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  1. I had such a blast on the last one, I think i'll give it another go
  2. Gratz Trixta!!! Its be great fun teaming with you on your way to 40.
  3. Congratulations on your first level 40 Villain Pumber! Savage Dentist next then?
  4. Congratulations you Saucy Bint you!
  5. Could you please add Starstorm
    Electrical Blast/Devices/Electrical Mastery Blaster.
  6. Congratulations on your first level 50 RA!!
  7. Starstorm


    Yayy! Thanks to the organisers and everyone who took part Now i'm off to polish my hami-o
  8. Starstorm

    Trista Hits 50

    Congratulations on your third level 50 Trista!! It was great to be there to share the moment
  9. Gratz to Ace sister number 3 hitting 50 Very well done Ace its been great teaming with you.
  10. Huge grats to Mrs Mystery on reaching the giddy heights of level 50. Well deserved!

    Now enjoy your PB/WS
  11. Starstorm

    Amellie Hits 50!

    Gratz Amelie!! Glad I got the opportunity to team with you aon your journey. Very well deserved
  12. Thanks very much everybody. A huge thanks to everybody I have teamed with along the way, its been an absolute pleasure
  13. A Well deserved GRATZ!! to Snow for his 4th 50
  14. Starstorm


    Congratulations Phobos on getting your PB to 50
  15. Gratz WhiteAngel! I'm sure we will see your Keldian soon.
  16. Gratz Honsou!! Very well deserved and glad I could be there to see you ding
  17. Gratz to both of you! It was great to be there and much fun was had by all!
  18. I have had great fun with my Elec/Dev blaster. Super Speed is a good choice as its Stealth component combines with Cloaking Device to render you completely invisible to most mobs. I often start a fight be going in and planting a trip mine and queing up my caltrops.

    You get access to 2 pets as well but I have skipped Voltaic Sentinal. Recall Friend combines well with Auto Turret and then you can move it with you. Auto Turret can also take Aggro and is quite tough. Plant some mines throw down some Caltrops and then stick an Auto Turret behind.
  19. Glad I could be there to see it. Congratualtions
  20. A big congratulations Lokanna Very well deserved to such a nice person
  21. Starstorm

    2nd Respec Trial

    I'd be happy to help out, What time are you thinking of starting?
  22. Congratulations Famke! It was an honour to be there to see you hit 50.

    Ooooh my first post!