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  1. Im not [censored] because I love this game and believe that the devs have our overall experience in mind, that being said...

    Are my dark defenders gonna be even worse? Is that even possible?
  2. Statesman did a very good job explaining however I still need to hear your opinions on what this means. Is this a nerf to Rad Infection. Does this change have any effect on PvP? Basically I need laymens terms to explain.
  3. You still are going to have to take the superjump pool for acrobatics, or else you are going to be the fastest peep always on your A@#. Even while hover and flying that spin around from knockback/down can be quick death.

    Very interesting math, I would like to see how a Kin/sonic defender compares with its corruptor version.
  4. As some of your posts have me standing on a bridge between this argument can someone answer this question, "How does a fire/rad controller get assasin striked through hotfeet and choking cloud? Do they activate between the ticks, or are they a defensive based set so the effect never actually hits them. I would guess they activate between ticks, because I thought hotfeet was auto-hit. If they do activiate between ticks is this hard to do for a stalker and would it be harder if i staggered when i turn on the toggles so each tick is happening at different times. (if you are a stalker and you dont want to give up your tricks I understand)
  5. I understand what you are all saying. To be fair, I have only played a stalker in PvE so I dont know actually how hard it is to Assasin strike in a good zone. I just see the videos...

    I will feel less naked after the Patron Powers when everyone and their mothers get smashing and lethal resist. Then Assasin strike will not seem so UBER.

    The scenario that I feel helpless in is when a stalker assasin strikes, someone lives, stalker leaves, stalker comes back again. If I am outa insights the stalker is outa view, and I am in same position. I wish there was someway of limiting a stalkers effectiveness at this strategy. (without constant movement)

    I just stand by my statement that I will love the day when a good PvP player can pick any build and be a force. Is that day here? It will be when I see a dominating War Mace PvP tanker, or insert any other build you have never seen here. I percieve a lack of balance through powers. We need equality throughout all powersets.

  6. Faolon we have a difference of opinion.

    Faolon said,
    "A critical? Is that a joke? Do you know how much damage a tanker is capable of? Now, imagine a Scrapper or Blaster...
    My Tanker can drop a stalker to less than half HP with KOB. I've had en EM Tanker nearly one shot me with ET... Adding a critical is just insane."

    So you wanna be able to 1 hit peeps with no risk to yourself? I understand that you have the same hit points as a squishy, but what you need to understand is ASSassin Strike trumps that penelty 10 fold. Stalkers are overpowered compared to other villians in PvP. The proof is in the players. There are 5 stalkers to 1 of any other archtype. Also EM is overpowered because out of the 5 stalkers, 3 are EM. I just long for the day when a good PvPer can choose any build and do well in arena and zones. Where you really got me is this line "Do you know how much damage a tanker is capable of?" Ah, yes I do and if your not EM you are not a finisher. I really doubt your KOB with rage is taking a stalker down to 1/2 life if he has a smashing and lethal resist. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Maybe I was a little harsh in saying they should take critical damage. However I believe there should be some disadvantage to even out assassin strike and the other archtypes.
  7. I believe that for every great gain there should be a price. I would like to see a stalker extra vulnerable during the time they are trying to execute an AS. So what ever interupts them should hit them for critical. That way there would be some risk in assasin striking other then "oh they saw me I better run away and try again." Also we should note that a lot of the stalker sets are defensive based so being a stalker in zones where tanks and scraps dont have focused accuracy is a lot safer for them and i believe FA is a +percept too.
  8. Great guide, but I'm just mad that fiery assult isnt commonly considered the uberist. You will all learn (except thorns and energy)
  9. Great guide! I just dont understand how people get away with slotting 1 accuracy. I am at the point that I need 3 SO's in every power.
  10. Great Guide! I would just like to point out that although some builds are better, any primary/secondary combination can be viable if the player is good. In fact we are learning about new uber builds everyday. It was not long ago that bubbles where considered sucky, now they are strategy changing. Also a gravity controller won the PvP tournament on protector-although he is a freak and could probably make an emp defender average 8 kills.
  11. I'm so mad I missed the jailbird badge! I feel like re-rolling.