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  1. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    oops my mistake I linked the wrong thing for your small version Mr Wuffles!

    thats the real small one!
  2. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Holy Jebus: Psy you just made Calamari the cutest thing on earth.....that's a gift XD

    [/ QUOTE ]

    heheh thanks
  3. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Doesn't stop you entering Psy. Pick your fave moment in game, cutify it and do it as an image, or a t-shirt

    Come to think of it, first time fighting Lusca....cutified

    [/ QUOTE ]

    :O Lusca cutified would be amazing!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was trying to draw a robot monkey for my desktop and would you believe it it turned into Lusca!

    Lusca wallpaper

    Thats on the right hand side, I made a left hand one too for my other computer :P
  4. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Awww, sooo cute the lot of you! And this is entirely optional but I'd love to see how ARAD's resident robotics genius would look....

    Plenty of other reference material @

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here is a crazy haired Master Zaprobo

    and the Small version
  5. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hello could I please have an icon made from Luna here.

    Edit: Better Piccy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here is Luna (i love her hat...)

    and the Small Version
  6. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Last attempt at a screenshot of Zero before I facepalm myself

    I always manage to login at night, and being quite a dark stealth character has its disadvantages when trying to screenshot!!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here is Tsumiju Zero

    and the Small version
  7. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Heya reckon u cud have a go at my main for me plz they do look wicked lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Took a while... but here is Graviton-x

    and the Small Version
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I thought I had more than this but apparantly not

    Trick Arrow/Dark

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Add an Ice/Sonic to the list too. Hugely fun.

    Can't find the love for my TA/Dark. Need to reroll in a new combo I think...
  9. Been here since the start of the game in the EU (was that feb 2005??)... got no plans to go anywhere while there are still things to be made cute and defenders to get to 50!

    Go 'Fenders!
  10. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Rofl, how about a cutified Hamidon?

    If that could be cutified I'd be well impressed

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is the reason Pys can't be replaced

    (sorry Psy couldn't resist giving it a go >< Consider me no threat to your skills ^ ^')

    [/ QUOTE ] heh heh omg that's awesome and cute
  11. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I also think you should go for that T-Shirt contest, Psygon. Your works will be awesome on T-Shirts. Surviving Eight is a good idea, as well as Vindicators... Mynx probably look so good in your style.

    [/ QUOTE ] looking at the announcement we won't be having a t shirt contest
  12. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lol cute patrons is a good idea but... Cute Black Scorpion?

    I don't think even Psy's powers stretch that far!

    [/ QUOTE ] i see that as a challenge... Which may be a bad thing for my spare time
  13. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder if it would be possible to make some plushie using Psygons cute-ification as base. That would be wicked cool.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thinking about it I'm sure it wouldn't actually be *that* hard... Now if only I knew how to sew...
  14. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ooooh cuteness! Didn't know which of my toons to see about having cutified, so just grabbed the ones with the shiniest outfit (well apart from my scrapper, still not happy with the outfit)
    Shikome-X now with added claws


    Gray's Spines

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And another...


    Small version!
  15. Psygon

    City of Cute...


    will just have to see if they are EU contests too...
  16. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Can i get a big stick of rock???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never buy rock, only Pocky!
  17. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lots of cute and funny in here, I like them!

    Do you think you could add Moonshade to your lineup too, please? Would love to see her cute side

    [/ QUOTE ]

    here is Moonshade

    and the Small Version
  18. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    gah I can resist no longer...If you have time I'd love one of Patrolman

    But no rush

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really liked making this one...


    and the small version
  19. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    They are very cool and very cute....

    .....could you do one of my main, pretty please

    Close up
    Full piccy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    here is Moondog

    and the small version
  20. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ohhh SNAP! They Are Awesome!!!!!!! :OOOOOO

    Can I Have One Done?

    Name: Peace Ranger
    Images: (Front) (Back)


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok well, despite my last post I found time for some more so first up...

    Here is Peace Ranger

    and the Small Version
  21. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    I'm a little behind on cutes at the moment, was a lot busier this week than I intended and I'm off for a few days holiday from tomorrow so prolly won't see any new stuff till end of next week...

    I will get all that are waiting to be done done tho!
  22. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I know your going to have a long waiting list, but instead of Predatory, I wouldnt mind my tank Protection been cutified instead, Predatorys had her picture done by someone else its only fair


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know... I think I would have preferred doing your cute cat toon Anyways, I've tried to give him a big armoured look...

    here is Protection

    and the small version
  23. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also your "zebra" Shirt rocks

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    How long doe each of these take roughly?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It depends... some of them are very quick (15-30 minutes) to put together because I've got a bank of various costume pieces now... though I do try to personalise each one so they're unique and match the character I'm creating!

    However, some of the more complex ones do take me longer... especially if I have to sit and sketch things out first to get an idea of what I want to do. I think the first crab spider took the longest - maybe 2 hours or so!