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  1. Bwahahahaha!!!! I escaped!! I escaped!!!!...
    *Hops back into his MCTDFBBC to watch some LotL marathon with a huge bowl of popcorn and some diet coke in a huge glass*
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Morning Pogo. Had fun running with you guys last night. Looking forward to doing it again next week.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    was much fun indeed! next week will be better!
  3. Morning fed, and morning to all!! coffee and pamcakes please!!

    (plops down in his MCTDFBBC and sets the mega-sized tv to the Land of the Lost marathon)
  4. Morning all!! Scifi channel!! Its on again!! Two days of...Land of the Lost!!! ( and Will Ferrell stay away from my Land of the Lost, dammit!! )
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No puppeh!! (and dont forget 6pm est- level pacters from VHG are gathering for teaming!! )

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I kahnnnt until 4 pm pac 7 est have to drive people to airport
    and grab lunch with dad

    was thinking of doing oro 1 2 and 3 hero side at 4 pm pac

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NONONONONO!! people arre showing up!! you gotta be there by 7pm est!! *nods*
  6. we aint gots no soul now?

    I aint got no soul..and nosoul aint got me!
  7. My god!! A journey through time and space with...The Mighty Boosh!
  8. No puppeh!! (and dont forget 6pm est- level pacters from VHG are gathering for teaming!! )
  9. Hi and Bye Desmodos! Next time stay for drinks and eats.
  10. feeling nostalgic, I went to youtube and looked up leeroy jenkins. after I watched the original video, I found a couple of others- namely some of the voice put over footage from return of the king, and even funnier, some mixed '300' footage to the entire dialogue. and then theres one leeroy jenkins vs the angry german kid. go check them out now!!
  11. Cybermen!! ((Another group of the doctor's enemies. there was a 2-parter where the daleks and cybermen were fighting on earth against each other and exterminating humans along the way))
  12. Good lord I step out for a bit and now Daleks?? whats next, Cybermen?? We know how well those two groups get together.
  13. GAAAHH!!!! WHAT!!??!!! OMG!!!!

    Getouttamywayigottamakesureeverythingishookeduprig htortherecouldbeatearinthetimespacecontinuum!!!!!
  14. But..I already built a TARDIS. Its in the lab....

    Wow..all my work for nuthin..*sighs* why do I bother?..
    so unappreciated these days..

    *heads back up to the lab for solitude.*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Hm. I should really get into a Super Group. Anyone have any recommendations?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Virtue Honor Guard is always looking for new people.
  16. and Bioware is making it!! Can't wait for it!!
  17. project natal aka XBOX FLUID i sa 3d motionsensor camera attachment..basically you wont need a controller at all. but, i dunt wanna jump around, running around to play, if I wanted to do that I wouldnt have bought a gaming console to begin with!

    oh, it also has voice recognition! so you can 'talk' to the characters.
  18. ok all im out for a bit- pt and errands. cya all later
  19. But, that main sith in the trailer- is that Darth Bane?
  20. I know I know..no time this week...
  21. Sadly I have Mass Effect one AND Bioshock and still havent played them!!
  22. hmm..it wont play but if its the epic battle in the jedi temple then YES!! also, the main Sith, is that darth Bane? I heard about that novel and wanted to read it. also id like to read the old republic books too.
  23. well I said the TRAILER looked phenomenal...oddly i was in the last swmmo..and luckily got out a month or two before they changed the game over and killed it..was way too laggy for me.
  24. I tried clicking on the cov icon AND typing in the url..neither worked..its a conspiracy I tells ya!! run!!