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  1. GAIZ! THIS IS SRS! we all need to but on our bidess suits and get our act togther
  2. Sapphire_Shot


    ...i regret clicking this thread >.<

  3. Sapphire_Shot

    All Tank Kahn TF

    ah i didnt give a name =P

    I am bringing soverign guardian a WP/WM tank =P
  4. Sapphire_Shot

    All Tank Kahn TF

    ill join with my WP/Mace tank
  5. Sapphire_Shot

    13 Questions

    1. What's your favorite color?

    2. What is your very favorite song of all time?
    We didn't start the fire- Billy Joel

    3. What is your very favorite movie of all time?
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what THREE things would you take with you?
    A magic lamp, A friend, and my computer

    5. If you could own any kind of car, what would it be?
    A BMW!

    6. If you were in prison and were about to be executed, what would your final meal be?
    One that taakes a long time to eat

    7. If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be?
    Steven Colbert, Cartman, and........i dont need anyone else =P

    8. If you could do any profession, what would it be?
    Something with a big pay and little work

    9. If you could change ONE thing about yourself, what would it be?
    umm...nothing? im quite happy thank you!

    10. Cats or dogs?
    Dogs &gt; Cats

    11. What is your favorite sport and why?
    Golf beacuse i can actually play it =P

    12. If you had your choice between staying home watching TV, going to the movies or going to a professional sporting event, which would you choose?

    13. If you could be ANYBODY in the world, who would you be and why?
    Willy Wonka's candy tester =P
  6. O.o aggro stealer say waaaah o.O
  7. ok Kyo! youre so silly :P
  8. i called it WAAAAAYY long ago
  9. Sapphire_Shot

    Frost Fire Map

    we NEED the Frostfire map in ae its a pretty sweet map (and the half pipe is really fun XD)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    'll probably be taking mine. If I remember correctly BB has ran all of tank is next in line.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    thats fine but i call dibs on lead tank RAWR!
  11. Join the teamsters!!! Mean Girls is a fun coallie SG
    (a little too fun )
  12. uhhh just to clarify, am i touring both MG and my base or just MG....cause the other one I still have a tiny bit of work to do (finish the movie theatre, convince Nazer we dont need the sewers and that it MY base, make another room and have it judged of course) ya know the little things
  13. muwahahaha yet another cc for me to win! hehehe....
  14. i'll come along i doubt i have anything to do :/
    and with any luck my tank will be ready by then &gt;D
  15. Woo i get to judge! Also ive been working on a base (for those of you who havent heard me yelling about it :P) and i could give a tour of it and the Mean Girls base unless kultie wants to take care of that
  16. well i would be happy to help with all of those except the badge hunt cause i will be useless in that &gt;.&lt; and the PvP do we got to make some low lvls and battle 0.o? cause that would be fun.....
  17. I'M EXCITED! cause i got to help judge. YAY!
  18. Hey! while i am noobish my self &gt;.&lt; could i join this? it seems funz....and i have SOME monies so i could help a little and im ALWAYS more that happy to judge a cc XD