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  1. Thanks for the responses guys.

    Will try Defiant Events.

  2. Hi there,

    I'm just back after about a year away and I have a few mid and low level toons with mains at 34 (scrapper) and 27 (healer) - so I'm not a total noobie. : )

    Just logging into Defiant and I've spent the last couple of days having problems finding teams or pretty much anyone my level who wants to do missions with me or who I can help. My game time over the last 3 days has pretty much been spent logging in, asking to join teams, being ignored then logging out.

    This is a bit different to about 12 months ago when you could just jump in and find a team without too much problem. Standing in Atlas now and there's only 3 of us around and the others are lvl 1 and 3!

    Just wondering whether this is a problem with me or a shift in the way the game is played now. I've noticed, searching for players, that there are a lot of high end (lvl50) numbers and also a lot of players sitting in bases. Has COH shifted to End-Game only now?

    just after any advice as to the best way to play nowadays or have I missed the boat?

    Many thanks for any help or advice.