29 -
I have a tendency to take interest in this game and then subsequently not devot a particularly significant amount of time to actually playing this game. This is the only reason I can come up with on the lack of understanding I possess as to why this thread actually exists.
I got a little board watching this, but the moments you started taking damage I was yelling at the top of my lungs, "YOU BETTER RUN [African American]".
Someone form a team that I can join, I'm very interested.
Quote:8=====D0:I wasn't talking about me. I know I'm hopeless. I'm the worst PvPer on freedom Vex and everyone knows that, lol. But there are some excellent players in RV that have the potential to be excellent in arena so don't push THEM away. d;D
You're so angry.
8====D squirt 0X -
1). Aristotle's manuscript attestations = maybe 5, dated circa 1,000 years after the life of Aristotle.
2). Plato's manuscript attestions = maybe 2, dated circa 1,000 years after the life of Plato.
3). Socrates manuscript attestions = 0, only reason we know Socrates existed is because Plato wrote about him.
These individuals are by no means myths.
New Testament Manuscript attestions = over 6,000 dated withn 20 - 55 (depending on liberal or conservative scholarship c.f. Robinson's work "Redating The NT") years of the alleged life of Yahoshua; called "Jesus" as the transliterated form of his name in the Koine Greek lanugage.
If the most highly attested work of antiquity = myth in your worldview, you are entitled to your opinions (I believe Homer's Iliad coming in second.)
The point has nothing to do with the veracity of either an MMO or the Christian worldview. The point is to simply question the purpose of a passage of Scripture dealing with the cessation of the "Spiritual Gift" labelled by most Evangelicals as "tongues" when the "church" reaches it's completed, mature state (as documentable before 70CE before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem) as it relates to what is being labelled as "Issue 17".
Edit: I was corrected, Plato is up to 7 MSS attestations. -
I'm down... Don't wanna be captain or anything with responsibility.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." -
My Dream team would be:
Oh wait nevermind I'd end up getting kick and picked up by vince. -
I went and saw a PvP counselor, the following is a transcription of our discussion:
Me: "I just can't seem to pvp effectively."
PvP Counselor: "What seems to be the problem?"
Me: "I can't get any kills and I die alot."
PvP Counselor: "What build are you using?"
Me: "A Fun/Happy time build."
PvP Counselor: "Have you tried looking into viable PvP builds?"
Me: "I like superman"
PvP Counselor: "No, like COH/COV builds that have proven to be effective in PvP."
Me: "Why don't they just change the game so I get can get kills and stay alive longer."
PvP Counselor: "Why don't you try getting with some experienced PvPers and have them teach you how to PvP. Game experiences change with online play you know, and it might be a good idea to learn to adapt."
Me: "No, they should changed the game."
PvP Counselor: "You should at least consider it and give it some thought."
Me: "No, change the game."
PvP Counselor: "What if I recommended some toons/builds to try out?"
Me: "No, I already have a Super Duper/Gipper Awesome build that punches things, and I'm working on a Ninja/Kitty strike build that flies and has fairy wings."
PvP Counselor: **Speechless**
Me: "K, change the game" -
They should fix this "exploit", especially since someone doesn't like it.
As far as zones go, they should also fix it so that when you're fighting someone they don't run away easily, cuz that's just crap; people should stand and fight and FC it up. They should also do something about those stupid support toons coming in to zones and continuously healing dudes to full HP, that's just plain stupid. And those nubs that pop greens like candy they should do something about that; I hate it when I can't kill someone in pvp. And what's with all these powers that do a crap load of stuff like buffs, they should scale that crap down. And they should do something about squishies being squishy, like give them some resist or something.
Oh wait... -
You play for your TPVPL team like you play for VORI.
Assuming for a moment this is real and you truly want to "prove" how good DB is for PvP why don't you see if you can get in on the dueling ladder.
That would demonstrate beyond question how good DB is (or isn't) against some of the best duelers on some of the best dueling builds.
[/ QUOTE ]
I made fun of dual blades for pvp during the i11 beta in broadcast and a guy starting arguing with me about it.
I made him so mad that his last tell to me was "Somehow, someday I hope someone finds a way to make dual blades work in pvp and when that day comes I will be LAUGHING AT YOU." -
Everyone thought we quit for a sec there.
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I suggested DDR, but no one took it seriously
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Sir, I do sir. I DO. Sir. I DO. -
((( My new RP toon is called The Lolzurean and he dresses like a pirate and plays video games all day. )))
there isn't enough crying in this thread, be more offensive
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm trying but it must be a slow day. At least we summoned the Al Sharpton of Champion into the thread.