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  1. Snowloc

    May 9th Update!

    [ QUOTE ]
    swift and hurdle are supplemental, they are not travel powers.

    if you are not using a travel power such as super speed, super jump , fly or teleport self then don't be too surprised that teams will leave you behind on a regular basis.

    don't get upset because the developers aren't pandering to your unconventional style of play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Batman does not have fly or super speed or super jump or teleport but he is a hero.
  2. Snowloc

    May 9th Update!

    * Passive movement powers such as Swift and Hurdle can no longer be slotted with Travel IO sets. This was done to address balance concerns.

    I do not like this I use the passive movement powers as my movement power this forces players to change the consept to get the IO beneft. This puts the balance in favor to those that have super speed and super jump. People like me who use the passive movement as there travel power are being punished. I would be better to say that can have one set or the other and only one like what you do with the sets that have stealth in the IO set.