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  1. i'm in if ya still got a spot, i got botts/ff mm, one of the best on Guardian fully slotted and buffed up lol

    @Ultimate Gate
  2. not too well seein that the bold isn't bold at all lol
  3. I can see this not boldin too well with players once it releases, especially if its not an entirely new overhaul on the gfx. it'll prob be some portal u take to get there from Cap/PI. Meh its just me bein tired and not impressed is all. But if it is all New, well everything from game play to GFX then i'm kinda excited
  4. Name: Army of Oblivion
    Leader: @Oblivions GateKeeper, Shogun of Night
    Server: Guardian
    Game: CoV
    Player Type: Weekly or Power Gamer
    Number of members: 20+
    Current member levels: 1-50
    Normal time of Gameplay: 9:00am - 2:00am MST
    Base Objects: We have everything a person will need, Med Bay, Workshop with invention table, Isnp holder, Empowerment Maker,Storage and Personal Storage Vault, 2 Fire and Ice Crystal for Flashbacks, TP's to all Zones but RWZ(Getting This Week) and a Meeting Hall.
    Other information: We have many Coalition VG's and always have fun runnin mish's together, whether its reg mish or SF's, most of us have lower lvl toons to team up new recruits if we are are not preoccupied in previous tasks.