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  1. Ahh that would explain things then. These were are first characters on Villian side and I didnt research everything out. (kick self). Thanks for the replies.
  2. Was wondering if anyone was having the epic power pools not showing when you get to lvl 41. Wife and I both have just gotten to lvl 50 and at no time did we get the option of choosing from the Ancillary Pool. My 50 blaster has the Cold Epic powers but as I said, our villians didnt have the option to choose them at all. She had 2 additional power sets (flight and fitness), my character had 3 (flight, fitness, and teleport). Just wondering if it's just us or is this something new that we didnt know about.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    I love the way you assume the only reason for this patch is to nerf an exploit. Its not as if there are endlessly exploding rikti drones and an invasion weekend coming up, or a villainside taskforce that isnt working right, or PvP drops that werent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alot of people dont know about the exploding Rikti Drones. They dont see them alot in the AE building.
  4. Thanks for answering my questions, I guess. The three pages that followed "discussing" MrGhouls comments were, hmm cant think of the word. Anyways....
  5. Hello, I'm still new to the game and I'm trying to understand some of the issues that I've seen here. Rather than troll everyone else and ask the questions I figured I'd ask them here. Why would you remove the AE buildings from low level areas. I've noticed in load screens that it says something to the effect of You can level your character from 1 to 50 running AE ARCs Then you have the Arch Edition that is being sold now. Why buy something if you cant play it? When I first started playing (3 months ago), I seen sewer runs a dozen times a day on blue side. Ran them myself a couple of times. Then I figured I'd try this AE thing out. I made a story arc ran it with my wife and we had fun. We both thought that was pretty cool that you could do that. Then I joined a farm run, a bunch of glowie eyed women running around a city block with sledgehammers and shotties. Great xp and quick levels. Other toons I made went to KR and did bank jobs, ran the Hallows and such. On red side completely different story. No sewer run to grind up levels, large massive walls making it treacherous for level one to even get to an AE building, and snakes o.0. Still the missions were fun. Again after getting to level 12 went to AE and ran some things there. Then I noticed people I ran the lowbie quests (both blue and red sides) LEVEL 50. I see them in AE buildings shouting out things like AE TEAM FORMING! LEVEL 40+ only! These are people that 2 days before hand were level 3. Now I'm not saying everyone that complains about the AE Farms are guilty of this, more likely there are less than one would expect. But how can you go and power level to 50 in 2/3 days and then be a hypocrit and gripe about pl'ing noobs and restrict your team levels to 40+? As I seen somewhere else, Pandora's Box is open. Now you have to deal with it. In case anyone needs to know, I have only 1 level 50, just got him there last week. Did I run AE, yes. Did I run regular maps, yes. How long did it take him to get there? 2 1/2 months. I'm not trying to start a flame war, just trying to understand the logic behind some of the posts I've seen.