
UK publishing and QA operations, which are based at the same offices, are set to remain in place.
Weve contacted NCsoft for confirmation of the report.
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Untitled MMO? -
no no I really meant chips. Big, chunky, fried and uhm.. ugh.
But crisps too now that you mention it...
Keep the wrong side of the road...
only if you give up on salt and vinegar chips -
Just lose the pounds, the stones, the ounces etc...
Adopt the kilometer, the kilo and the euro.
Be European or GTFO
(this is a joke, before you Brits jump me.. ) -
Sorry if I came across like a knob there I didnt mean too.
So GG guys
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Not at all ^^
Your vent dialogue complemented ours perfectly it seems -
Am still laughing at our defeat!! It definitely was a fun game if not slightly embarrassing...
You guys obviously put a lot of effort into your prep and you deserved to win. Congrats again fellas.
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Also, I would like to echo your compliment about sportsmanship. Screaming losers is one thing, but gloating winners is another and your team was respectful of our loss (even though I suspect the hysterics probably took over hence the lack of words at the end)
Nicky, I was relying solely on the Elusive mind
Furthermore, I wish someone had recorded our ventrilo conversation during the game...
"I can't hit them... I can't hit them *cries*"
And hey Dirt o/
Swissy aka Glaciers... -
Heh brilliant. Best comic strip since the superb EED (Eat Electric Death. Whatever happened to him?)
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Aye, I miss EED as well...