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  1. SevyDuce


    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Uniques are limited to one EACH per build. You can slot as many Unique Enhancements as you want, as long as you don't slot more than one per build. If you are using multiple builds on a character, you can slot the same Unique in each build; each build is essentially a different character, so they ignore the enhancements slotted in the inactive build(s).

    Some enhancements are grouped up so that you can only have one from each group. Currently, there are two places this happens:
    -All stealth enhancements (Celerity, Unbounded Leap, Freebird, and ... I forget the name of the teleport one). You can only slot one of the four at a time.
    -ATOs. Each regular ATO is grouped with the Superior ATO of the same name. Note that the regular ans Superior versions are two different sets, so if you have 3 regular and 3 Superior slotted, you don't get the full set bonuses from either; instead, you get the 2- and 3-piece set bonuses from each set. Some people prefer this, as it allows them to double up on the low-tier bonuses (I'm looking at you, S/L defense for brutes).

    Hopefully that wasn't too much all at once. Welcome back to the game.
    Thank you for the reply. Sadly, I am still not quite understanding it all, but I guess I'll just have to learn it for myself, even if that means the hard way. I had to do more research to find out about what different "builds" are, come to find out I now have a total of 3 myself that I haven't even used. So, a lot to learn...all over again. But that's what makes this game so great is the seemingly infinite possibilities.

    Anyway, thanks again for trying to help me understand. Maybe it will make sense the more I play around with it.
  2. SevyDuce


    Ok, I am thoroughly confused about how these uniques can be slotted.

    Let me preface by saying I'm getting back into CoH after about 7 years hiatus....before IO's were available....among many other things, lol.

    I've also read pages and pages and pages about the market, enhancements, etc.

    After reading through this thread, among others, I hear repeatedly that these uniques can only be slotted ONE per character.

    Then I read here:
    that says more than one can be slotted into a power.

    I actually have 3 of these in my MM, one for each summon.

    So, I'm confused about what can and cannot be slotted more than once.
    I'm just confused period, haha.

    Thanks in advance.