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  1. Ok, I was talking to Rook the other night about all our old Rookery stories and said, sadly, I couldn't find my 'Alan Pogomain' story...So, I quickly did a search and lo and behold! I found it on the forums search. So, without further adieu, The First, and only so far, Adventure of Alan Pogomain!!
    So please, good viewers, settle in comfortably, grab your popcorn and favored drinking beverage, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

    From the Continuing Journal of Alan Pogomain.

    There we were, me and my small group of adventurers. We had found the hidden path just like the ancient map showed. Warily we walked on. The thick brush surrounded us on all sides, yet somehow the path ahead was relatively clear. The occasional thick branch needed a good machete swipe or two, but the path looked like it was used often.
    Thoughts of some long forgotten tribe or ancient civilization crossed my mind more than once now.
    The silence was disturbed every so often by a native bird cawing or the accidental crack of a fallen twig being stepped on. Alert as we were we reached for our weapons from time to time.

    Our journey continued onward. The further we went the closer we were getting to the unknown. We had no idea what to expect. Vague clues on the map were our only guide..Pictures of a bird-like creature, a ziggurat or pyramid perhaps, ancient hieroglyphics dating further back than anything I had ever seen.
    I ordered the party to stop for a few minutes to double check their weapons. I was carrying a Bowie knife in a hip holster, my twin revolvers in the side holsters, and slung over my shoulder- my trustee rifle. We agreed to take in some water and chew on some biltong.
    Looking up I noticed the thick green cover we had was slowly thinning away, blue skies were in front of us. perhaps a good omen? But then, someone in the party pointed out that the animal sounds we heard were fewer between than was the norm for this country.
    After our short break our expedition continued onward. The silence slowly gave away to rhythmic chanting and drum beating in the distance. We prepared our weapons but kept them in a position to show whoever we were to meet ahead that we came in peace.
    We came to the edge of a small ridge and to our surprise, we saw an ancient ritual being performed.
    Circles of dancers with large feathers adorning their clothes dancing as if imitating a bird. The drummers all had headdresses on with these large feathers in them as well.
    Unfortunately, one of our men was too clumsy and fell forward making a noise heard even over the tribal drums and chanting. They all stopped and looked up at our party. With incredible speed we were surrounded by tribal warriors, bird-like in clothing, holding spears aimed at us! Quickly, I was somehow able to relate to them that we meant no harm. I showed them the ancient map and at that instant a tribal elder grabbed it and held it over his head, yelling some tribal gibberish and pointing at me!...
    At this startling turn of events, the tribal elder pointing at me and the ancient map I had, I had no idea what to expect next. As if my thoughts were answered, what sounded like a huge gong was rung thrice. Out of the temple before us, a ziggurat of some kind, walked what I can only imagine would be the tribes high priestess, dressed in nothing but red feathers and a haeddress resembling a giant bird.
    At this point one of our retainers, who only now, told me he could make out slightly what they were saying. He explained that they were celebrating the 'great bird's return'. Whatever that meant. From further deducing on our behalf, they were able to explain to me that the 'treasure' on the map was located in the temple and that only I could go forth through the 'trials' to get there!.
    But first, to help 'prepare' me for this, they offered us a feast of a black liquid, which tasted of mild bitter coffee and some flat circular food tasting bread-like..
    After the feast, we were assured my men would be safe as I ventured forth into the trials of the temple...

    I had been walking through the dark passages of the temple for what seemed like hours. Luckily I was able to take my backpack with me. I had made sure to take some essentials- extra torches, a lighter, some rope, my journal and pen, a makeshift first aid kit, some water and bitlong, I was even allowed to take my weapons with me. Even though they let me take all this, it was the looks on their faces when they said it would be ok. They looked as if saying to me all this wont help.
    As I ventured on, my spirits lifted as I saw a faint light ahead. As I approached, I was wary of any traps that might be sprung. I neared the room from where the light was coming, and slowly looked around the corner into the lighted room. I saw what appeared to be a temple room of some kind. Torches lit on the walls, glowing braziers and what appeared to be a giant golden statue of a bird. Sitting in front of the bird was a large egg, golden in color, and from this vantage point and distance it looked like it was encrusted with gems of all sorts!
    I steadied myself in the doorway. I took one of the extinguished torches and pushed down on one of the stone tiles. Darts shot out from both walls. What an ingenious and original trap! My wits were surely to be tested now.

    With all skill of the seasoned adventurer I was, I decided on the only course of action. Run like hell for that egg! With deft swiftness and agility I was able to dodge the dart traps and had arrived at the egg. Oddly, there were no dart traps here. I cautiously looked around for any traps. None could be seen. The egg was just sitting there. I placed both hands firmly on each side of the egg and lifted it slowly. Nothing had happened yet so I placed the egg in my backpack, making sure it was secure and slung it over my shoulder.
    Seconds later, a rumbling was heard and the room began to shake. Looking around I saw cracks in the floors, ceiling and walls. I ran for the doorway as if lighting had entered my legs carrying me faster than I thought possible. Around me pieces of ceiling were falling mad tiles of the floor were cracking and falling into what looked like a bottomless abyss!
    I made it out of the room but found my original way out blocked. It seemed the whole place was collapsing! I quickly turned the other way and went down the dark hallway. Another light up ahead could be seen and I took that as a sign of salvation. As I looked ahead I could see light and caught myself, stopping on a dime, as the saying goes, at the foot of another bottomless chasm! I looked around quickly and found a sturdy vine in which I released from the wall and was able to swing across to the other side as the edge I had just been standing on gave way and crumbled into the pit.
    I landed on the other side, but with the rumbling and quaking going on I had no time to stop. I kept running down another passageway, trying to run faster as I felt the floor crumbling beneath my heels.
    To my dismay, ahead of me I saw a wall. A dead end? NO not after all this. With all strength and will to survive I began pounding on the wall. I pushed and lo and behold the wall moved backward! Ah, a hidden door! It stopped moving and suddenly, without warning, the floor gave out under me! Seconds later I realized it was a chute I was sliding down. But to where? I could not fathom. What felt like an eternity later, I saw yet another bright light and this time heard music playing. This music was not that of the ancient tribe I had encountered earlier, but something more familiar to my ears.
    As I neared another wall, thinking I would be smashed to pieces, the wall slid open. The chute ended, but my momentum carried me. I landed and flat on my back too. I kept my eyes closed for a moment and felt a hardwood floor. I opened my eyes and saw a large room- a bar with someone singing ad many creatures dancing and playing about- a few kittehs and puppehs and humans.
    A voice, in perfect English then spoke. 'Welcome to the Rookery, Mr. Pogomain!'...
  2. Once again, I had much fun. I sported my golden-age 'Hour-Man' costume. i couldn't decide whether to wear that or do a 'golden-age' version of Pogoman for it, but was happy with the choice..if the 'final sunset' does happen, I will look you good people up over there in CO, as I'd like to stay in touch with as many CoX'ers as possible. If that's ok with you all.
  3. had much fun! I finally made it to one, well technically two, of these parties. despite the server meltdown, I even got to log on Russian Hammer on Protector! I should try and get him over here on Virtue...last i checked the name was still taken though.

    Hope to do another tf with you all very very soon!
  4. It went well...Just under 3.5 hours...I had beefee logged on to sit by faathim to speed up the tf, but right after we entered the first mission, he dc'd..then I crashed a few missions later..depsite those early set backs we completed the tf.
  5. Faathim the kind tf successful! I have now done all the blueside tf's! Unfortunately, beefee dc'd then i did so we still had to travel back and forth to faathim and I thank the person who took over as tf leader and traversed the shard to get the new missions for us after that.
    And I personally thank everyone who teamed up for it today!
  6. *Saunters down from the bedroom/attic lab.*

    Ah, good morning all!! A Saturday morning AND cold pizza!!! mmmm...

    Thank you, Detra! Been too long since we did this!
  7. It's not over until WE SAY IT'S OVER!!!
  8. Once again I take to the airwaves with 'Save CoH' radio! Tomorrow night, Nov 9th (Friday) 7pm est. Be there, call in and discuss your favortie CoH memories and call in with how you are helping SAVE OUR CITY!


    CALL IN AT (646) 478-0073

  9. A few people showed interest in this last over the last week or so when I mentioned it. I would like to do this tf sometime Saturday afternoon (Nov. 10th)
    This will be the sign-up sheet. To save time on the tf, I will have an alt from my second account stand by Faathim to speed up the tf. I heard that you have to go to him each time after every mission for the next mission. Please post your name, level and at/powersets. Thanks and let's have fun! The TF is leve 44-50.
    Also, what time, EST, would be good for this.

    1. Pogoman. Lvl 50+ Scrapper MA/SR
    2. Beeg Beefee Boi (Will just sit by Faathim for the tf.)
  10. ok! will be there...6pm...that's in the middle of the football game...guess i'm multitasking!!
  11. I just noticed there is no Fatthim the Kind TF planned..?...

    That's the only blueside tf I still need..BUT, some people have said they'd run one with me next saturday.

    Can't wait for the 21st for the MoM run...I still need to do a successful one.
  12. This might be off-topic, but aren't you guys throwing a shindig tonight? Or do i have the wrong date? I hope I didn't miss it!!
  13. In all my 8 years, I've NEVER been to one!! I think I passed by one once during a mission and stopped for a few..I'll definitely have to come by for one this week!
  14. Update!
    Justin Augustine Tf complete!
    Calvin Scott TF complete!!

    tried a MoM but we needed more people! would like to try again this coming weekend!

    faathim will do in 2 weeks. so not this coming weekend, the weekend after!
  15. It's funny how I've been playing for 8 years and some thing I just never got around to doing..I'd like to do these before Nov. 30th. I'm keeping hope alive, but just in case....

    Justin Augustine TF
    Faathim the Kind TF
    Calvin Scott TF (accessible through ouroboros)

    Minds of Mayhem I-trial

    Completing my exploration badge/plaque 'nostalgia tour'

    If anyone would like to sign up/help with any of the TF's/I-trial, please post below and we can set a date/time for it. Thank you all in advance.
  16. As of the 2xp weekend, Beefee Boi Jr. has made level 50! I haven't trained .dhim up yet as I would like to do a ceremony party for him by one of the trainer's and have him become 'Hero of the City' in front of a group with his father, Beeg Beefee Boi, there also. Still thinking of how/when to do this..I'm leaning towards AP33 by Miss Liberty for the training. As to when, sometime soon.
    If anyone knows/has a former member of the Sushi Schoolgirl Squad, please bring them for the event. If you had a character in the Sushi's and don't hve them anymore, please feel free to come anyway. And, of course, all are invited anyway.
  17. *It is late in the Rookery. Pretty much everything has been packed up and transported elsewhere through the TARDIS. The lights are out and all the Rookerizans are sleeping, except for two. Pogo summons his Multi-Colored Tie-Dyed Flying Bean Bag Chair (MCTDFBBC), sits down and floats up towards the ceiling where Rook is lounging on her FBBC staring at the stars.*

    "Rook, I tried...I tried so very hard..." Pogo looked down, sad.

    "Pogo, what's that?"

    "I tried...I mean the end..The Final Sunset....This was NOT supposed to happen..Not like this and NOT for years to come! I'm not even talking a "fixed point" thing either...I don't understand it....I mean..well..you know..I am an elder god..and even I can't wrap my head around it. Forces are at work here that I can't fathom I'm sorry, so sorry, I.."

    "You're going all David Tennant on me now?" She smiled at him. "Things begin and then they end. It is just the way of the universe. You of all people know this. You've opened a gateway and moved everything there. We will be safe and happy there. Maybe not as happy as if we had stayed here, but given the circumstances you, and the others, have done a remarkable job. We'll be together, and in the end that's all that matters."

    He smiled, momentarily,"Rook, thank you, for everything. For..all of this...to be honest I don't know how the last few years would've been if not for this place and all the wonderful wackiness we've been through. But...I..don't want it to end..it's being ripped from us and it's not fair! I know that so many have made friends here! And we've seen countless weddings because of Paragon City. And all the charity work we've done over the years has been amazing but...We DID make a difference here! Where's the Cosmic Karma in that?I..I don't want to g-"

    "I don't want to go, either..But, soon, we must..And we will find a new home..And new battles to fight. And new evils to defeat! And why is that?"
    She looked at him, knowing that in his heart, he knew the answer.

    "Because..." he paused, wiping tears away from his eyes, steeling himself to give an answer. "because, we are heroes and this is what we do." Saying that
    released the anguish and tears from his face. A calmness came over him.

    "I think, if you ask me, you are ready now..well, more ready than you were, Pogo."

    "Perhaps. But, I still have a few things in the city to go by one more time. A 'farewell tour' of sorts. I was hoping you'd join me?"

    "Of course I will. Now join me in a cup of tea and let's enjoy the peace and quiet up here and watch the stars together."

    He took the cup of tea and sipped it slowly. They watched the stars together in the cloudless sky into the deep hours of the night. Until he finally drifted off to sleep.
  18. Got the respec done on Sewer Cleaner, but endurance is an issue..am slowly adding slots for end red on shield powers where applicable and a end slot on some attacks. I did get him to 39 by 5:45 am Monday morning. NO doorsitting this time as every point of experience was earned. Had a lot of fun playing and role-playing this one. I hope I can find the time, with everything else I want to get one before Nov. 30th, just in case things go bad for us. But, that will be another post later Monday or Tuesday. Again much thanks to everyone I played with this weekend and big shout out to The Cape Radio, and all their DJ's for doing an amazing job around the clock 24/7 this 2xp weekend.
    I hope and pray this will NOT be the last 2xp weekend for COH.
    Cya all later..My bed is calling and I'm not hesitating to answer.

  19. Update from Saturday..Woke up in time to participate in the 24-hour marathon for Extra-Life..Decided on playing an alt I made a few years ago- the Sewer Cleaner. Manhole Cover/Shovel tanker (shield/war mace). Played all day, mostly with Hawthorne Grimm and Ascendant alts. Had soooo much fun and got him to level 30 by all was said and done. Very tired by sunrise so logged off by 6:30am..My back and knee were hurting so decided to take a nap..will work on a respec for this build before getting into playing Sunday evening.
  20. Update: AT 3:15am last night, Beefee Boi Jr hit fifty! he is currently only trained to 49. As I have stated previously, i would like to do an rp in-game party for him to gather old, and new friends, for him when he becomes a 'hero of the city'. Much fun was had yesterday in all the PI radio teams i was in/ran and helped people get many levels.
    Today, i am using a lowbie, the Sewer Cleaner, stated level 4. I am doing the Extra Life charity event marathon. If you would like to, and can spare a buck or two, (or more ):


    that is my charity donations page. it all goes to a worthy cause!! If ya can't, that's cool too. Not pressuring anyone..or am I?.....