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  1. yes..i figured elec..but debating the primary either grav or mind
  2. but yeah, elec/mind works better I think too. thanks
  3. BUT, I just watched the Yankees come from behind to beat the Mets!!!! woohoo!!!!

    I was thinking maybe elec/dark for sith?...
  4. *hands tissues to Viv*

    lass, tis a tough loss...sorry
  5. hi all..since villiany was the theme for today..somewhere...somehow..I was thinking..what powersets would make a Sith? (redside obviously).
  6. Now, reading that fast, do you retain all that you've read? I used to work with a girl who read really fast and by the end of the next week ,she couldnt tell me a damned thing about that book she just finished a week earlier.
  7. damn..ive been reading a collection og h. rider haggard stuff (allan quartermain) and its been TWO MONTHS to read 3 books!!! i swear Im not that slow of a reader..just Rl been sooo busy lately...
  8. bwahahahaha!!! great story!!

    (psst..I kind of had a feeling about the ending but didnt wanna say nuthin to nobody!!)
  9. Rachel should drive Iron Rook yoday!! *nods* yes those rangahs wont know what happened to them!!!
    as for me...im working on an experiment...at poolside..
    see these swim shorts? i want to see ho long they take to dry on thier own while im still wearing them after being in the pool for an hour..or four..then laying out in the sun.
    its all for science i tell you...what?
  10. I must admit...these days things are kinda 'meh, ok Ill post' on these boards... We need some sprucin' up 'round here!!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    /sneaks out from the Attic Lab wearing blac top hat, black suit, black cape and starts singing Puttin' On The Ritz
    Have you seen the well-to-do, up and down Park Avenue
    On that famous thoroughfare, with their noses in the air
    High hats and Arrowed collars, white spats and lots of dollars
    Spending every dime, for a wonderful time
    If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
    Why don't you go where fashion sits,
    Puttin' on the ritz.
    Different types who wear a daycoat, pants with stripes
    And cut away coat, perfect fits,
    Puttin' on the ritz.
    Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
    Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
    Come let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks
    Or umbrellas in their mitts
    Puttin' on the Ritz

    Tips his hat just like an english chappie
    To a lady with a wealthy pappy (very snappy)
    You'll declare it's simply topping to be there
    And hear them swapping smart titbits
    Puttin' on the ritz!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    ????!!!????? hmmm..kill that theme music band! thats not the overly dramatic diabolical fiend theme I ordered!!
  12. /sneaks out from the Attic Lab wearing black top hat, black suit, black cape and twirling te ends of his handlebar mustache*

    MEH HEH HEH!!! I have the perfect plan to stop those pesky rangers!! They owe RENT for that base of thiers!!

    and you do know we have the Iron Rook just sitting there...doing nothing...ready to go to battle...
  13. hi all!! for sooth and yea verily!! tis a glorious day! mom came home from the hospital! I just got back from picking her up! Huzzah!! Mead (Guinness flavored please ) all around!!
  14. Welcome!! I don't have much o' th' rum lad, but yer welcome to have a pint o' Guinness anytime with me!
  15. ugh..sorry very late
    had an important date
    and..uh..thats all for me..*bows, curtsies, etc*

    what? you be thankful I even made a late cameo today!! :P
  16. Where were you going with that pakage per chance?

    Just saying...A few moe packages of that confidentiality we could maybe make something...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Emgro believes in old-fashioned manliness, not this new-fangled bromosexuality.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't like the term bromosexuality. It makes me think someone has a paraphilia for bromine, which, if you're unfamiliar with it, is a stinky, toxic, brown liquid halogen.
    One could say that description has striking similarities to one of diarrhoea, but such bromides aren't that funny.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    but bromine is used in keeping jacuzzis/hot spas clean...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's related to chlorine, after all. It's just in a long line of things considered harmful that have useful purposes.

    Y'know, like helicopters and high-powered rifles.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh ok! I feel MUCH better now!!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *hands Haetron a blank restraining order, then hugs him in a manly way, which is shaking hands*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've seen men hug in manly ways. It's all over the media, with their current infatuation for bromances. McCain and Bush, for example.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Emgro believes in old-fashioned manliness, not this new-fangled bromosexuality.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't like the term bromosexuality. It makes me think someone has a paraphilia for bromine, which, if you're unfamiliar with it, is a stinky, toxic, brown liquid halogen.
    One could say that description has striking similarities to one of diarrhoea, but such bromides aren't that funny.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    but bromine is used in keeping jacuzzis/hot spas clean...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    /e hugs the puppy.

    Pogo Darth Snidley is a brilliant name! :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank You!!
  20. My sg, VHG (Virtue Honor Guard) just started a static team last week, wed nights.
  21. Im back from PT all. ANd hi to all the people that came in after me, and WELCOME!! to all the new people.

    So, Rook, I was thinking...well it came to me quickly..with SWTO on the way and you're Snidley Rooklash lately....what if..Snidley was a Sith?....

    Darth Snidley!!

    'Join the Dark Side or else!! MEH HEH HEH!!'
    *twirls his mustache*

    (hope im not copyright infringing with that one)
  22. morning all!! paMcakes and coffee!! ooohhh!! waffles!!

    gee they are so light and FLUFFY