Ok, I usually just read these boards for the last year or so, mainly for information. However, this thread kinda ticks me off at the attitudes I see (mainly when it comes to teaming) and is enough that I registered just to put in my 2 cents.
The main reason I even want to respond is because I've run into lots of players with the above attitudes when teaming and regardless to the AT you play or the abilities your powerset has or how good you are with them, the regenism's of this post are counterproductive to the concept of "TEAM". In a team atmosphere, I don't like players that never communicate their intentions or may or may not respond when you ask them about what they are doing or thinking. It's a waste of my time trying to figure out what you are doing when it's much easier for you to just tell the team before you go rambo. If it will result in the team being less productive (becuase members are not sure what your doing), then you'd be better off soloing by yourself, which is what I get from the regenisms of this thread.
I have 3 scrappers myself (claws/regen, katana/SR and DM/regen) and I have to say that I understand full well how great regen scrappers can be on their own and what we are capable of. I clearly understand some of the issues we face when in teams, but mostly it's due to someone's lack of knowledge. Never assume the people you team with know as much or more than you do. Let them either tell or prove to you that they understand things as much as you. Just because someone is a 2 year player doesn't mean they've played your AT before or even dealt with your style of play before.
Anyway, the first thing I see wrong with the attitude here are that the concept of "TEAM" doesn't seem to mean much in these "regenisms". When I read this thread, my first impression was someone is on a ego trip and values showing off and could care less about "THE TEAM" and it's overall goals.
Now it's perfectly fine to have ego and want to show off when your solo, but not when in a team. It doesn't matter if your successful at whatever you are doing when teamed and your off being a rambo, it still sends a message to other players that they do not matter to you whatsoever since you will spontaneously just run off and do whatever you feel like doing or think you should be doing. When you make such a choice without first communicating to the team, you leave them guessing and making assumptions. Assumptions are the number 1 reason things go wrong 99% of the time. You simply can't pedict accurately what someones thinking. It also makes player feel like you think you or your skills are better than them. Even if your right, it's still not a good thing for team morale. The best motivator for anyone in anything is making them feel good about themselves and confident in their abilities or roles within a team. At that point, they become more productive and are more open learning and adjusting at a faster pace. If you belittle them how ever unintentional, it sends direct but subtle messages that you think others are inferior to you, you effectively sink their morale and overall they begin to lose respect for you.
If you have either a wild or feral scrapper on your team it will be an exciting ride, just sit back and watch them work, and offer assistance IF they ask for it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now this quote is a prime example of not knowing what the concept of team is. Your teams job is not to sit back and watch you work like some little kids in awe over their favorite hero. Micheal Jordan would hav never won anything if his teammates had that attitude (and the bulls didn't win when that was the case). A good team oriented player who actually cares about teammates and team goals will supress his/her wild or feral nature in order to make the team more productive towards it's overall goal, not your own personal goals. A good example is wolverine in the x-men. he has constantly wanted and even has become so feral at times that it broke down the team and it's goals and other team members had to exert themselves beyond what they should have just in order to clean up the situation, if they even can....however you look at it, it's still detrimental to the team. However, wolverine knows that there are times where he must hold back some and stay with the team objectives and perform as a unit. Afterall, a team of players who work together as a single unit are much more powerful and productive than any single rambo who's powers or abilities are comparable to that of a full team.
Now I know, being a regen scrapper myself, that there are times when I'm in teams that I could do (or think I could do) something to help eleviate the difficulties of the team succeeding or not. When such times arise, I attempt to communicate it to the team as best I can and those willing to listen will most likely not become disgusted with anything I do while teamed with them, because I told them what I'm planning or thinking. If you know ahead of time, you won't be (or shouldn't be) caught by surprise and will more often than not, be able to compensate. A good team member always backs up another and most often calls for sacrificing your own well being in the process. WhY? Because you both care about your teammate surviving and "HOPE" they care about you surviving to the point where they or another member picks up the responsibility to help you survive while your helping another member survive.
Of course there are times when the situation doesn't allow for good enough communication. These are times when hopefully, players are intuitive enough to see the action on the screen, see what other players are doing and understand how such actions are benefiting the team, an individual or neither. In such case, the decisions we make should then be more focused on supporting your team member even if you feel they are wrong in what they are doing. At this point, the skill of the player and their knowledge of their powersets and AT will dictate if your able to turn a bad situation to good. However, if your a decent communicator, your teammates will already have 50% better chance of understanding your actions in advance, especially if you've fought through a couple of missions together already. That alone will raise the effectiveness of every member in the group. When your prepared for something, you can handle it easier. it's when people do the unexpected that causes panic and frustration.
Now when I team, I know that I could do things solo a lot better than "Certain" teams can. This is usually because 1 or more players in the team are simply not educated on the AT's and powersets of others, how certain mobs work, how certain game mechanics work or they are simply new to the game. The moment I allow such players to dictate to me or make me feel like "I NEED" to clean up after them or fix team mistakes without conveying my intentions to them, is the moment when I become no more useful to my team than that noob or that uneducated player and in some situations it carries huge consequences.
So my whole point is that when dealing with other players and other players time, you have to at least try to work together. You have to try and stay together as a team in what you do regardless if you feel it's not the best route to go. It's a game and mistakes aren't fatal. So live (or die) and learn. Afterall, one scrapper in a team fixing everything, killing the most, being the knight in shining (or dull, yet glowing armor) isn't doing the team any favors. The word synergy exist for a reason. A great or very effective team has to rely on synergy of the members in the team. If one link is weak or doesn't stick with the rest of the chain, the whole chain will eventually break and that's doom for the team in most occassions where other teammates expect the chain to stay together.
So I'm saying to keep your solo, egotistical, greedy and selfish needs in your solo game. When you join my team, either be a team player and care about the teammate next to you as much as you care about yourself or feel free to find another team. You are not solo with a bunch of your fans watching when your in a team. Your a single cohesive unit working towards excellence and perfection (or something close enough to it) and ultimately completing the goal at hand where all members reap the benefits and are satisfied, not just you.
Again, it's fine to live by the regenism's of this thread, but not in a team, keep that solo or for small groups of players that think like you.
This of course is all my oppinion. I also believe the regenisms are oppinion and really shouldn't be in the form of a GUIDE or at least titled as such. I am a fellow regen scrapper and do not share the beliefs of these regensims at all when in teams. To say that most regen scrappers believe in this, is pure speculation. This is one person's oppinion and attitude towards things, by far not a guide that fellow scrappers should adopt.