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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Not to be a bubble buster but.... how can anyone get giddy when we are still suffering with the I5 bugs?! Yeah they may get MOST of them fixed by then... but then just another wave of the same in I6? I5 was promised to be "ready when it's ready" and it has been the most bugged yet! AHHHHHHH (runs screaming into the night)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Welcome to the boards man! Come on, we have to start whining and arguing over I6 now! This is a warm-up session before the real [censored] 'ing starts!

    "I6: The End of CoH"

    "I6: Statesman's Lost His MIND"

    and so on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is there a superlative for DOOOOOOMMMMMM????
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh come on. Level 45s can't be too gray for you.

    Lowbie heros are getting cut down in front of your eyes, and yet you do nothing. Granted, only the really stupid heros died here, but stupid heroes are heroes too.

    Some of the heroes mistakenly even tried to save you, thinking you were in danger.

    Low level heros are oblivious to the dangers of these high level guys. Shouldn't you at least warn them off or something, even if you're not going to help.

    No, we all know that you're laughing inside of that tin can. Who else would be so sadistic as to send large groups of lowbies off to fight Vahz and CoT with barely a mention that they're all going to die?

    The biggest indignity of them all? You had to be saved by a Fire Blaster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At least he ain't KSing ... because that would be WRONG.
  3. *Hands AngryCitizen a box of imaginary cookies. Chocolate chip.*

  4. Eheh. Fitting addition, if you ask me. I think there's a lot of folks out there who don't quite "get" the whole l337-speak thing (especially with the way so much of it is being butchered by every-day non-h4x0rz folks) but are afraid to ask ...

    Smileys for joo !!
  5. DISCLAIMER: This post is for fun and entertainment purposes ONLY. Taking it seriously WILL result in heartburn. I am fresh out of Zantac. I cannot help you.


    “l33t” -- Variances: leet, l337, L33T, etc.

    What it means:
    Elite, far above and better than 99.9% of the population. This used to mean that the poster/speaker was a hacker with an elitist view of himself/herself and therefore to be feared. It has now come to refer to anyone thinking themselves better than others.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. You are a superhero. Your costume, powers and the way you tear through evil mobs like nobody’s business speak for themselves. You do not have to result to hacker-speak to let the world know that you are a force to be reckoned with. What do those geeks know, anyway?

    “uber” -- Variances: ubar, UBER, UBAR, etc.

    What it means:
    This word is derived from the German word “über,” meaning above or superior.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. You are a superhero. You are above the bottomdwellers known as regular citizens, as well as other players who have not yet found the game’s exploits, or if they did, refuse to use them. Too bad for them. They will never know what it feels like to be UBER, and making it from 1-50 in 10 seconds flat. You do therefore not have to rub your status into their faces because they will have no concept of what it’s like. Use this term sparingly, if you must use it at all, and then only to express your approval of something you find superior, i.e. “Fire/Fire is UBER, everyone should play a tank!” Until I5, anyway. Now, a more appropriate use would be “Defiance is UBER, everyone should play a blaster and stay at 5% health!” Etc.

    “sux” – Variances: suxorz, sux0rz, etc.

    What it means:
    A term used to describe something or someone that/who “sucks,” i.e. performs sub-par, and is completely, totally and utterly unacceptable.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. You are a superhero. The presence you carry is already letting everyone around you know that THEY are sub-par, and YOU are uber (see above). You do not have to utter the word to make everyone understand they are beneath you, and that the game is ridiculously easy and utterly below your skills. However, if you’re so inclined, feel free to use it to vent your feelings about any subject you desire, with no further information needed, i.e. “I5 sux! Doom!”

    “pwnz” – Variances: PWN, PWNZ, pwn, PWNED!, etc.

    What it means:
    Owned! This term means that someone just got totally bowled over and annihilated by their opponent, without even the chance to offer a valid fight back.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. If you have to brag about PWNING someone else, others may view it as an artificial way to rub the size of your ego into their faces, making them doubt the ACTUAL size of your ego. Such behavior is above you. You are a superhero, remember? You PWN evil with your sheer presence, making the world around you cower in fear.

    “n00b” – Variances: noob, N00B, etc.

    What it means:
    A beginner, newbie, someone new to the game, or new to any system without a full understanding of how it all works. Commonly used to refer to low-level CoH players. Well, lower than you, anyway.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. They are n00bs, what do they know? It’s not that a level 5 could POSSIBLY have anything worthwhile to say, as their in-game level probably refers to their real-life IQ anyway. They are to be shunned, and therefore the word “n00b” should not be a part of your speaking vocabulary. Unless you feel generous and want to show your UBER powers to help them level up a little bit. Life at low levels must be utterly hard for anyone (as far as you can remember), and they should be glad that you feel inclined to pull them out of their misery. Feel free to pick on them anytime for your own entertainment if you absolutely cannot bring yourself to ignore them, because that is the only OTHER acceptable way to relate to them.

    “teh” – Variances: TEH

    What it means:
    Simply the English word “the” with its latter 2 letters reversed. Spread about liberally by folks who either don’t know how to type properly, or their fingers are running away with them and they just don’t care for spelling errors.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. If others don’t know by now that teh = the, you can’t help them. Let them decrypt it themselves, you have better things to do. You need to type up your post as quickly as possible because everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear what you have to say, and so you can get back to business saving the world. You are a superhero with giant fists waiting to clobber down bad guys, and they just can’t adjust themselves to those tiny keys in front of you. Shrug your shoulders, and move on.

    “r u” – Variances: R U, RU, etc.

    What it means:
    An abbreviation of the words “are you,” commonly used at the beginning of an inquiry as to other players’ powers or archetypes. May also be liberally used to begin any other type of question/inquiry.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. Why say something in 6 letters (plus a spacebar) if 3 will do? Because others will regard you as extra considerate if you bother with such a small, meaningless courtesy as using complete words. Only use R U if you feel like time is of the absolute essence, and then they will thank you because they know that you respect the fact that everyone is in a hurry, including them. Don’t use it often, you don’t want to spoil people and make them think it’s expected. Or have them wonder, “What’s a RU, and what is this guy asking me for one?”

    “HEALR” – Variances: healr, healzr, HEALZR, etc.

    What it means:
    This word means “healer,” and in CoH context, describes the defenders with the primary powerset known as Empathy. Commonly used to ask defenders if they are capable of healing fellow heroes.

    What it means to you:
    If you’re not an empath -- Nothing. If someone asks you that question, it means they have no understanding whatsoever of damage mitigation. The fact that you can keep their health bar from dropping to begin with is a logic lost on them. They only care about “can you get my red/yellow health to green?” It’s strictly a color coding concept. They will kill your anchors because they’re a shiny green/red anyway, so your powers would be lost on them as well.

    If you ARE an empath – Nothing. The members of the team in question have developed a strategy that involves repeated death and debt. You will be the heal-bot and 100% responsible for people’s health, no matter how well/badly they play their toons. Their battle cry will be “HEAL! HEAL !!!11!1!!1111!!!” Your presence will be an excuse for them to aggro mobs of dozens with abandon, expecting you to keep them alive at all times, and they will blame you for everyone’s death, including their own. Followed by a /kick. Run. Far away. And don’t turn back.

    “PH4T” – Variances: PHAT, ph4t, etc.

    What it means:
    Another word for “fat,” not to describe body size, but meaning “a high quantity of” just about anything. For example, “ph4t xp,” “phat lewt,” etc.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. With so many people on diets, and 80% of the female population subsisting on lettuce and celery, the use of this word in their presence will get your head caved in. Avoid it by all means. Seriously. You have been warned.

    “PL” – Variances: Pling, pl’ing, pl, etc.

    What it means:
    An abbreviation of the word “power-level,” meaning people have devised methods to go from 1 to 50 in 10 seconds flat (see above), thereby circumventing the boring, boring (and did I mention BORING?) content of the game.

    What it means to you:
    Nothing. Unless you either wish to A) be regarded as a n00b and a bother (should you ask ANOTHER hero to PL you) ... or B) have a conga line of n00bs trailing you all the way from Atlas Park to Peregrine Island. They are to be ignored, remember? Keep your ability to PL others a secret, and only PL your closest friends, or if someone else offers you money. Santa Claus sees you, and will be sure to reward you with many presents for not bragging about it openly. If you get others to pay you, you don’t need Santa Claus. Feel free to charge for your services. It will make others understand how valuable you are.

    And that's all you need to know. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
  6. Best. Stuff. Ever.

    I propose a Kape Jerk badge for the Kill Atta mission ...
  7. What's with the flaming? If you go into a no-badge TF with the expectation of a badge *hopefully/possibly* in the future and then get mad if it doesn't happen, the joke's on you. If you want/need badges that badly, do the TFs that have badges already associated with them, and don't bother with the rest. Badges were designed to enhance the game experience, not as an end in and of itself. I'm a completist/perfectionist myself, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over a badge in a game. Losing sleep is what reality is for, no?

    I did 2 of the Shard TFs with my SG and I'm just fine with walking away from it without a badge because I went into it for the *gasp* experience , and the fun times spent with good friends. And, we got 3 folks closer to 50 (one of them dinged 50 during) so that was a reward in itself.

    Just my 2 cents worth from an avid, active, year-plus-long player getting sick of the Doooom/Khaaannnnn/Flaming BS that seems to have overtaken everything ... and yes, I'm STILL looking forward to I5 and exploring the new content with my friends (because we have FUN ... we really really do, no matter what) .... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  8. I haven't tested this yet. Here are my thoughts though:

    1. As a tanker, it already takes FOREVER, even WITH Burn, to kill stuff (versus blaster/scrapper), but I'm a fairly patient person, so soloing is still fun IMO.

    2. You now make it come back less (and WITH perma-Hasten, it barely overlaps as it is), AND do less damage. ... will now take EVEN LONGER to kill stuff. Some of us have to work and tend to things in real life ... I hope it won't take me longer to do the same amount of leveling I'm used to now (and I am NOT a power-leveler ... I still enjoy exploring the content even after 10 months of playing), because that may cause me to rethink my CoH subscription ... you have to keep people interested, and while adding new powersets is great, forcing them to level slower with their existing toons by nerfing things is not so great ...

    3. To build a viable Fire tanker, the Primary defense powers (as compared to other tank types) are so laughable, we're forced to dip into ancillary pools to strengthen our defense ... which are also being nerfed (thanks).

    4. So not only are we having to rely almost strictly on Fire's reduced defense ... you're also hurting our offense (and Burn just happens to be my favorite, which is why I haven't picked any of the Secondary Fire powers).

    5. I'm not big on herding anyway so I don't care much about the Taunt target reduction, but please don't FORCE me to team up so I can play at a fairly acceptable speed.

    Long story short -- it'll take me EVEN LONGER to kill stuff ... while you reduce my defense ... y'all wanna just bore me to pieces here? It's not like having to hunt 40 Crey/Nemesis/Rikti in Crey's Folly over and over isn't already redundant enough ...

    Just my 2 cents worth ... my Fire/Fire tank is now lvl 33 by the way ... and it took me until about 28 or so to even make it FEEL like she's a tank (instead of a way nerfed scrapper).
    Burn was FUN ... gave me a feeling of contributing to the carnage even in a team setting ...

    I understand that balancing the game between gobs of ATs with their different power combinations is tough ... but sometimes, y'all just need to leave well enough alone.
    Once again, I haven't tested my Fire/Fire tank on Test yet (things get buggy if I copy toons over) so these are just my first impressions, and may be unsubstantiated ...

    On another note, I think one of the CoH selling points (versus other games) is that people have the choice of building a toon specifically for a team setting, or for strictly soloing, or somewhere in between. If you remove these choices by trying to making things "even" and applying cookie-cutter solutions, y'all are only hurting yourselves ... and the game we all love so much, because it GIVES us so many choices.
    Who cares if a regen scrapper can solo an AV? Let them! It's their choice, and even if it takes forever, it's their time, not yours. Who cares if a Controller can solo better at higher levels than blasters? Let them! The blasters leveled faster, sooner. There's still a balance there. People decide upon the drawbacks and advantages of an AT before they build their toon. It's part of the challenge and fun of the game. If players don't think before they build ... you can't fix that ... which is why Delete and Respec exist ...