well, this is my second post on the forum, but after quite excessive reading i've come to a few possible ideas. Don't get me wrong - i'm not trying to step on your territory, but I figured this was best out sooner rather than later.
I'm thinking roleplay on CoH should be made a lot easier for the players in several different aspects (ones we have some power over, as players);
-Finding the place to go for roleplay
-Getting joined in on the roleplay
-Figuring out the rules and limits of roleplay
-Interacting with other RP communities.
Theres only really one way to counter these problems players may be having, and the answer popped into my head when I read something about coalation between RP supergroups.
My fundamental idea is that the RP supergroups make their way under one banner - something like a server roleplay community, so that everyone involved in roleplay is involved with anyone else in roleplay, universally. A huge uppance would be that, in the end, we'll have our own superhero universe (ala; marvel or DC, our own creation to that extent.)
It will take a lot of work - and i'm making it sound as simple as I can - which I know a lot of people playing this game are devoted enough to do. Before I go on, I want to know who is interested in helping to start a massive, coalated community and help run it. This would include things like:
-starting and managing a forum.
-developing rules and roleplay guides, so that no players are different from each other as far as their limits go.
-General GMing over the community.
If enough people are interested, I will start a yahoo group to discuss and develop ideas. Just post here if you're up for leadership (or if you're thumbing up for having the community - after all, its the RPers opinions on this thats important, not the leaders.
I've been very vague about this, primarily because I want to see ideas based on the skeleton I gave. I'm not gonna go in to detail yet until I know what people want.