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  1. *points his sonic screwdriver at the COFFEEBOT 5000 and purifies the coffee*

    There. That should do it...Bad Puppeh, Bad!!!!
  2. What the deuce is puppeh up to now??

  3. *walks up and looks at the fireworks for sale*

    pfft.those arent fireworks. TRUST me..I've got waay better! hidden too...
  4. EEP!!

    *Throws some squeaky toys across the room, after making them 'SQUEAK' of course*
  5. *peeks out from under the sheets.*

    Is the siege over yet?
  6. *lays in bed, under the sheets*

    I'm still asleep. i'm still asleep. I'm still asleep...
  7. So what happens to the guy you go to with the respec tokens?
  8. *Rolls over in his bed and looks up..Sees Neko and all the cute puppies*

    Morning..what's puppeh up to now?....This has a 'puppeh is up to something day' written all over it..

    *falls back onto his pillow*
  9. Happy 4th of july weekend!!!
  10. *Walks in*

    GOOD GAWD!!! i take a weekend away for the holiday and this!!!??!!

    PUPPEH!!! You are hereby BANNED from my attic lab until...FOREVER!!!!!
  11. Muahahahahaha!!!

    It was me!! I did it i tell you!! I'm the one you're looking for!
    And, you'll never catch me!!

    *teleports away*
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    Shhh Pogo, shhhh...

    Don't tell them about Virtue.

    Let Freedom get swamped with the 'HAI GUISE HOW I MINE 4 FISH' people, and we will quietly head hunt the quality players brought in by the F2P.

    *taps the side of her nose and gives a knowing nod*
    ooooh riiiight...gotcha!

    we gotta get a teaming thing going around here..get me back into it...at least until my surgery...
  13. Sorry I'm late today..had to clean up the TARDIS...

    *Glares at Fedor*

    Anyway..Anyone a bit insulted at the name 'City of heroes Freedom'..I mean why not 'City of heroes Virtue'?
  14. Sackboy!!! Stop trying to mess with my TARDIS!!
  15. Any night but Wednesdays would be good for incarnate runs. I need to catch up on all this stuff...ggrr..
  16. cant tonight..wednesdays are bad for me...
  17. Thanks, Fey..Sure..last 3 years I had all the time to play..NOW all this stuff comes out..Another surgery in a month..and not sure what fate has in store for me after that...
  18. Can someone point me in the right direction to see all this good stuff?
    A link possibly, please?
  19. *Hears the AI and looks around..Pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver*
  20. *Walks in through the front door.*

    Good gawd!! I go out for the night and look what happens!!
    Someone explain all this 'Ascendent Incarnate' stuff to me please??
    I havent played since March..
  21. I'm THAR!...HAR!!...EVERYWHAR!!!!!
  22. Well! I say! I say! What's a goin' on ovah THAR!!
  23. *Begins installing the new security door.*
  24. *Wakes up surrounded by potatoes*

    What the hell!!??!! I feel like I'm in potato salad!!!
