Need moar villanry? Sure ya do.




Mexxor the Vile wavered his eyestalks peevishly and oozed back and forth across the silverly dias which contained his gooey mass in a obvious agitated manner. The rest of his oozlings had already fled from the room as in his ire he had eengulfed and digested three already.

Mexxor's mass shuddered sending ripples all up and down the length of his green corpulent frame. The last remnants of his underlings just barely visible through his translucent skin.

He whirled again and looks through his ocularian, poking his main eye stalk into a small opening which would allow him to see across the cosmos to far distant stars and planets.

Snurfling disgustedly, he casts his gaze across thousands of light years to a small solar system which had drawn his notice just a short time before. Down to a small blue planet filled with pinkish brown ape-like creatures. He wretched as he watched them in their little metal boxes moving about, going into and out of their dwellings and the more he watched the more he became disgusted. For as a Turling, Mexxor was extremely xenophobic, so xenophobic that just the knowledge of the existence of another race was enough to enrage him into immediate thoughts of genocide.

There were other races with such xenophobia but the Turling actually had the technology to do something about it. Slamming a pseudopod across a console panel near the ocularian, Mexxor activated a large spherical device floating high above him.

The orb shone a sickly green light and with a pulse that caused Mexxor's flesh to quaver, shot a ray of green light into the heavens. He returned to his ocularian and watched the green light streak on its journey towards a nearby galaxy.

In a few moments it struck the dead husk of the planet Ionas, the last planet to have the audacity to annoy the Turling by just merely 'being'. A few moments later and the entire planet was surrounded by a greenish glowing field.

Mexxor burbled and his pseudopod worked feverishly at the console imputing coordinates for the bluish green ball with its pinky brown offensive aliens.

He burbled again, his skin rippling and oozing, his glee obvious to the one brave underling which had dared to peek an eyestalk into the room, and then with a sense of finality, he pressed a black button on the console.

Far above him, the orb pulsed again and the green light from it whipped across the cosmos to the dead planet Ionas. Snapping it like a cosmic whip, flinging it from its lifeless orbit on a direct path towards the homeworld of the pinky brown disgusting aliens. Oblivious to the fact that their doom was very nearly upon them.

Returning to his ocularian, Mexxor watched in giddy anticipation and the kytrom moments slipped by. Soon the abominations on that far distant world would be gone. Very soon.

He watched as the dead planet Ionas streaked passed several other stars and planets, their gravities working in synch with his calculations perfectly to guide the gigantic planet, now missle, through the heavens. He burbled angrily as some of the planets mass burned away but was consoled that the dead planet was over 5 times the size of the offending planet, confident it would be enough.

Adjusting his mass in the silver bowl that contained him, he watched...

... and he watched...

... and he waited ...

and as his eye stalk began to dry out inside the ocularian he burbled excitedly as he watched his smaller but still deadly missle draw nearer and nearer the blue planet.

And then ...

Mexxor slouched back and sniffed looking around the empty room.

"Well... It's a start."

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



bwahahahaha!!! great story!!

(psst..I kind of had a feeling about the ending but didnt wanna say nuthin to nobody!!)

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



(Cute kid. )

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Now the kid has an origin story.

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?