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  1. Wanting to make a mastermind that isn't evil so going to try out Praetorian for the first time. Having a difficulty deciding between Demons/Dark and Bots/Traps. Both seem very thematic and I have ideas for each of them.

    Was curious if any could share their high/low points on each set and what they would recommend.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    Also, while DM is considered the best ST damage, Fire is not very far behind at all. I haven't checked the Rikti Pylon thread in a while, but I do know for a bit the record for best DPS actually belonged to a Fire/shield and not DM/shield. Not sure if that is still the case. I'm sure someone that knows more than me will correct me if I'm wrong.
    Actually a DM/Shield managed to pull ahead even of MMs doing the pylon. But yeah impressed by both DM and Fire. Will have to do a bit of thinking.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    Fire/Shield Scrapper. It's pure win.

    You can fantastic AoE damage with Fire Sword Circle and Shield Charge, plus you get top of the line single target damage. Seriously it is the best of both worlds. Plus you don't have to worry about the damn fury bar, so you high damage is a constant.

    Worst case, fire/sd is second best AoE(behind elec melee) and second best single target(behind Dark Melee). That is worst case. And the sets it falls behind in each category are really really really bad at the other category(DM bad AoE, Elec bad ST).

    In that case with shield charge (to minimize the loss of fury) and how the bonus from bruisers effects DoT damage but not the crit from scrappers. Wouldn't bruisers be a better overall choice for Fire/SD? What does scrapper offer over it?

    So DM is top single target, Elec is good AoE and Fire is about secondary in each. With the other scrapper/bruiser sets having various utility or effects added to them?
  4. So if I wanted a nice cross-section of gameplay... the following three mgiht be good starts?

    Bots/Traps MM
    /shield Bruiser or Scrapper (With either electric, fire, SS, or dark as the main)
    Ill/Rad Controller

    Any thoughts on Bruiser vs Scrapper and the different options? I understand that Bruiser's effect works on dots (so excels with fire) and that they do dark nicely as well. But scrapper would be better with electric (Doesn't have many DoTs does it?). And would obviously be bruiser if SS.

    Really curious how electric, SS, Fire, and Dark compare now. What are their upsides and downsides?
  5. Thanks much Seldom!

    Leaning heavily toward a MM, likely Bots/Traps (I just can't get into thugs). Shield scrappers/brutes look tempting as well. An electric/shield one could be quite a bit of fun... they have two 'teleport to target' type moves right? Would that be better as a brute or scrapper?

    Keeping an eye on the demon summoning and hoping it is a fairly useful powerset. Perhaps somewhere along the lines of Thugs. Demon/Dark would be fun and thematic.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    i was going to suggest Rad/Sonic Defenders, but on second thought i seem to recall they're used more to solo GM's.
    What are the perks/good points of Rad/Sonic Defenders? What can/can't they do?

    Bots/Traps still looking fun.

    Though a Dark/Shield or Fire/Shield looks good. However I'm not ure whether Brute or Scrapper would do better for them.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Note that [certain] Controllers solo AV's because it's easy. Scrappers solo AV's because it's very hard.

    True. Ill/Rad does em slow though (but steadily). And Bots/Traps can likely do all of em too?

    If I tank an AV as my MM what abilities would be absolutely necessary for holding agro and keeping myself alive?

    A bit sad that a Necro/Dark wouldn't work as well ^.^ But I do like bots. Just wish you could customize the powers more for Bots. (Necro is surprisingly customizable compared to the other MMs.). I figure I will do odd specs and other fun combos once I get a good bit of inf built up and more familiarity. I know the game some but not the recent changes. My highest chars right now are a Fire/Fire tank and an Illu/Kin controller from WAAAY back. Heh, and a Rad/Dark Defender.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    As for Shield Scrappers and Brutes, a SS / Shield Brute should be far better than a BS / Shield Scrapper at clearing large spawns. Broadsword has little AoE so whatever survives the initial Shield Charge will mostly be fought with single target attacks, whereas SS has Foot Stomp and Rage to pile on more AoE goodness and still has significant single target damage for bosses. Electric / Shield would probably be a better Scrapper build for large groups, since it has massive AoE damage.
    So for scrapper brutes. They are more of the 'kills tons of spawns and farm' rather than the AV soloing. And likely better for making inf initially? Though I know Shield Defense can be a bit expensive to bring up.

    So... shield defense is more for AoE bits. And... Electric/Shield scrapper is better than SS/Shield Brute for clearing out masses of enemies? And BS/Shield is good for more single targets?

    Trying to fit all the bits into my mind for where they fit in the 'puzzle' even though I know some pieces overlap or don't quite fit ^.^

    Electric/Shield also has two 'charge' powers doesn't it? One in primary and one in secondary?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    Ill/Rad can be very powerful once it matures, it's very good against single hard targets and less effective against large numbers due to limited AOE controls. My Ill/Rad is 50 now with a Perma-Phantom Army build and is quite capable of soloing many AV's... it does take a bit of time though and I've found spending 10+ minutes pounding on an AV isn't worth the trouble. If you want to solo single hard targets though it's hard to do better than Ill/Rad. Perma-PA is very expensive however... my build came in close to a billion a few months back and prices have risen in the market since. Still, it's very effective even on SO enhancements; just not at the uber AV killer level.

    I also have a Broadsword/Shield scrapper at 50; soft capped to all positions. It's a considerably cheaper build than the Ill/Rad (comparatively speaking of course; defense is cheaper to find than 206% recharge) and is capable of massive damage output and tanker level durability. Shield Charge, with fully saturated Against All Odds (the damage buff aura) and Build Up deals over 700 damage to +2 mobs, easily killing all minions and LT's in a spawn. It's up every 60 seconds too and has no end crash. Look at it as a blaster nuke on a shorter timer without the crash and you're not far off.

    As far as which is best that's a very loaded question... clearing maps quickly? Take the scrapper. Killing AV's? The Ill/Rad is better here. Both are highly survivable... but they require vastly different tactics and playstyle.
    A shield scrapper is tempting. I've heard that /Shield works very nicely on hero side but due to the enemies can be a bit of a hurdle on villain. Been eyeing a SS/Shield Brute build. How do those compare to a BS/Shield build for clearing missions at +2/8? Or what other primaries/secondaries can manage it with efficiency (as a brute or scrapper).

    And Ill/Rad vs Bots/Traps. Ill/Rad once it has Perma PA is more 'sure' but slower? Is there anything an Ill/Rad can take that a Bots/Traps can't (assuming Bots/Traps has an equally high end enhancements, etc).

    As for Bots/Traps do they do it by doing a 'tankermind' setup or just by having the pets fairly powerful and managing traps/pets from there.

    Been doing reading on all those combos and a few others but not sure how they compare. I know Ill/Rad would take a lot of investment but I would find a way somehow. After all playing the game and such would help ne earn infulence/infamy.
  10. How do Thugs/Dark compare to Bots/Dark and Bots/Traps?

    Wanting something that can handle AVs the best solo. And big monsters too.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
    I'll second making a Brute. That or a Scrapper.

    Since you're new, you might wanna try out Shield Defense. Once you get Shield Charge at 35, it will become your favorite AoE power evar.
    Been tempted by shield charge... can it do things that well? Brute tempts me... but crossing over to hero with GR.

    Was trying to decide between SS/SD or perhaps DM or Broad Sword. It feels like it would be 'right' to have a weapon with the shield but not sure if any of them suit it and would be good for soloing AVs well.

    Do Brutes solo AVs better than MMs/Controllers?
  12. Can a Brute and Scrapper solo AVs and the Big Monsters as well?

    Having a hard time figuring out what would be best.

  13. Trying to work out what archtype that I should play. I'm just coming back to CoH/V after a long while away. I want something that is fun, interesting and is fairly powerful and has good synergy. Something that can solo very nicely would be great as well. To be able to solo the hardest things I can manage. But also be useful on teams.

    Difficulty of investing in various IOs or such or expense does not bother me at all. And if it requires skill that is fine, if it doesn't that is fine as well. It would be nice if it is not extremely slow to start but that could be lived with as well.

    Presently I am leaning toward either a Robots/Traps mastermind or a Illusion/Rad controller. Are there any others that could do what I want fairly well? Quite curious what others think in regards to this.

    - Sloshed