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  1. Hi, pretty noobish question I guess but I made a BS/SD Scrap a while back and got him to 38 before I quit the game and came back after a few months. Now I see a lot of Elec, Dark and Fire /SD Scrappers owning it up. So I decided to level up a Fire/SD Scrap for the heck out it. As I'm coming along I keep thinking there isn't much of a difference between the two. They both have a "Whirling Sword" AoE attack, they both have their single target pwners and so on.

    I was just curious as to if I should continue the Fire/SD Scrap or finish out my BS/SD Scrap.

    Any tips or advice would be much appreciated

    Thanks in advanced if I don't get back to this for a while
  2. Just sayin this whole game could use a nice makeover and some spicing up. Looks appeal more than seeing a bunch of orange numbers in the long run. Just sayin... if theres something you unlock in a game... like... hm... in WoW or something you want a character with NEW looks and NEW powers and NEW animations, not the same crap I see a scrapper or blaster using.

    Still though...I sadly say I love my Huntsman... as crappy as his power may look... they make up for it when I see a bunch of dead bodies when the venom cloud disappears
  3. Okay yeah I know a lot of people like these new SoA's but I find them a little boring.

    I expected something a little more... interesting, you know with like different powers and stuff.

    On the blue side theres two freakin completely new types of powers to play with and a whole mess of stuff to choose from, but then you come to the red side, work all night and day to get to 50, make a Crab, Bane or Huntsman or whatever and you start to see you're handling the same weapons and pretty much the same powers you did with other toons.

    I understand that the archetypes follow a story and the damage and stuffs alright, but still the backpack shouldn't use the same weapons that a Wolf Spider would use and it shouldn't use bullets... at all. It should be strictly limited to energy attacks and the grenades should be changed slightly. And the omega maneuvers power... well thats just... a toy thats fun for the first... 3 seconds and then its boring and does poor dmg for the recharge it has.

    I'm not bashing the epics or anything. I get the whole feel for them since I do play one, but still the main powers and heck even the secondary powers could use a bit of rethinking. That goes for both widows and spiders.

    Everything is just... too much like everything else in the game... it makes the content stale... very stale. More well thought out powers, better animations and some new features for the SoA's would just make things fresher.