
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. All set: gave you editing rights to the calendar to simplify matters.

    As you're getting more involved with events this will allow you better management of anything else you might have in mind as well.
  2. On vacation, and missed yesterday's run... gotta get in on this for next Friday at least once.

    My PB,, needs some attention.

    Also, should I add this to the calendar (if it hasn't been already)?
  3. So, not starting today?

    Wifey is also interested, but may not be there every week.
  4. Always interested in getting another badge.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    How would Saturday afternoon be for everyone?

    (On an unrelated note, sorry about crashing out of the Roy Cooling arc yesterday, Stalemate. My internet ended up being out for the rest of the day.)
    No worries THB, was a hard time for everyone I think. I crashed twice, wife once, and another player had a few difficulties keeping a stable connection.

    Saturday PM sounds good.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sole_Savior View Post
    I'm not sure if I'm speaking for the majority of the server but It seems Protector Vigilance is vacated...
    As one of the guys who moderates the channel and one who's involved in maintaining the Twitter feed and calendar associated with said calendar with a bunch of other volunteers, I can assure you it's far, far from vacated.

    My own schedule for a Praetorian crew is fairly open right now, except perhaps on Sundays, so I'll go with the flow.
  7. First responder... me?

    I'm right here!
  8. Hey Arch, thanks for the feedback.

    Rush the Rikti is a ... shall we say "particular" event in that it is officially scheduled for 9, but people start showing up waaaaaay before that time and hence the runs tend to start earlier than the official time. This was done with Drake Crator a few months back.

    As for the map thing... that's what happens when you enter something in the "where" field. Google links it up to Google Maps. Funny.

    But more about this: would that be a feature that would be good to have, a link to Vidiotmaps or Paragon Wiki?
  9. Any of this action occuring in Praetoria?
  10. Whoa!

    Sleuth in the house.

    Thanks. ;-)

    Only the winner for my own contest remains. =)
  11. If anyone has a log of this panel, I would greatly appreciate you contact me.

    I'd like to extract the actual Q&A information so I can repost it here. Thanks.
  12. Random Prizes from Madame Pistacio, and P.E.R.C.

    Mac Special Edition Item Pack (Mission Teleporter and Valkyrie costume set) - Mercury Marvel

    30 day temporary Jetpack Code - Mionas

    1 Harlequin (Carnival of Shadows) costume code - Doc Syphon

    1 Freakshow costume code - Energy Freeze

    1 PPD costume code - Astral Prism

    These are character names. If anyone can please point to the actual global handles, or forum names, that would be great. The sooner, the better.

    Also, embarrassingly, I lost a hard disk last weekend and my reliance on filtering my chat logs after the fact is proving my undoing.

    I need the name of the person who won my own random Protector Vigilance draw of a costume code of their choice, and the actual choice from the following list:
    • Praetorian Clockwork
    • Rikti Mentalist
    • Carnie Harlequin or Ringmistress
    • Praetorian Ghoul
    • Meatdoctor
    • Freakshow boss
    • PPD Hardsuit

    I'm very sorry about this, but my own personal list of winners was on my hard drive, and I never had time to upload it to a safer location before it died.
  13. For the sake of transparency and accountability, here is the list of prizes handed out (some still to be handed out) for Day of Vigilance:

    If you have any questions, or have not yet received your prize, please contact me.

    I'm doing my best not to forget anyone, but mistakes happen and I will pay for them out of my own pocket if they do.

    Thanks for participating everyone.

    This was quite an experience.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    July 28th is my 10 year wedding anniversary. My wife and I are heading out of town for a long weekend to celebrate. When I told my wife double XP weekend was the same weekend as our anniversary vacation, she suggested that new matching laptops may be great additions the the anniversary plans. Yeah, I married the perfect lady.
    Win, and gratz.
  15. I'll wait til it's official then.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vorac View Post
    Hmmm, I'm seeing the nearest available time for me being Sunday August 14th. That should give everyone enough notice and time to round up some "Friends".
    As far as a start time, I was thinking to start spawning around 12pm pacific/3pm EDT. But this can be changed if we need to. I'm pretty flexible.
    Want that on the calendar?
  17. Here you go:

    The Twitter feeds are an added feature. No need to log into Twitter to get your feeds thanks to these scripts, and you can scroll through previous broadcasts. Thanks to for letting me add their station Show Notes.

    Calendar editors can hit the bottom right-hand corner button to access the full calendar and be able to edit it from there.

    If you're interested in seeing your SG / VG website's URL in the left pane, email or PM me.
  18. Stalemate

    Mentor Project

    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    ...If you need help with something in particular, you can often get folks to come to you for assistance. That Help channel is server wide so it's better than using /broadcast or something similar. It hits all zones, not just the zone you're in.
    And of course, joining the N P C (AKA - New Player Channel) allows you to have an extra dose of help across all servers at any time, drawing from knowledgeable, experienced folks - even a few from Paragon Wiki itself. Type /chan_join "N P C" and make sure to add it to your chat tab (right-click it, select Edit).

    I don't play on Champion myself, but if you need a personal mentor I can look people up for you, or even supply a list of mentors from that server.

    Welcome to the game!
  19. Sorry you felt targeted by that BW.

    It wasn't aimed at you, even if you feel it "fits" and despite the unfortunate placement. Yes, your comments were in my mind as I replied since they were the last ones I read, but I was responding in a generic manner with my own impressions.

    You're 100% entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. I wasn't belittling that. Enjoy the game as you see fit.

    Super Flu, don't feel like you started something - you didn't.

    I thought it was kind of cool that you noticed that, and as you see, you're not alone.
  20. Personally, in my 7 years playing, I've been on Protector since I logged in but also have tried other servers.

    Some I'm still present on, others I've crossed out. It all depends on whether or not the server caters to your personal play style and personality, I think.

    And I don't want to sound callous (but it will probably come out like that), but it's always been hard for me to empathize with players who would complain that Protector's community was too small, or not as inclusive when it comes to activity they can partake in, and then strike off to another server instead of finding solutions.

    I mean, I understand those who want to have better opportunities for teaming and engaging in the activities they enjoy (say, RPing or PVP), but to then take the time to come back on the Protector boards to complain about Protector's shortcomings is much less comprehensible.

    To me, that's like getting into a baseball game, deciding it's not working out for you, and leaving with the equipment you had shared with the rest. Then, while playing on the next field over, coming back to the first game explaining you've left because of a lack of players and equipment. A circular argument, or vicious circle of sorts. The logic escapes me.

    Anyhow, I'm not pointing fingers or placing blame. that's just the way things have evolved on Protector in the last years. And yet when I log in, I have to turn teams and people down because the offers are coming in unsolicited. The activity may not be the same as 5 years ago, but it's picked up since Going Rogue came along and I predict COH Freedom will also bring in more players.

    Protector has done great things, and is still doing so. Some of our ideas have impacted other servers and continue to do so. Is it better than other servers?

    I doubt it. It's just different, and some love it while others don't. Some find a spot in it easily and quickly, others can't seem to ever fit in. Players change, moods change, expectations change. Just the way it is I guess.

    I just really dig Protector's flavor, even when - as SuperFlu said - I occasionally find it on other servers.
  21. I'm mean to my lowbies.

    They tend to get attention only when the situation warrants it: when I'm teaming with someone in the same level range, which is rare.

    I'm thinking I might take one or two out of the basement for this.

    Note: Added to calendar.
  22. That's all right guys.

    I already gave up on this line of thought.

    We did our best to promote DOV, and if some feel it wasn't enough they are entitled to their opinion, no matter how we feel about the motivations behind the words.

    Personally, I know I should have ignored this, but I have a hard time with certain attitudes.

    As things are, I prefer to let people think whatever they want about this last exchange of replies. I think the words speak for themselves enough for people to deduce what is happening here.

    I really do want criticism, and hopefully it can be constructive.