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  1. For me it depends on what I was wearing when I came in the house...If it was a really tough night at work, you'll find the trail of clothes starting at the front door.

    As for non-drinking, I only had 5 beers (and was just really really giggly), but the silliness really is contagious.

    Drunk or sober, it was a helluva good time.
  2. Since you're "stumped", how about Stump?

    I love simple.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Brief update...I am very excited to report that it appears that I will be around a bit longer than I had anticipated. Yay!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Glad to hear it! I wanted to mention what I referred to as my CoH savings plan. I honestly saved $5000 over the course of 6 months by playing CoH and not spending money on other frivilous things. So even if times are tight, you do need your internet, you've already bought the game, so for less than $15 a month, you're set

    I can only imagine how your job has been hit by the downturn. Hopefully as the economy starts getting out of the hole, they're going to need even more commercial real estate appraisers to help straighten out where we are. (My folks have worked with home real estate appraisers for over 20 years here in Kansas, so I know what it's been like lately--and we're not hit half as bad here).

    So glad to hear you're staying esp. since I finally got to meet you last night for Merm & Philly's lady's night! You definitely can't leave now!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    In under two hours, no less.

    And.. as a note.. I've been with Ele for 10 1/2 years and I've never seen her as drunk as she was last night. So.. good job, girls!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uhhh, for helping her get drunk or completing the tf in less than 2 hours. (The way were playing, you really have no idea what a feat that was, roflmao).
  5. Don't just think, do!!! You're our favorite drinking game...
  6. Thanks, Mermie & Philly, for the awesome night. I've never laughed so much during playing CoH. Since I only drank beer (next time it will be wine--we've got cases of it here), I was just up to the "Oh boy, I'm buzzed and everything is sooooo funny" stage. Ooops, I died, do I get a drink for that too?

    We definitely need to make it a regular, possibly monthly, event. Whoever thought 8 drunk women could get along so well plus complete a task force. We rock!
  7. I'll be glad to help. Just yell at me when it's time, and I'll bring Nurse Ratchett and her orderlies
  8. I got along well with both Giggles and Misty Dare. I started teaming with Giggles right after CoV started, and bless his heart, he stayed up until 3 am for my first villain 50.

    Both Giggles and Misty would come to my rescue while I was trying to get shivans many times (so if you feel you got ganked after killing a pve'er like me, yes, it was my fault). I know they both could be annoying, but they also were good people. It just depended how you conned.
  9. Ritsa


    I have it on my grav/kin and I love it too, when I remember to use it. I just haven't played her enough with the right groups to get full use out of it.

    Slot it up, it's fun! There should be one power on every toon that is just plain fun. (And the devs took the fun out of fire/burn)
  10. I forgot to ask if this is a pajama party.
  11. Let me know when & where. I'm a very good natured drunk, though I'm notorious for being difficult to get drunk.

    To paraphrase Alice Roosevelt, If you can't say something nice, come sit by me...