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  1. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Hi Psygon, I'd love a Night Hornet one, if you're not too swamped already.

    NH Pic

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    Night Hornet Cute

    Small version
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    Vehicles with fins? <3

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    No, ponies, most likely.

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    Well, if Nemesis can have horses...

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    We totally need horses in game - I'm sure they could find an excuse for them

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    I seem to recall a long time ago the suggestion for us to be able to have cats - maybe this is the customisation we are finally getting!
  3. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    heh cool Never knew who bought them

    Pleased you like it!!
  4. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Not sure I'd pay for one... but I'd pay for a t-shirt with mine on.

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    Just to clarify - they weren't paying for a city of cute Was a commission... for a kids bday card And now for some wedding invites :O

    Cutes are free
  5. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    I'm still really behind with these :O

    Mostly because people have started offering to pay me for work so am concentrating on that at the moment... I will get back eventually i'm sure!!
  6. Psygon

    I miss .........

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    US players know something we don't? - The game mechanics now for the event is way too complicated to be enjoyed. They've taken the community's most loved event and turned it into somekind of mito-grindfest that has to be organised with machine like efficiency if you are to have the slightest hope of success.

    Yeah, Great Job Paragon Studios.
    *slow handclap*

    [EDIT]: I can think of five, maybe six attempts at Hamidon post-redux, I've been on 2 that have succeeded since the redux. Neither of them were as much fun nor had the wide-ranging diversity of relative newbies alongside Veterans enjoying themselves in the old (larger) group size.

    I miss it... a lot.

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    I Totally agree, the old raid was more of a community get together. (ah the days of pre-global channels) Where you caught up with old friends that were now playing alts, and you had simply lost touch.
    Unfortunately the U.S. farmers have ruined all that, forcing the Dev's to use a sledgehammer to crack a peanut IMO.
    The EU servers used to organize them once a month, where as the US were farming Hami daily in some instances. Now, with diminishing returns and a 24 hour timer on TF's could not the same be applied to Hamidon.(say, a week instead)
    Plus for heavens sake remove the cap of 50 people
    This at the moment, means 6 teams and 2 spare, what are they meant to do?

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    I really don't see the problem with the new hamidon raids

    they are fun and they are a community get together
  7. Psygon

    I miss .........

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    [EDIT]: I can think of five, maybe six attempts at Hamidon post-redux, I've been on 2 that have succeeded since the redux. Neither of them were as much fun nor had the wide-ranging diversity of relative newbies alongside Veterans enjoying themselves in the old (larger) group size.

    I miss it... a lot.

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    There were two recent(ish) Hamidon raids arranged by Omega MCX on Defiant that were quite a lot of fun... there were newbies rubbing shoulders with veterans and despite having to have teams doing specific tasks it worked pretty well. I hope he arranges some more soon! (and I think the majority of people who were there on both raids had fun too!)
  8. The cossie contests were good fun

    Hope the rest of your bday was good!
  9. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Could I possibly have one? No rush or anything.

    Using my current avatar as a basis with a couple of changes. DM/Regen (so no sword) and her eyes are blue in reality (game ).

    Link to orginal of my avatar.

    Can we get these on T-shirts yet? Really want a plushie too but that can wait.

    BTW what software do you use? Original format of the artwork?

    Oh and any chance of a Cutified Jurassic/Babbage/Greater Devoured Desktop?

    Or just a Cutifed Greater Devoured.

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    I will try a greater devoured when I start these up again. Needed a bit of a break from artwork recently as been suffering creative block!

    As to the software query... I use Photoshop and Illustrator... they are mostly fully vectored...
  10. Similar story with my kinetics characters. My first was a defender (kin/nrg)who I do still like I just find the replacement ice/kin controller a lot more versatile (though I have to admit I haven't played her so much recently..)

    With blasters I'm always replacing the last one. Each blaster I've played (with the exception of my elec/devices) I've thought "wow, this is the best blaster ever" then I go and roll a new one and think the same thing again. Rarely go back and play any of them once they hit 50 either...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just to confirm ExtraGonk and I will def be there

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    Is that your empath or bubbler mate?

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    Either one - depending on what's needed based on who shows up!
  12. Just to confirm ExtraGonk and I will def be there
  13. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Can you squeeze one in for me too please - Baby-Phoenix...


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    Cute Version
    small version
  14. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Been a while since I did any cutes so been working through a large backlog... mostly americans...

    Real look | Aggelakis Cute

    Turbo Ski
    Real Look | Turbo-Ski Cute

    Tanks 4D Memories
    Real Look | Tanks 4D Cute

    Savannah Nightwolf
    Real version | Savannah Cute

    Dragon Angel
    Real Look | Cute Version

    Burnt Matchstick
    Real Look | Cute Version

    Real Look | Cute Version

    Real Look | Cute Version

    Got a couple of EU ones to post as well ... coming up in a sec!
  15. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    I see Psygon got a pic of Soul train on the US City Scoop!

    Nice work, Psy

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    hadn't seen that, thanks for posting it
  16. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Hi Psy if you cant make the battledrone, may i submit another pic for cutification?

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    sure... I meant to post but been busy, the battledrone was beyond the scope of coty of cute anything else is hopefully fair game!
  17. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    There is a slight backlog, but post a screenshot and I can add you to the list
  18. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    It's probably one of my favourites now... though makes me want better hair on some of the others!!
  19. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Couple of new ones.

    First another american one:

    Original | Cute Version

    Then a EU one

    Original | Cute Version | Avatar Sized

    (and yes... I fancied doing something crazy with the hair!!)
  20. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Couple more of the american ones...

    Flame Enchantress:

    Original | Cute Version

    Hochroter Drache:

    Original | Cute Version
  21. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Here is one of the american requests for a cute:

    Soul Train (

    The large version
  22. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Doesn't stop you entering Psy. Pick your fave moment in game, cutify it and do it as an image, or a t-shirt

    Come to think of it, first time fighting Lusca....cutified

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    :O Lusca cutified would be amazing!

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    I was trying to draw a robot monkey for my desktop and would you believe it it turned into Lusca!

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    I created my robot monkey using the cute body shape...
  23. Psygon

    City of Cute...

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    Here is Tsumiju Zero

    and the Small version

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    EPIC Awesomeness, just need to make his skin color correct

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    And now with the correct skin tone :P

    Tsumiju Zero

    and the Small version