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  1. If the core size increases enjoi will have 2 open spots on the core roster. Anyone can PM me if your interested.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    I will contact Captains and hopefully have a definite answer by tommorow, so far the only one's I'm sure of their opinion's/votes are 3 teams, which if it were quantified at this point would be 2-1 in favor of raising it to 10. I know I can count you and PF's team as in favor for sure, the one who is against I will clarify with, and the 2 I'm not sure about I should be able to contact today. I'm sending offline's to them after I post this. Believe it or not, there is opposition to raising it from some people, I'm just not sure whether or not it's enough people to outvote the ones in favor... Either way it will be figured out very soon.
    u dunt no meeeeeeeeeeeee son
  3. maybe we can talk about it during next week's votes. who knows. idc really.
  4. we are maxed out will see about more when teh draft opens up.
  5. gonna break 100K views in no time lolz.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Sup Xanatos, PF.
    Tried to read your line-ups stuff on our guild forums but it's buggy atm.

    I'll move my TA and Emp over as soon as Freedom launches or I get bored enough to do it.
    Thats fine girly. Will be rolling new alts after ish drops for a different type of lineup most likely start saving your tip moniez.
  7. we have other emps if you cannot make it Xan
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Looking forward to playing against my forma massas.
  9. Please register at our guildportal site:

    1 - @PF? - Captain
    2 - @Kalibash - Luitenant
    3 - @Neuronia
    4 - @Psychics
    5 - @Light Within
    6 - @Xanatos
    7 - @Captain DS
    8 - @Van Wilder
    9 - ?
    10 - ?

    11 - ?
    12 - ?
    13 - ?
    14 - ?

    **Update 13SEP2011. enjoi is disbanded due to RL priorities. GLHF**
  10. There will be an 8v8 arena team league format starting up soon. watch the boards for the free agent/draft thread. goahead and post your application to be drafted to one of the 6+ teams. joining a league team is the fastest way to learn. team setting can help you with any questions you have.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    It is in a unique situation where the endless trial is far superior to the actual game.
    never herd of it
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    I love PVP, it is the first thing I look for in a mmo.
    Having said that, I have tried to get into PVP in this game and it just makes me sad. Every time I enter RV, the "PVP" is 3 or 4 people camping the opposition's spawn because they think there might be someone in there.
    It doesn't matter how sucky PVE is, it certainly can;t be less interesting than that. I don;t want to be man number 5 camping the spawn hoping someone will show up and I don't want to log over to be the single man in there trying to fight four people. Neither of those situations are PVP.

    I play CoH solely for the PVE, well actually I play CoH solely for my friends. If I feel like PVP, I log into my endless trial of another, far superior and more PVP orientated MMO and have a good time.
    lol what other MMO?
  13. for anyone who didnt die with the pvp being dead and joined my league team plz register so we can get things ready for draftz.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Alpha does little besides make up for weak points in your build. Range or damage on a blaster is a waste since boost range is op and build up as well. So in short let them use Alphas just ban the other incarnates. Vets don't need to be coddled. If ios can be used by already slotted toons it's good to go.
    this ^
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cover Girl View Post
    One time...PF told me I was stupid, then made me do a bunch of BAF's back to back.. I died a lot. The end.