508 -
Succeeded in my first 3 BAFs that I tried, and got all the badges, including the Master of Badge.
Thanks Kid and friends -
I haven't run any of the new content - not even Tin Mage, or Apex. Looking forward to this weekend and the hopes that I get left alone long enough to do one or two of them! Puppy aggro is a terrible thing. A terrible, wiggly, lickey, nibbley, waggley thing.
It sounds like some people (not just you, Grey) are looking for some kind of nirvana in-game, a place where friction between people doesn't exist, and everyone loves each other. That's never, ever going to happen. You're dealing with hundreds of individuals here - and they run the gambit of personality types.
If you are looking for a game where everyone gets alone with everyone else, and is willing to put aside 'petty' differences, I suggest you play a single player game, because that's really the only way you're going to get it. This is an MMO, and not everyone is going to have the same point of view, experiences, or willingness to change or try to change.
There will always be friction. There will always be people who don't like that player, or that blaster who doesn't like that other blaster, or the shy person who's quiet but would like to help but feels overwhelmed by the outgoing people she encounters.
I don't like everyone my friends online like (like that Elric fellow...), just like they don't like everyone I like -- and that's OK with me, and it's OK with my friends. It doesn't upset me, because it's the nature of individuality. If my friends were little clones of me, and liked everything and everyone I did.. well, there'd be no reason to play.
My friends know that there are certain people I absolutely *refuse* to team with and they know the reasons why (well people is the wrong word... person would be more appropriate), and they respect that. Everything else is up on the air. -
1) Paisley, who doesn't like it when I am on the computer and finds creative and exciting ways to
- a) poop in the computer room
- b) run around like a maniac and chew on my toes
- c) be amazingly cute and demand attention and give kisses
2) Playing that OTHER MMO with real life friends and enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Wow, who would have guessed!
3) Work, work, work and more work.
4) Any time I log in, there's no one around
5) I just found my cd copy of Zeus, and am enjoying creating civilizations there all over again.
You can always catch me on FB or Twitter - or my email addy if it's important. -
This intrigues me, but finding the time (ie being left alone long enough) to do it is hard!
The oldest cat, Tigg has warmed up the most - so much so that they're playing together now. The youngest, Brie is almost to that point. The middle cat, Mooby (the one that was Sully's boyfriend [my beagle we lost in Jan]) is the only one that hasn't warmed up yet. He keeps giving Paisley the 'stink eye.' It's funny.
Allow me to introduce you to the reason I haven't been online a lot lately.
This is Paisley.
SPCA thinks she's a terrier/dachshund mix based on the rest of her litter, but our vet (and my husband and I) think we're looking at a Parson Russell Terrier/beagle cross. She's 10 weeks old this Friday, and 4.5lbs. And 100% adorable. And, she's discovered that there are cats in the house. -
Hello Protectorites.
Anyone have any names of pretty varieties of hardy rose bushes that would be able to survive a zone 6 climate?
We plan on putting my dog Sully's ashes around a rose bush that we will plant this spring once the ground thaws. When he was a puppy he destroyed 2 rose bushes that I had in the backyard, and I thought a rose bush is a fitting place for him to be. I was also thinking of planting a little butterfly garden with some ornamental grasses around the birdbath, since butterflies and grass were two of the things he loved to howl at when he was outside. He was scared of them, but he loved to howl at them.
Anyhow, I don't know a lot about roses, so any help would be appreciated
Now I give you... Spider-Dog.
Quote:But, the whole point of the thread was to inform my fellow denizens of Protector about news they might not otherwise trip over.
Thanks Ice - I don't get a lot of time to check out the Dev forums and see what's new and shiny.
Ice - checking the other boards so I don't have to -
Quote:I need to rant, here goes: Math is going to ruin my New Year's Dinner.
So, I have this ham for dinner today. As I go about starting to get ready to put it in the oven, I read the instructions. 'Bake at 325F for 14-19 min per pound.' Ok. No problem... The tag on the outside of the ham says something to the effect of '$5.99/kg, total cost: $28.56.' Ok. I just have to divide the total cost by the price /kg to get the weight in kg, then multiply it by 2.2 to get the weight in pounds, then divide by 14 to get the time to cook it.. oh, that ends up in total minutes, and my oven bakes by hour increments. *BAMF!* My head asploded.
That is too much math to do when you're 1) hungry, 2) worried you're going to ruin a ham, and 3) not friends with math.Quote:The science/math nerd says:
$28.56 x (1kg/$5.99) x (2.2#/kg) * (14 min/#) x (1 hr/60m) = (28.65*2.2*14) / (5.99*1*1*60) = (879.648 / 354.4) = 2.48 hours.
...let me know if you need some actually hard math done.
Oh, I got the math done, I just didn't LIKE it. I wish labels would take weight into account, and calculate cooking time for you, or not mix metric and Imperial. That'd be easier than me trying to figure it out -
I need to rant, here goes: Math is going to ruin my New Year's Dinner.
So, I have this ham for dinner today. As I go about starting to get ready to put it in the oven, I read the instructions. 'Bake at 325F for 14-19 min per pound.' Ok. No problem... The tag on the outside of the ham says something to the effect of '$5.99/kg, total cost: $28.56.' Ok. I just have to divide the total cost by the price /kg to get the weight in kg, then multiply it by 2.2 to get the weight in pounds, then divide by 14 to get the time to cook it.. oh, that ends up in total minutes, and my oven bakes by hour increments. *BAMF!* My head asploded.
That is too much math to do when you're 1) hungry, 2) worried you're going to ruin a ham, and 3) not friends with math. -
Quote:well, I can at least play coh again. The bad news is I have to completly wipe my harddrive
. The good news, is I am getting a (slightly) BRAND NEW COMPUTER!!! So, I get all the new shiny graphics. So Happy New Year to me; the bad news; I had to pay 6 months to WoW for the wife to convince her. Grrrrr wish she come back here and play.
Grats on getting the comp back/new! Don't be hating on WoW - the new stuff is awesome, and what girl wouldn't want to ride around on their very own seahorse?! -
Quote:No, but you can complain about PvPers who read the forums looking for dates and times when people will be in PvP zones preparing for raids, specifically so they can hunt them down and kill them with ease.
Jerikko, there's your answer - maybe set up another a global channel (invite only to people you trust), or series of PMs/mail in game to the right people, and you could prob get enough people to take down AVs in RV that way. Unannounced, and mostly unmolested. -
Badge is really a myth told by Empaths to scare people. Emps that keep him up are part of an Elite squad.
Quote:Isn't that considered "Futile medical care" ?
If you ever want an exercise in playing the health bar whack-a-mole game, I suggest being on a team with Badge, and Ish. It's an adventure. Blink, if only for a second, and one of them is dead or trying to die.
Awww, Jan! I'm blushin' over here! -
It could be worse, of course. You could be on a server with a far more active PvP population than Protector and trying to get the badges.
I would be interested in them, especially on the weekends. I just got a new permanent time slot at work which means I am Mon-Fri 4:30pm - 1am.... so no raids during the week for me, but I would love more things on the weekend - like maybe the Hami Raid on Saturdays, then Sunday switch it up with alternating COPs or Rikti Raids?
Good point! I forgot to mention, even if you don't have the money to spare, time is always welcomed as a form of currency too -- volunteering is a wonderful gift for an organization in need, especially during the busy holiday season.