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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Thx for letting me continue Seri Got everything sorted now and am ready to fight, anytime after 5pm is good for me if Far is fine with that?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    np. Can you contact FS and arrange this time officially please matey?

  2. Serio

    KB Vs Acro

    As a teacher, the next person to quote 10000% anything, will get a slap.
  3. well as neo has contacted me re:technical issues I feel obliged to let him play. So this is what well do:

    Neo: You have till weds midnight to arrange and play your match. If no go by then then this is what id like to happen.

    The best losers in the current round were:

    1) Empath
    2) Gatling
    3) Gen2

    This means Empath goes through to the next round automatically.

    If Neo doesnt get his card sorted by weds, i would like Gat to fight far_seer for a place in the next round.

    KS: As your next match is with Phil, feel free to arrange your match between yourselves and start it. If you want it a private affair, pm me and ill come along and witness.

  4. Hi all,

    I have sent a pm to neo giving him until 12 noon tomorrow to respond to me, or I am going to have to sub in a replacement, as we need to get on with the next round.

    Anyone who sees him anywhere, or has him on their global, send him a tell please.

    Thanks all

  5. my BS/regen particularly likes fighting stalkers. With FA+tactics I love getting the drop on them.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    You missed here/hear aswell seri.

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    Neo! Where are you!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stuck in the Matrix hehe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sum1 give shaman a red pill and i'll send him in to rescue neo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe Drugs dont work

    [/ QUOTE ]
    they just make you worse..and ill know ill see your face again..

    quote pyramid ftw!

    Seriously though: HAS ANYONE SEEN NEO?

    I need to get on with the next round folks.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    You missed here/hear aswell seri.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Neo! Where are you!!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Dont worry too much Far, we're still waiting to here from Neo.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ed. for literacy]
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    have neo and far-seer set a time yet for their fight? shud be a good match

    [/ QUOTE ]
    any advance on this please guys?

    Heres the results to the last lot ( thanks to teh fusion )

    Ks Vs DS I think you got but just incase
    Forberance 1 - COldfront 0
    Knight Stalker 1 - Julie the Schoolie 0
    Unforgotten 3 - Anica 0
    KS wins 3-0

    Gatling Vs Phil
    Gatling 0 - thePhilospher 3
    Causitry - Evo 4
    Naevax 0 - Irresonance 3
    Phil wins 3-0

    X-treme Vs Empath
    Panthera Hybrid 8 - Ice Krystal 7 (this was a great match)
    Shaman X 0 - Empath Prime 0
    X6 1 - Ms Freedom 0
    X wins 3-1

    Gen 2 Vs Spag
    Righteous Bob 0 - Prof Frosto 7
    Brutus 0 - Jarred 7
    Splortch 0 - Psytox 11
    Spag wins 3-0
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll try and be around incase you have any problems

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ill try and be there, but im bloodey knackered
  11. Second up:
    Psydock, Psydock, Psydock, Psydock.

    Ahh sod it, cant be arsed with the long version so here goes:
    KS fought Psydock tonight.
    - Match 1: Forbearance vs Blue Freezer

    was a draw, and a really enjoyable 0-0 draw at that, with it being quite close at times, but in the end psy decided to sit down in the last minute letting KS kill him and conceding the match.

    Nuff said.

    im now pondering whether or not to make KS fight Devilshot. I will await teh fusions council.
  12. OK Folks, been a busy night in pvp land.

    First up: After reading x's 'emotional plea', the heart of my original pm'er melted, and I recieved a further pm begging me to allow the nimmer known as Gatling to CHOOSE A BLOODY LEVEL 50 TOON BY TOMORROW NOON OR ILL SUB ALL YOUR TOONS with level 5 blasters

    Seriously though guys, just breath easy and remember there is a couple of years worth of pvp prowess coming to a head here, so I understand people getting anxious. Just remember we are all just here to enjoy the event.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    ...Anyone else gobbing off, pointing fingers etc. gets to spend the night with x's mum

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    I'm to lazy to respec my toons to kill MM's. I forfeit Devilshot deserves my spot go for it m8

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    tbh im tempted to do the same, its only the fact that seri is organising it that is keeping me in. i no he wants nothing said but i have to say something. the fact that i waited an hour to say something makes my post a little calmer and somewhat less colourful. i cant believe 2 ppl out this already small pvp community place winning higher than letting gat have a chance. lets be honest, the only reason these [censored] wont let him change (his 28 ffs, i mean he offered u the pick, even a 38!!) to a normal 50 is a [censored] outrage. they hold winning in such high regard they wont even fight a 38. changing between 50s between rounds is completely different to changing a 28 to 50. i think they shud at least have the balls to show their views and 'argument' to every1 else. i really am saddened by the whole thing, i really thought every1 in this pvp environment were mates and in it for the fun

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats just wrong on so many levels!
  14. my blapper laffs at most mms, and my fire tank fares well against them too. Psy, dont make me hound you from this game forever. Just fight. Have fun. And beat KS
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    ...the national lap dancing champion of 87

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Jesus mate, never realised she was THAT old :O
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not really I was intending to just lose and let you win. What happens if that happens in the domination match?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    dude seriously stop making excuses b4 the match happens...u do it every round just give it ur all and if u dont win, u dont win. it takes a lot of luck as well as skill to win a knock out tournament so dont worry bout losing, just have fun

    [/ QUOTE ]
    finally x speaks some sense

    OK, on a more serious note:

    In reply to my two pointers I put in earlier, more precisely the one where I asked anyone to pm me regarding any issues they had with gat swapping his toons, I have had such a reply. Two in fact.

    Now before I mention anything more, I ask you all to please not make an issue or point any incriminating fingers. This tourney has been really good natured so far, and I hope it stays that way.

    Ok I had a pm from someone saying they thought it was unfair, especially after I had stated it in the rules. There was also a concern that others may argue changing their toons in future matches.

    What added real weight to this was a pm about 5mins later asking me if it was now OK to swap a toon between matches. Only the one etc etc..

    So, sorry Gat mate, but youve got to use your original toons.

    On a lighter note, get him her online and well powerlevell it to 50 ( well ill ask galvy nicely lol )

    If that fails, just make sure you have swift,hurdle,SS,SJ,CJ,Fly,invis,phase all fully slotted and just run rings around the other player

    ** Now all please consider the matter closed. If Gat wants to sound off a little at my decision, thats fine. Anyone else gobbing off, pointing fingers etc. gets to spend the night with x's mum **
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    a dance off in pocket d

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ...where the winner goes through and the loser gets to finish the dance off with x-s mam.

    Oh and psy, go 'ERE for the rules.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    What happens in the event of tie in all matches?

    [/ QUOTE ]dude! do you realise how long those god damned rules took to write out?


    Well it took a while.

    May I suggest go reading them...nimmer..
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm going away from 14th til 21st so I'd like to get my fight out the way if poss Thursday would be best for me but could make Friday if needed.

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    Anytime you like chum-p.

    Any chance I'm gonna be allowed to sub out the level 28 for something a bit more practical? I expected to have time to level it, but am rather busy of late.

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    fitin wiv a 28 is a bit chump-ish in the first place

    Seriously though, as per the rules previously stated, I think it is only fair if your potential opponents are happy with the change.

    So here goes:
    1) Gat, post what toon you would like to play in your level 28's stead. ASAP!!
    2) Anyone left in the competition who is unhappy with Gat choosing a different char, either say so in here, or PM me asap please.[ it will be kept confidential if you wish it to be ]

    I would like to have a decision on this by tomorrow night.

    [don't want to sound all rectal about this, but this, I feel, is as impartial as I can be]
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Cherry Vs Seri winner = Cherry....Cherry Vs Seriphimus 3-0

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that sounds like fighting talk to me

    [/ QUOTE ]
    its a date ( i want my clothes back fusion )
  21. That would be great if you could empath matey.

    We could have Empath vs X-treme and Gat vs Phil on Thursday night

    and hopefully the 2 matches on friday and saturady night, leaving ks to fight psy on sunday night.
  22. Gat, can you make Thursday or Friday to face Phil?

    Anyone else able to fight on either thursday, friday, saturday or sunday? Trying to get some times in stone.

    So far it's just KS vs Nimmerdock - sunday 8pm
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    my guess wud be no but cant see how any1 can stop u

    [/ QUOTE ]
    see, you even guess like a nimmer.

    Like to guess where your mum was last night?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Am i allowed to respec my builds for round 2?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    My second post in this thread went something like this:
    [ QUOTE ]

    Note..thePhil asked me a relevant question last week," can we take multiple builds into each match?"..the answer is NO!
    Matches will be on test, and you can change toons builds all you like between rounds, however you have to settle on the builds for each of the three toons, before you fight!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So just in case you are still not sure , thats a yes, you can change your builds all you like betweem the rounds. The only thing you CANNOT do is change builds during a match.

    In fact I would encourage people to tinker with their builds between rounds, as this may well be the difference of that 2-2 being 3-1.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Please avoid monday nights please or arrange for 7pm fights at the lastest. As for Sundays carry on> Omni is closed. as only 2 teams showed last week has lost its appeal.

    So Psy and Myself have arranged for a fight sunday at 8pm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We have lol?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    yes, you have. Be there!