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  1. This has to be the dumbest issue I have ever seen in any game. I see people arguing over a badge that does not enhance your character and is optional if you do not want it. This FICTIONIAL game is set in America so having the US Flag in the game makes sense. When you visit cities in the USA and go to the City Hall you will see the US Flag flying. It is like that in practically ever city in every state. So would it make sense to have the <insert any country here> flag flying over City Hall?

    Do players think that Cryptic is some how trying to enforce the America way of life on to everyone just for playing this game. Do you think that they have some secret agenda to take over the world and make everyone American? Or maybe you think that you will revoke your citizenship and be forced to swear allegiance to the USA when you get this badge. Or maybe Cryptic just wanted to make a fun game that just happen to be set in the USA. If you do not like the badge don’t get it.

    If this game were set in England, France, or any other Nation it would make perfect sense to see the flag and symbols of that country in game. Also if there were a badge that you could get by standing next to that country’s flag I would do it with pride. And the wording of the badge didn’t bother me because to us the US Flag is a symbol of freedom and liberty. I would expect the wording of the badge to reflect the country that the flag represents. Each country’s flag stand for something.

    Christ, people it is just a game stop trying to find some political reason behind this issue. .
  2. Got to bump this and say thanks to everyone who wants to play the healers. Empaths are the class that evey team wants but few choose to play (seems that way in every MMOG). This is a good guide.