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  1. That's what I'm trying to figure out.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    I know someone who away from keyboard in base
    who and when?...
  3. cause atlas is gonna be packed to the max!!!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    anyone remember yellow death that was awful
    Sadly, yes I do..And what was funny was- the people who helped cause it, never seemed to think they were responsible for it.
  5. Make sure to make a quick 'to do' list BEFORE you log on each day-

    1.) SHOWER!!!- proper hygeine is not to be ignored! This is NOT an excuse to be slovenly.. How long does it take to speed shower? I'm not saying you have to shave..but, if you do, do it thursday morning way before noon EST and save time.
    2.) Drinks made
    3.) Snacks ready
    4.) Easily preparable meals ready- time is of the essence
    5.) Answering machine empty and ringer off so as not to be bothered by the outside world
    6.) Choice of music- I will listen to The Cape, myself. the last time they had cool stuff going on all weekend and some really cool music.
    7.) A small list of what toon(s) or alt(s) you want to work on.
    8.) Load Hero Stats. For fun, keep track of total xp, infl, etc. earned for the weekend.
  6. Pogothulu

    Music to Rp to

    I put on Music Choice channel 864- rock, on my tv from optimum cable in my area, or for 2xp weekend I'll probably be listening to The Cape all weekend.
  7. I remember when there weren't mothership raids and hami scouts hung out on the saferock waiting to announce hami's appearance and then we'd raid 2-3 times a day.
  8. I think, from now on, all my new alts will start in Praetoria.
  9. yes. thursday, 12pm, noon, est. end, supposedly, midnight, 12am pst or 3am sunday night or monday morning,est. But, I think it goes til at least server maintenance monday morning.
  10. 4 days and counting! Normal food shopping tomorrow, will most definitely take into account shopping for quick ( microvabale) meals and snacks (popcorn) for 2xp weekend..last time it went til Monday 6pm'ish..just be prepared..just in case!.. I know friday afternoon i have a doctor's appt I can't get out of. For some reason they cancelled on me the last 2 times, annoyed that its this friday..will take 4hours out of my friday too...ggrr!!might just leave a toon logged in while Im gone in sg base in case the server is overflooded by the time I get back.
  11. Atlas Park is going to be more crowded than ever before soon!!
  12. Pogothulu

    Costume ideas

    quiver backpacks would be cool.. Ive been saying for a while now I'd like to see hip holsters. especially for dual pistols
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    Probably atlas from what I read gc can still be visited via oro
    What about the badges that use to be in gc?
    oh yeah, forgot about those...
  14. Also, approximate time of release date?
  15. One question I have - Since Galaxy city is going bye bye, as we used to know it *sniffles* ..Where will we go to respec? Atlas Park with its new revamp? The guy, something Wolf...was in GC.
  16. here mostly, we do have an ingame chat channel.. rookery. (with a period at the end) and from time to time we do play together. welcome and feel free to join in our ongoing madness
  17. *walks down from his attic lab/bedroom and looks around*

    Ok, same place. happy now..oh by the way- we now have top billing on the marquee!!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KingPug View Post
    Actually, I used Face 2. Thanks for noticing me! There were a lotta great clowns running around. If only we had a tiny car...
    If you dont mind Id like to use it as an alt costume..My 2nd acct- I was Jetser of Fire who got an honorable mention! Just finished a respec on him when I heard about the costume contest. Glad I went. great costume btw.

    Also, where can I find the frown makeup?
  19. I could've sworn someone did a 'groucho marx' costume at the attack of the clowns costume contest but I'm not sure how they did the face...anyone remember that one?
  20. So far-
    Green Lantern, in 3d..enjoyed until the big fight at the end..wasnt that big and very predictable
    Pirates 4- Beginning of a new trilogy. Didnt follow the formulae of the first 3 and that's what I liked about it. definitely different and if you were a true fan of the Pirates you enjoyed it. More of a quest film, less action, more story though this time.
    X-men First Class- definitely better then x-men 3 and wolverine origins. Kept with the continuity of the first 3. felt like a new trilogy began here. Felt like it could've been called x-men origins and would've fit as a better title.

    Coming up- Harry Potter, then Capt america
  21. I would love for the following base item: a mission teleporter. go to your base. select our individual mission. it takes you there. An expansion of the individual vet power.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arkham View Post
    *wanders in with an afternoon cup of coffee*

    Hello everyone. Happy Tuesday.

    *missiles blow up on Arkham's head, knocking him prone.*

    Not a redname! Someone needs to check the targeting systems on these things.
    whoops!! sorry!! hmmm...must be a glitch...
  23. ha!! let them try to break through the rookery's updated/upgraded security/defense systems!!