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  1. I am just dissapointed because my SG of 5 RL friends and a couple of additions wants a base...not a raidable base just a base.

    but to get the function we want we'd need a power room, control room, work room, teleport room, infirmary, and a hall. At 150k a room that's 900k just for rooms. All that prestige just for the ability to rez at your base and teleport to hazard zones.

    I like the idea of having general rooms (power, control, infirmary) be cheaper and having raid specifc items and rooms cost more.

    That way casual gamers/SGs could get a functioning base reasonably quickly. While big active groups who would want to (and would be able to) do trials and raids would have a higher goal to work at.

    My friends and I were very discouraged when we saw how much we had vs. how much we needed to build even the smallest base, and now we have 998 rent due on our entrance portal. Anyone know how to erase your base?
  2. I love the hp boost but with defiance...where to start?

    Some people say blasters should quit whining when the Devs gave you something, and you didn't get hit by all the nerfs like the other ATs.

    -AoE (blasters have the largest amount of damage AoEs)
    -defense (now power pools are of questionable benefit)
    -resistance (APP got hit)

    While there were no direct nerfs to blasters, we did get hit by several of them.

    2nd defiance doesn't address what I see as the main problem of blasters. We don't need more damage. We need a way to survive when we start taking damage, because the <@#$%> hit the fan.

    We need upped accuracy with defiance as is, or mez protection, or an added defense bonus (<30%).

    NOT more damage which was drawing all that attention to us in the first place.

    My main problem with defiance is it didn't help blasters much, and I can see the devs using defiance as an excuse not to work on the blaster AT because of it.

    BUT if defiance remains the same allow it to record the total % of hitpoints lost over the last 30-60 sec.

    for example a blaster with 1000 hp

    example battle
    -hit for 600 damage 60% damage (buff kicks in)
    -healed for 500 (2 sec)
    -hit for 400 (5 sec) 100% damage (maybe 250% buff)
    -heal self for 600 (19 sec)
    -hit for 500 (20 sec) 150% damage (400%?)

    use similar values for the defiance buff but allow healing to take place. Don't force an AT with low tolerance for damage to live at deaths edge. Make it so Defiance rewards you for helping out your team when heavy damage is coming in WITHOUT requiring you to get close to death (almost impossible) and stay there.