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  1. Now.. i hate to be "prime target" in the PvP-zones for everyone.. all ignore my pets and go straight for the MM
    So i ask .. would "invisibilty" help me there?... anyone have any experience wiht that power?
  2. I am tired of upgrading those minions every time .. so i wanted to create me a Bindkey that i can easly hit for Upgrade... something like
    /bind f6 "target_name DROHNE1$$powexec_name equip robot"

    But i cant finde a command to target my Minions.... any Ideas?
  3. Short Question to those old and experienced MMs out there..

    Do grouptravelpower "Group Fly" work on Minions?

    I have read that "Team-Teleport" also works on Minions.. so my question... what about "Group Fly" !?

    Thanks in Advance
