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  1. The two biggest incentives to make ARCs (for me) are..
    1. To have them played by as many people as possible
    2. To earn the privilege of publishing more ARCs
    The ratings system as it stands makes both of these incentives impossible. For all of the 12 pages of reasoning listed above.

    Right now, I'd rather have NO rating system at all than what is presented now.
  2. I'd humbly point you to my 3 ARC trilogy. Red Dawn has a tough opening mission and both Red Scare and Red Doom have challenging climaxes.
  3. I've published my three ARCs now, and have noticed in my testing and in the feedback I've gotten that my AVs and EBs are on the one hand too tough for solo players, but a challenge for groups. When I've tested AVs and EBs on settings that made them challenging for solos, groups blow right by them, sometimes quickly enough that their dialogue overlapps as their health bar dropps like a stone.

    I'm wondering if there is a balance somewhere in the system. And if there isn't, why have the option to set an AV's power sets at Extreme/Extreme? I'm not recommending that all minions LTs Bosses, and EBs be set to this high level. That would just be frustrating for all involved.

    For those of you more steeped in the mechanics and numbers in the system than I am, could you lend some advice on how to scale those EBs and AVs. I'm looking for challenge and dramatic weight, not invincibility.
  4. After a week of digging into MA, I have to say it's the best feature I've encountered in the MMO Market. It needs, and will get refinements in the coming weeks (oh pleasepleaseplease let me create my own Adverasary Bases as playable maps!!!), but even at this stage I've been able to write and publish the stories I want to play. That's never been done in the MMO industry before, to my knowledge.
  5. Arc Name: Red Dawn
    Arc ID: 98374
    Faction: Heroic
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Brightmantle/SuperPheemy
    Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard
    Synopsis: The Red Guard returns with revenge in their hearts anda diabolic scheme in their minds!
    Estimated Time to Play: 1 1/2 - 2 hours