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  1. If CoH and CoV were closer in the way that they worked, aka: if villains had something resembling a blaster, then no hurricane wouldnt have needed a nerf. But as someone in here stated already Pre-nerf hurricane was a power with which you could almost certainly negate any melee person from ever hitting you.

    Now I know that you will come back and say "Oh, but you can buy insp!" I highly doubt that the developers of this game meant to balance the game on inspiration alone. They want to give each AT the tools with which they needs to equalize the threat of another.

    Now I dont have experience with this power in PvE so I cannot speak for those of you that are upset about its change in that realm, but I can say for sure that this was indeed needed for PvP.

    Maybe its about time that the DeV's realize that there needs to be perhaps that powers literally revert to a different form when zoning into a pvp zone or arena match. If they could figure out a way to code it then perhaps we wouldnt need to ever sacrifice PvE for PvP.

    But in this case Hurricane was so WIDELY misused that it got hit with the nerf bat. But I can tell you from a villain perspective what hasnt changed: stalkers still whiff on you, so you dont have to deal with that whole problem (unless you get mezzed) and it is still extremely difficult to hit you through that hurricane. We may get one through but the next will surely miss, hence we cant do enough damage to kill you, just enough to make you run off.

    Now compared to before when you could let heroes camp inside hurricane thus giving every single AT the same benefit as you have, thus making the entire grp extremely hard to hit without any kind of negative associated with it, now you just have to learn to play smarter, such as every stalker has to play smarter now that placate is changed.

    Theres a pattern to this whole nerf thing:

    Excition - "omg this power is t3h ub4r!"
    Misuse - "Haha you cant touch me n00b!"
    Whine - "blah blah, he kills me all the time.... blah"
    Nerf - "ZOmg what did we do?"

    the cycle goes on further, but perhaps if people didnt abuse powers in the first place the dev's wouldnt have to go through and change things so much. Part of it is the fact that this game is a PvE game thatis trying to PvP - thus changes need to be made, the other part is quite simply the players fault (not everyone, but you know who you are).
  2. only happened after a certain level for me
  3. the long winded post indicates how a stoner works. Oh and for clairfication how does BuildUp differ from Rage. From what I understand both give you damage + tohit buffs? With the way mine is slotted I can run it almost perma, so how does that differ from rage?
  4. Ill share my experience with Stone/Stone up to this point @ 34

    When standing toe to toe with electric or other brutes, I have consistently moved through mobs faster / dealed damage better. I think it has to do with how my brute is built and slotted.

    Stone Mallet, Heavy Mallet, and sesimic smash are all six slotted three damage and three accuracy. Stone melee is three slotted two acc and one dmg.

    With hasten on the combo regens extremely quickly and renders most targets disoriented/juggled indefinitely. I have hasten three slotted thus I have little downtime in it.

    I run rooted and stone armor 24/7, three slots in swift helps bunches with my running speed (which is at a normal rate, rather than gimped speed) For situations where im fighting blasters I took Brimstone Armor (1 slot, defense), helps in many pvp/pve settings to resist multiple damage types. On top of that I have Earth's Embrace three slotted with heals giving me a 800-1000 heal every couple minutes, works nicely as a panic button. Has turned the tide of many pvp battles.

    I have aid self six slotted with interruptable time x 3 and Healing x 3, which makes it nere un-interruptable as I can heal inbetween most dot's.

    For my endurance issues I took Stamina, and on top of that for the stacking regen effects I took health, both are three slotted apropriately (sp?) I had hurdle for fun (helped me to escape many situations that SS often creates) but dropped it for tp-foe, which is very useful in PvE and Warburg.

    In the future I plan on taking teleport so I can tp away from Immobs that get through my rooted, and eventually taking granite armor (and possibly hurdle again). Once its all said and done, without pure numbers im not saying too much, but in my experience I have not seen an equal in front loaded damage or resistances when pvping and teaming with other brutes.

    Beyond all that the sound is by far the best, and has a psych-out factor in pvp, and lots of disorients and such in PvE. The only time my brute felt slow was between 15 and 22. from 1-14 and 22+ its been a blast.