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Hi - need some help coming up with a costume for my new plant/rad troller "Holly Wood and Vine". I don't really care for the way the plant costume parts look and the only other thing I've been able to come up with is a very generic girl-in-green-tights look.
Back story as of now is that she's an actress who was exposed to radiation while filming a pro-environmentalist commercial at the Terra Volta reactor.
Thank you! -
Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. Youll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it.
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Woah. Awesome.
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Let me just add to the general swooning. SWOOOOOOON! -
I'm the second in the picture.
Well, great minds think alike, right?
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So true. You have great taste in costumes. -
Minor spelling nitpick, it's Bering Strait rather than Bearing Straight.
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Fixed - thank you. I have super powers of misspelling. -
Some family photos of my current hero and her parents (Backstory in my sig if you're interested).
So I'm totally pleased with my new costume - haven't seen another one like it. Then I'm at Wentworths selling some stuff and she shows up. We even had the same power sets.
My current favorite alt:
Character Name: Doctor Phoenix (real name Livia King)
Server: Virtue
Archetype: Defender - FF/Rad
Inspiration: Doc is ment to be a B-Movie type Girl Scientist. The kind who spends half the movie buried in her lab work trying to find the a way to stop the giant mutant grasshoppers - until the moment when the square jawed hero finaly notices her and utters the fateful line: "Why Miss King, you're beautful without your glasses!" -
Mercedez is a waitress/bartender at her uncle's bar in Kings Row.
Jett is currently living off of her savings but will probably need to find a job eventually.