99 -
I'm not having any problems, and I don't know anyone who is. Just because it's a big issue to You, doesn't mean it's everyone elses only priority and the dev team should drop everything to focus on it. Either have some patience, or upgrade your own equipment. I have 3 different computers running the game, no crashes on any of them.
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There could be no issue any larger for someone than crashing because that means not playing. That is bigger than any other bug.
Some people are crashing a lot. Some are crashing more than they used to (I am up to 1 a night from 1 month or less). I am running at 2 GB RAM, on dual 3 GHz P4s yadda yadda yadda.
Be glad you are not experiencing trouble. don't dump on those less fortunate. I am just glad it is about once a night which I can reduce by remembering to turn off my antivirus.
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I crashed multiple times last night along with most of the other other people on the continuously rebuilt with new people team. We'd save spots for a few minutes, some would come back and we'd reinv and some were just like "screw this" and logged. I think it's a bigger problems than capes. I did notice something though that seemed to make the problem happen more for me. Some missions we'd go into would drop your toggles upon entering them. I'm talking about even turning off your sprint type toggles. Whenever I went into these missions where I had to turn on my toggles again upon entering the missions I and everyone else on the team crashed more. Then of course we'd exit the mission and start heading to the next mission we'd have people crash while traveling so.. I don't know what the exact recipe is to crash but obviously the people supposedly working to fix it don't know either. Hopefully this patch on test clears up the problem. I'm just a bit annoyed it's taken two months to hopefully fix and it's sort have been treated like a hush hush things with the devs. Reminds me of when someone was able to get admin rights or whatever and logon as a redname in game and reset the servers. Cryptics response pretty much didn't even respond to what actually was happened but more or less was like "No one's information(other than their own obviously) was breeched". Was all done not really addressing what happened because I guess no one likes bad reality PR like hackers getting into the game or constant game crashes... Here we get a simple tiny patch note that gives us a hint at a fix to a major problem but we have a more elaborate one about a snipe animation... Hate to be a threadjacker, but sometimes you need to do it to remove the blinders from the horses.
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An example of Constructive Feedback
I'm sure making a few sentences in a thread won't negatively impact a dev's schedule. But that's not the topic of the thread anyhow.
If you really have constructive feedback about issues, create a new thread regarding stability issues; don't hijack this light-hearted conversation on past MMO experiences.
Tact also helps if you want to get a point across without coming across like a forum troll. No insult intended, just friendly feedback.
In any case, this isn't the thread to air your grievances with the game. However, If you've played other MMOs and want to share your experiences, please feel free to post in this thread.
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mmmMMMmmmMMMmm Pie !!! -
There are plenty of threads for game issues and performance. The devs are aware of the problems. Hijacking this thread isn't going to get anything solved any faster than otherwise would have happened -- but it will pretty much kill the on-topic discussion that was taking place.
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Kill the on-topic discussion, which is off topic for this forum ???
Didn't know thread-jacking was looked down upon around here ... Considering it happens EVERY THREAD. Or is it only ok to thread-jack certain threads ...
I happen to think that game stability is much more on-topic, relavent, and a few thousand times more important, than drooling over the possibility that someone might have been playing the same game (and getting down right stimulated over the possibility they played on the same server) as a ... DEV did years ago.
They pull their pants up one leg at a time and they do in fact have smelly poop ... Just like everyone else. -
Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.
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No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!
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Let's remember ... These are the City of Heroes Forums.
For talking about City of Heroes.
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I would think that the devs can post about whatever they want.
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heh ... Like they need you to stick up for them ...
It was a JOKE. -
Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.
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No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!
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Let's remember ... These are the City of Heroes Forums.
For talking about City of Heroes.
*whacks Tundara*
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**Gets Whacked**
Oook, shoulda seen that comming!!
and, wohoo, 5k posties! Go mew!
=^ ^=::b
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But.. but.. you're an otter, not a mole! Unless... you're just a spy infiltrating us! That'd make you a mole!
And congrats on 5k!
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heh ... And here I was already to ask her if she saw her shadow today -
Jack has said before all is good with COX. How many more times do you people gotta hear it? Geezuz.
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With all respect to Jack, we all know he's going to say that. As a public representative of Cryptic and CoH, theres nothing else he can say, especially on boards owned and operated by their business partners.
To say anything besides "we're going to continue to support CoH just as much as in the past" would be the equivalent of jumping in front of a bus. It would open him up to all sorts of attacks from board posters, and raise questions with Cryptic's business partners, as well as potentially affecting people's decisions on whether or not to keep subscribing.
Thats not to say that its not true, but like a politician, Jack is constrained in what he can and cannot say.
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Not just that, but time passes and things change. And that's good. But you can't seriously believe that any company has the same outlook a year later. Any company. Times change, the economy changes, the field that company is in changes. It's not unreasonable to ask about those changes.
And to be perfectly honest, I'm actually a little relieved what with States, Posi and the rest posting so much all of a sudden. I like it when they're vocal with us. So sue me.
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I prefer to see them posting here too. That's one of my larger issues ... That they've lost touch. If they're here, then they are in touch ... Whether it means anything is a different matter altogether, but at least we know it's not completely unheard.
But ... This little progression of posts reminded me of something.
Just a month before Enron went down the toilet, they were painting pretty rosey pictures of the future too -
What I mean is that by making a game engine you are defining the world, and when you define a world you inherntly block stuff off.
What that stement ment was they wanted to put stuff into that game that the CoH engine wouldn't be able to support without another major rewriting of the engine ( ie an expansion ).
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EXACTLY ... But what that really says, is that they weren't thinking far enough into the future when they designed the engine ... I mean they said it right here:
It's going to be all the stuff we wanted to put into City of Heroes, and you'll get to run around in Marvel costumes. We've got more money now and more people. We'll add more depth. We want to take it to the next level."
They wanted it to go into CoH ... But between limitations of design and resourses, they couldn't do it ... Now that they have money (from us), they're gonna make the game that CoH was supposed to (they wanted it to) be.
They said it themselves.
The people who say this game is going to be dying over the next few years are fooling themselves into thinking pesemisticly.
I know the game won't last forver but we're still fine and will be for a long time.
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This game is gonna bite it the minute MUO is determined to be a success (if it is a success) ... If MUO flops, the CoH/V will still survive.
There aren't enough Super Hero/Comic Book MMO Players out there to support TWO MMOs. -
Lewis says, "The online communities that form around the kinds of game we make are a microcosm of the world at large, but they also have very unique personalities, and we're [u]getting better at understanding them[u] and what they need to thrive. So we'll be making more [u]thoughtfully designed games[u], and games with more social awareness. [u]Ultimately, though, games are about having fun[u], and we won't forget that."
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All I gotta say is ... Don't forget this game in that mindset please.
We still have nearly two years (most likely end of 08 for MUO) to go ... And if you don't get some of that back into this game ... You'll have bitten the hands that have fed your success.
And don't forget that a substantial number of your customers do like to casually solo. -
Just ask a few posters in the Brute forum. I had some people come and observe me beat the Winterlord solo. I never bothered with screenshots because it just involved pulling him next to a contact and staying damage capped.
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So you're saying that anyone can do it ... See ??? I knew you weren't all that special. -
Well I was no where near my damage cap. When I am damage capped I can beat a Giant Monster.
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How about ... Enough already.
We all know you're a god ... No need to go on and on and on about how UBER you are. -
What temporary powers did you use? When I took down Ghost Widow it was under 2 minutes.
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Who needs temporary powers ... I soloed her with Brawl and Mutagen, in 30 seconds. -
Leave the Shivan. When not used by someone who constantly uses them, I think they're just right.
Someone like me, which I'd assume is the majority, only gets the Shivans very rarely. I got my first shivan power in over a month last night when I wanted to solo my Scirocco Arc. Needed him for all the Psi Elite Bosses.
Since (once again, just my feeling on this) the majority of players use the Shivans only in rare instances, it would be a shame for them to... ya know, suck.
Edit: Almost forgot. Nukes seem about right too, for the level of difficulty in getting them. In my experience, I get killed at least twice when I try to get one.
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Sorry to go straight to Doomcon 1, but when a dev uses the phrase "over the top" about anything in this game ???
You best be getting the most out of it between now and the next patch. -
So, presuming that Nukes and/or Shivans are going to be nerfed no matter what...
...what form should the nerfing take?
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Shivans would likely get demoted a class or two. They're Elite Bosses right now. They'd likely go down to Boss or Lt. Class.
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What they SHOULD do and what they end up doing are very rarely the same thing.
If they handle it like the recent Winter Event temp power issue, they'll either be taken completely out, or turned into minions.
I mean if "over the top" to "useful" seems logical and is what people seem to want from them ...
Then their track record says they'll end up worthless. -
When you do, doesn't it give you a much better defense, especially when you manage to do it pretty early in the game?
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No. Its never a good idea to execute a castle too early in the game, giving the opponent the opportunity to concentrate on developing an attack on the castle's weak side. Its useful as a defensive move provided the game proceeds normally with the primary focus on the center of the board. But there are strong castling moves, and weak castling moves. Generally, neither are "ingenious." Ingenious implies non-obvious. A castle that turns into a non-sacrificing fork-check: that's ingenious (and your opponent is an idiot).
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No, I'm not saying castling on, say, your seventh or eighth move is an excellent idea, nor is starting off with the intention of doing it as soon as possible, but when the game's being played in the center of the board, before you need to actively defend your king, castling early's a sound move. Ingenious? The move itself is pretty ingenious if only because of how unusual a move it is in itself.
Also, my ingenious (yes, that's right, ingenious!) plan to defend my king, Ultimus, by distracting you guys with semantics is paying off in spades. Suckers.
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Please, call me Optimus.
By the way, this thread has 159 rates... I'm also not banned like someone said.
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Someone care to explain what a rate is? Otherwise, 159 rates means nothing to me.
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When I created the thread, the 1-star herd that follows me around came in and tagged this thread with one star rates. So I came in and 5 starred the thread like 110 times. After that people have just been randomly rating the thread. You can find it on the bottom.
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Alright, cool... so does that actually give you anything, or is it just something to talk about?
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Not really, it is just odd to see a thread with so many rates.
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It's because you're so great ... I thought we covered that already.
(though if 110 of them are yours, then really you've only gotten 49) -
The move itself is pretty ingenious if only because of how unusual a move it is in itself.
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If castling is a novel move, en passant must seem like devil worship.
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Well ... I laughed -
No, not really. In fact, I've seen it used and used it most often before the active need to defend my king became present, meaning well before things weren't going my way.
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Sorry it took a while ... Switched venues and had dinner
Certainly there are openings which include Castling ... But it's still of a (generally) defensive mindset and playstyle.
I tend to be offensively oriented and generally only castle AFTER the other player has (meaning I'm looking at a long protracted game of turtling), or when I find myself being a bit too offensive and in trouble.
I've really only used it a handful of times offensively.
I'm not knocking it ... It's a move like any other ... One which is fairly specialized, generally defensive, and comes in handy from time to time.
But ingenious ??? I dunno. -
When you do, doesn't it give you a much better defense, especially when you manage to do it pretty early in the game?
However simple it is, the maneuver's ingenious. Feel free to keep swinging at it, though.
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It's situational ... It's defensive. Used most often when things are NOT going your way.
I'm not saying it hasn't saved many a chess player's bacon, but I'm not thinking "ingenious" is the right word for it, UNLESS you bait someone into thinking they're romping you ... You Castle, and mate in two (not THAT kind of mate, prevs).
Which would be the overwhelming exception to the Castle is an Oh $hit move. If you gotta do it, you're likely going to lose. -
Do you play chess often? Do you castle regularly?
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Yes ... Depends. -
I don't know, man... you'd figure a guy who named himself after a pretty ingenious chess manuever could come up with something better than a pun.
Although, puns are like coke. They're a tough habit to kick.
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Ingenious ???
I'm thinking chess isn't your strong suit -
You do realize I've done this so far with Stone Armor/Super Strength (Tanker) and Fire/Fire Brute? Next is probably going to be a Corruptor. If they start nerfing, they may as well do another global nerf cause I can do this with any character.
Or they could buff AV's.
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Or we could reduce the effectiveness of a suite of Temp Powers. Shivans and the Nuke's are pretty dang good.
And before more people jump on Optimus, we've known those powers were over the top since they were created.
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If I read that correctly ... They'll be nerfed before I ever get one ...
AGAIN ... -
You do realize I've done this so far with Stone Armor/Super Strength (Tanker) and Fire/Fire Brute? Next is probably going to be a Corruptor. If they start nerfing, they may as well do another global nerf cause I can do this with any character.
Or they could buff AV's.
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Or we could reduce the effectiveness of a suite of Temp Powers. Shivans and the Nuke's are pretty dang good.
And before more people jump on Optimus, we've known those powers were over the top since they were created.
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So you're saying you're definitely gonna nerf Fire/Fire, yes?
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LOL ... -
So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.
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What are you talking about?
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Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?
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"It doesn't make any difference if he talks about it or not since the devs can see everything from their third person omniscient perspective anyway so maybe people can let him share something he thought was cool without paranoid nerf ranting."
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I mine data fairly often ... Granted it's financial data ... But it's data ... LOTS of data.
But I don't look at it, unless one of our user groups bring it to our attention.
I mean there has to be a reason to look. -
You are such a buzzkill.
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Oh ... Sorry to bum you out.
Ultimus PWNZ ALL !!! Anyone who disagrees just wishes they could PWNZ half as much as him. Soloing AVs with double exp is easy for him cause this game is easy and we need a challenge and if you can't solo an AV then you need to go play Sims Online or something more your speed.
Come on devs crank up the difficulty. We need a challenge not carebears.
Good job Ultimus ... Keep up the great work. And make sure you keep taking all the really cool screenies for us cause we never get to see those types of things ourselves.
You PWNZ Ultimus ... 5 stars for this thread.
That better for you ??? -
Did you just say 'dweebs'?
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Did i sidestep in to the WoW forums by mistake...
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That's what I was wondering, too...
This thread only exists because Ultimus obviously is having a lot of fun beating up these AVs. It's not that he's doing it. It's that he's having a blast doing it. I'm wondering what's wrong with that, because there are some real mean, snarky posts that follow his around.
I've duod plenty of AVs. It's nothing like soloing one with temp powers. But even if it was, so what? Soloing one without temp powers and inspirations is apparently impossible. Are we going *yawn* just because he did something that wasn't impossible?
I think we need a "I solo on heroic, here are some screenies" thread for some of these people to hang out.
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There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with having fun being 1337 ... That's not the issue.
The issue (or MY issue) is that by constantly bragging about it on the forums brings potential undo attention to it in a way, which history shows ... Is not good for the rest of us mere mortals.
So great ... You can solo an AV, whoopty-frickity-do ... Crow about it all day in you SG chat or on your own site ... But when you bring it here, the end result MIGHT be to screw the game up for everyone else.
And I for one am tired of getting smacked on the nose with a rolled up newspaper, because a handful of outspoken powergaming dweebs have to brag about their ability to have no responsibilities in life other than to play a game ...