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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    *wanders around the Rookery without glasses and bumps into people*

    I checked out that place you mentioned Emmi, and while it says there's a store in the town I live in, when I look up it's location, it says there is a motel with that name... Soo, yeah.

    Oh and Pogo, I hate to mention it, but the reason it Dr Arcane is available is probably because Champions has a character named Doctor Arcane...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    crap thats right!! now that you mention it..Thats one of my favorite supplement books for the game too ok reroll time!!
  2. Correction- my trollers name is Dr Arcane...Suprised that was still available.
  3. Hi fed..I snuck in during your roll call. Sorry.
  4. morning all...room on that tuesday night static team? i made a grav/thermal troller. magic-based named dr arcanus..looks a lot like dr fate though..hope he doesnt get genericed...
  5. Can I go to the gift exchange/return line then?
  6. feh!! don't mind me..just feeling very bleh about everything and life.

    *gets fedor some more water in case he needs it. then goes over to his MCTDFBBC and flops down in a state of ennui*
  7. Well, this has been going on for quite sometime now, so I'm not letting the 'but its summertime' excuse come into play. I know the summer is a slow time for gaming also.
  8. Maybe I'm just feeling meh today..We had sg night the other night and 2-3 no shows who are die hards...maybe this week will change my attitude.
  9. No, I dont have to leave, and all my alts are there..It's just a huge base and it feels empty at times. And i feel certain emmbers are just using the base for ethe tp pads and storage while they build a bigger base with friends of thiers. A few members were doing that, using our base with restricted access, if any, to thiers. But, I digress. I just feel like..I dont know..I want to be part of a huge group is all, sometimes.
  10. *sits in his MCTDFBBC sadly contemplating*

    I don't know what to do about my SG..well the SG I'm in anyways...We've been around almost 5 years or so....but the last 3 have been like the hangers on hanging on. And sadly I see members on a lot but on alts in other groups..And when its time for sg time, they scatter and disappear, then log in an hour after we are done or the next day. Do I pack up ship and look for greener pastures? We've tried recruting a few times and get 2-3 'gung-ho' players, then they bail for WoW or some other reason.
  11. anything? just basic powers to take and how to slot them at least?
  12. Well, since I never played the powerset, those seem like fair tradeoffs overall, no? Also, I'm going for more of the blasty attacks in the set..Think of Darth Sidious shooting darkbolts from his fingertips yelling 'UNLIMITED POWAH!!'
  13. And I return from the party...quite stuffed...bbq as a suprise added bonus always a plus.
  14. dam..Im really screwed up in da head!!

    Ok all off to nephew's 2nd birthday party..sorry to discuss that in front of you all...all apologies..on with the saturday funness.
  15. My search-fu has either weakened or there isnt much on this combo. I can't find anything on grav/elec. Any advice? sample builds? basically I thought it'd be fun to do a 'sith' build- crushing enemies, throwing them about, holding them in midair, throwing stuff at them and blasting them with electric bolts of 'UNLIMITED POWAH!!!'
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    You can appeal however many times they will stay the course.

    That character doesn't look like Ms. Marvel nor really even the golden age Marvel character Miss America.

    But the name Marvel likely is what did it.

    Someone I know had a character named Max Steel and didn't look a thing like the DC character Steel but was generic'd for the name Steel in his name. Go fig.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wasn't Max Steel a name of a cartoon character though?
  17. oh trust me it HURTS a lot of times..and sadly yet I still do it...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Soak your fingertips in iodine. Or vinegar.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and then what?...sometimes I find myself sitting there with a nail clipper (gross I know..I NEEDS HELP BADLY!!! )
  19. I would petition and repetition this ruling! Doesn't look anything like Ms. Marvel.If anything, as was already said I believe, looks more like Power Girl but vaguely only.
  20. Hi all...Just got done with a 30 minute stationary bike ride..I'm tired for going nowhere fast! It says I went 7 miles, but I was in the same spot the whole time!

    Yes Fey, I needs to chat..Im 38 years old and still pick at, chew, etc my finger nails down to almost nothing..And now I'm even clipping my toe nails VERY short ..HELP!!

    (And dont give me the Bob Newhart/Mad TV 'Stop It!' or the 'put you in a box' answers!!)