This is the first part of Stainless Steel's genesis and joining of the Precision Rangers.
The tech stuff is all fictional waffle, so if anyone out there actually knows anything about particle physics (which i don't), please forgive me.
I know some of you guys have done creative writing courses and stuff, I'd very much like to hear your honest thoughts since I have no writing training and I'd like some pointers.
Appologies for typos and stuff.
Well, all comments gratefully recived, please be gentle.
The final minuscule adjustments made, Daniel Thaxtead straightened up, knuckling the small of his back to ease the ache in the muscles there. Inhaling deeply the sterile, conditioned air of the laboratory, Daniel ran through the calculations again.
Everything was as perfect as he could make it. It would have to be. Next years research grant depended on weather this demonstration impressed Professor Neale.
Well liked around the campus of Paragon City University the professor may be, he was a hard man to impress. Some students whispered hed gotten a lot harder to impress in the last few months and often seem distracted by something. Since transferring to PCU from Sheffield, England, as an exchange student, Daniels theories had so far elicited only polite scepticism from Professor Neale.
You may have gotten your lecturers all hot an bothered back home boy, but look around this great city of ours. Neale had said the very first time Daniel had outlined his research to his new faculty head.
Since the Rikti invasion technological advancement has been moving at light speed. Youll need to turn that pet theory of yours into something pretty damn special to make people sit up an take notice round here. He added.
Yes, not an easy man to impress. Daniel could understand why. Looking around the laboratory one couldnt help but be impressed. Less than a year old, the Steel Canyon campus of PCU boasted every cutting edge facility imaginable. Not many universities in the world had access to a particle accelerator, yet one entire wall was devoted to controlling exactly that.
A mile in length, the circular path of the accelerator track extended south under the war wall and into the northern end of the Perez Park Trial zone. Heavily fortified, the park was strictly off limits to civilians since the rival gangs The Hellions and The Skulls used the park as a war zone to settle their various territorial disputes. The gangbangers werent even the worst of it, apparently. Daniel considered that a great shame since he loved to run both to keep fit and as an opportunity to think things out away from the lab environment. Perez Park sounded the perfect place for a good long run. Still, doing laps around Atlas Plaza would have to suffice for now. At least that gave Daniel a chance to watch the citys costumed heroes a little.
Checking the test subject one last time, and satisfied all was well, Daniel settled down to wait for Professor Neale.
Dwight Neale, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Director of PCUs physics faculty and agent of Arachnos, strolled through the halls of his department. His staff and students had achieved much over the past year, putting Paragon City University, particularly the science departments amongst the premier American learning establishments. Crey Industries, based right here in Paragon City, always seemed to snap up the most promising graduates. As well they might, since they were a world leader in the commercial and domestic technologies arena.
Neale found he could take little pleasure in the achievements of his colleagues and charges. Since the day the spiders appeared and took Mary away, Neale had been able to take little pleasure in anything. Neale could still hear his wifes screamed pleas as they dragged her from his sight. He could still feel his helplessness, held in his car seat by a black armoured figure using some form of huge mace-like riot baton.
Since weve taken your wife, its only fair we give you something in return professor. The armoured man had rasped, chuckling malevolently.
Pushing a small polished black object into Neales hand, his assailant turned and climbed into the unmarked van that Mary had been bundled into. All Neale could do was watch as the van receded from view left only with his despair and the smooth, heavy object in his hand.
It had turned out to be a communicator. Arachnos; Marys kidnappers, hadnt hesitated to use it. So now, to keep Mary alive and hopefully one day see her again, Neale was compelled to report back any promising scientific research and where possible provide Arachnos with notes and actual prototypes.
Striding into the particle physics lab Neale spotted the Thaxtead boy immediately. Sitting at the accelerator command console Thaxtead had his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes. Good, the boy was nervous. At least he understood the importance of this demonstration. Neale had more than one reason to push his students to pursue lines of research that would productive. Hearing the lab door close, Thaxtead looked up abruptly, realising Neale had arrived he stood up quickly and tried to find some composure. Neale wasnt convinced about the lads research premise despite his lecturers in England getting all excited over his theories. Apparently the boy needed access to a particle accelerator to further his research and so a student exchange had been arranged. Neale was eager to prove the boys reasoning flawed and guide him into a more productive area of enquiry. With luck one that would yield results for Arachnos. He must always have Marys safety foremost in his concerns.
As Thaxtead stood up, Neale appraised the boy. A little over six feet tall; anyone would think the lad a surfer dude from Florida, especially now he was losing some of his English pallor. Blond, muscular, a natural athlete, talented in both team sports and track and field. PCUs Coach and head of Sport Studies had bemoaned Thaxteads apparent disinterest in representing the University in any number of sporting events.
He just says hes too busy with his studies! Coach had ranted, Its just not right I tell you, a kid that physically talented.
Coach had wandered off, muttering about the lack of drive of students these days.
Add all that to his English accent and the boy had half the campus females sighing after him. Something of which Thatead seemed blissfully unware.
Smart and athletic. Some kids got all the breaks.
Dwight Neale, Professor and Arachnos Agent would see about that.
Right Mister Thaxtead. Show me what youve got.
Well Sir, Daniel started, Ive already outlined my theories to you and since Ive had access to the accelerator Ive made quite a few strides. Since Ive rigged up this test bed I thought I might as well let the process speak for itself.
Professor Neale actually looks surprised. Surely he must have realised I wasnt just theorising idly. Daniel thought to himself.
As you can see sir, I have a test subject ready. Daniel indicated one end of the test bed where a long dark object lay.
I thought Id go with something close to my heart sir. You see Sheffield used to be a huge steel-producing centre but over the years the industry has declined. My dad was one of the last steel workers to be laid off and remembering that was what got me started on this research, my inspiration if you like. Daniel explained.
Its pure carbon. I got the guys down in the Engineering faculty to vacuum form it into its present shape. I thought of the I-beam simply because of the steel industry.
Neale looked sceptically at Daniel. So let me get this straight, you propose to change this huge lump of charcoal into a steel girder?
Thats precisely what I propose to do sir. Daniel replied, a grin slipping onto his face despite his best efforts to stay serious.
I call it Molecular Transubstantiation, and I believe it will revolutionise the manufacturing industry. Like the alchemists of old I believe it is possible to completely transform one substance into another. An energy field focused on the target excites its molecular structure, a carefully controlled stream of prepared particles is fired at the target. Daniel pointed across the room at his pride and joy; the Transubstantiator. Looking for all the world like a ray gun from a cheap science fiction show.
The energy grid allows Protons, Neutrons and Electrons to be added to the target molecules. Once the energy field stabilises the molecular pattern is established and Shazam! Transubstantiation is achieved.
Shazam? You a comic book fan Mister Thaxtead? Neale enquired, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his voice.
Despite what you might believe from our fair city, we are not living in a comic book, Mister Thaxtead.
Daniel was a little taken aback. Professor Neale really was in a strange mood today and that didnt look god for Daniels research grant.
Let me show you sir, and you can see for yourself. Daniel said, adding, You might want these too, sir. It can get a bit bright.
Daniel handed Neale a pair of tinted goggles as he put on his own pair. Moving over to the command console, Daniel made one final check on the programme. All systems read optimal; this was it.
Here we go sir. Daniel said with a grin.
It was ridiculous. Neale thought to himself. Smart, as the kid undoubtedly was, how could his lecturers in England have let him waste time with this nonsense? Still, hed watch and let the kid fall. Then he could put the boy to some use working on something Arachnos would be interested in. Mary had to come first.
Thaxtead tapped at the command console and the lab was filled with a low pitched hum which rapidly rose beyond hearing leaving only an ever present vibration that Neale could feel in his chest.
In the centre of Independence Port a Terra Volta technician registered thirty seven percent increased draw on the Steel Canyon power grid. The reactor was producing more than enough to compensate but he put it in the log anyway.
Deep under Perez Park subatomic particles began to fly on their circular path to freedom, moving ever faster, held on target by the intense magnetic field of the particle accelerator. Twenty first century alchemy was underway.
As Neale watched the far wall of the laboratory began to glow green as myriad indicator lights began to light.
A red light on the Transubstatiator began to blink yellow, with increasing urgency and then turned green. A beam of blue-white energy suddenly shot form its gun-like muzzle, bissecting the room, it collided with the carbon test object which itself began to glow with the same blue light.
Thats the energy field sir. Once its established things should start to happen. Thaxtead said.
Neale turned to the young man who grinned back, his tinted goggles making him look like some demented grimacing insect.
Indeed, as Neale turned back, the blue glow was superseded by a yellow one, the entire laboratory was awash with the light coming from the target.
There sir! That colour change is the molecules accelerating. Thaxtead called from his place by the control console.
Squinting into the brightness Neale remembered the goggle in his hands and hastily pulled them over his face. Protected from the glare he could now see the target much more clearly. Was there a change in colour? Surely not?
The termination of the energy beam was punctuated by the bell-like clang of the test subject crashing to the floor amidst the debris of the table it had been supported by.
Ah! I didnt think of that. Sorry sir, Ill pay for the table. Thaxtead said, worry clear in his voice.
The carbon test object, dull and matt grey was completely gone. In its place, a perfectly formed Steel girder shone dully in the fluorescent lights of the laboratory.
You can touch it sir, its perfectly safe. Its not even warm Thaxtead chimed up.
Neale was stunned. It had worked, just like Thaxtead had said it would. The boy was a genius! Stepping over to the girder Neale stretched out a hand and laid it on the flat upper surface of the metal. It was cold, conducting the heat of his hand just like any other large metal object. It was amazing! The potential benefits to industry were simply beyond comprehension, not to mention its more unsavoury applications. Why, with this technology a man could make himself rich beyond imagining. Just like alchemy had aimed for, turning base metal into gold.
Incredible! Daniel, my boy, its simply incredible! Neale stammered. And you can turn anything into anything?
In theory, yes sir. Thaxtead gestured to the console. See sir, I just make adjustments here. The calculations for mass and volume are already done; its simplicity itself to change the desired result. That I-beam is normal ferrous steel. Say I wanted to make it stainless steel instead? Well, just add the right percentages of Chromium, Titanium, Nickel, Niobium and Molybdenum, and hey presto, there you have it. Thaxtead punctuated his words by entering values to match.
How safe is the process? To people I mean. What are the effects on living tissue? Is there any accompanying radiation? I notice the device is still ready to fire. Neale pointed to the screen, which displayed Fire again? Yes/No
Theres no radiation at all sir. Thaxtead replied, I spoke to some of the senior tech guys at Terra Volta before my first test run. I was a little worried since the process shares a lot of similarities with nuclear fusion theory. They put me onto a hero whos helping them with a project of theirs. Hes called Roentgen Storm and apparently hes a bit of an expert on fusion. He checked over some of my calculations and agreed that there was no risk.
As to tissue damage, I have no idea. Ive never tried to test it on an organism. Given that all life has its own bioelectrical field Id have to guess that the result would be unpredictable at best. I imagine that energy inherent in the subject might interfere with the transubstantiation field to some degree. The resulting feedback might be catastrophic. Besides, why would you want to?
Neale thought of the bright future Daniel Thaxtead would have once he perfected his technology. Marys face kept flashing into his view; her screams rang in his ears. A device like this, both weapon and moneymaker should be enough to get Mary back and get Arachnos out of their lives forever.
Tidy up whats left of that table would you Daniel? While I think about who to call about investment in your research grant.
Grinning from ear to ear, Daniel Thaxtead jumped down from the control platform and bent to pick up a table leg.
Moving almost of its own volition Neales hand alighted on the keyboard of the control console. Deafened by the screams of his wife; Neale pressed the Y key.
Bending over to pick up the table pieces, Daniel was startled by the bright blue-white beam of energy that blazed past his head. Jumping up he turned just in time to see Professor Neale reach out a hand and adjust the position of the Transubstantiator. Sudden realisation made his heart lurch into his throat just as the world turned blue.