
PvP Bootcamp Mentor
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    This is more like it. Legit banter for the fourth spot. We can't let WARE/Exile and WARE/Shenanigans dominate the forum pvp too!
    Think Ware has an unfair advantage here best make it Ware vs Exile + Sheanigans
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
    I love how xan and hem trash talking to members of FAP is an excuse for FAP to attempt to pull a dick move on two players (KGB and projects) who just want to play, who clearly have done nothing wrong to FAP.

    Philly or Slan care to explain the logics?

    It's rather simple logic I can be a C*** and when your team started calling us dogs I decided to be a real c*** back. Since I had the wrong info it doesn't work out, and as dex pointed out i would have just backed off tomorrow but I was feeling fairly bithcy today.

    Regarding KGB and projects I don't have a lot of sympathy for them since they couldn't stay with their team (one that they posted that they would only play for in their draft app's) till they finished their last match which would have required them to wait all of 2 days. What's ironic is since your team hasn't practiced in over 2 weeks their situation is not getting better at least CC practiced week before last.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    When will people learn they cannot win an argument with Dex about rules?

    And FAP needs to stop being so butthurt about everything.

    Meh I'm PMS'ing why should I be nice to a team that's being a bunch of douchbags, you confuse being a c*** with being butthurt. I assure you in no way where my feelings hurt. Besides Dex does seem to know me, which is a little scarey.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    -- In the event that a trade occurs, the person being traded may not participate in the set of officials directly after their trade. If a situation arises where allowing a person in this situation to play would allow for 8v8 where it would otherwise not, if both Captains can agree to it, that person may play.

    It was not a trade. It was a drop and add thus them being core members. They can play. Sorry Philly, I know you were only pretending to be a hard *** so you wont mind but when I see a rule call out its in my nature to solve it.
    I actually specifically asked Kat about this the only way they can play right away is if CC disbanded and they haven't yet.

    I was the one who suggested the if the captains agree part because of a situation like honey badgers, though i'm not real sympathetic to a smack talking a team.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Captain: @Tritonfree, @Philly's 2nd
    Co Captain: @Smoke Signal
    Co Captain: @Barrier, @Black Barrier

    4:@Starr Struck
    5:@Mercury Down, @Mercury Down2
    6:@Kurgain, @Kurgain-
    7:@Wahoo , @Wahoo1
    9:@Johnny Wildfire
    10:@Mista Snacks

    11. @Doyler
    12. @Ghetto Bug
    13. @Kalibash & @Kalibash2
    14. @Detroit Hustle
    15. @Van Wilder
    16. @iMidget
    17. @H E A T E R
    Dropping Mac for Merc
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    I think the main idea of Xan's post was to make sure FAP knows they are the little dogs.
    Well since you and Xan want to play that way I will remind you that you can't play your new pick up's till next Sunday. GG's (confirmed this rule with Kat)

    Was going to just not worry about it but if you want to be lil douches we'll play that game.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    I think it would be better to do it this way, but if people still sign up today I'm not going to force people to play for a team that they don't want to. It will really depend on the individuals who were planning to drop in the first place if they want to stick it out till this Sunday or not.
    So is this defiantly being moved to mon or tue?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Also, one thing I was counting on for this draft was for some of the CC draftees to put themselves in the pool after leaving CC, but Newguy posted last night that his team was disbanding after this Sunday anyways, so it might be better just to push it back until Monday or Tuesday since that would put the entire CC roster into the pool so long as they want to be there.

    I agree completly with this. They should be allowed to finish out this Sunday if they wish, and CC shouldn't be screwed over by having people leave to get drafted before they officially disband. Monday or Tue is fine.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    That's fine, if people want to vote on that sooner then Sunday we can just post it before Sunday after we receive a majority either way.

    In all honesty, I don't feel all that strongly about any of the options at this point. I think no matter what gets picked people will be upset about it.
    Perhaps at this point it would be better to just leave it as is then? With the points method we voted on at the start of the league?

    That might lead to less drama.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Okay, the spreadsheet is linked in the OP... atm it has 5 people, but 4/5 of those I'm pretty sure don't play anymore. If anybody has people they want in the pool, make sure that you tell them to enter today, or you can sign them up yourselves if you want. The new section for this draft is at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

    I also added Exile to the list although I'm fairly sure that we won't be picking anybody.
    If your basing draft order by who asked first then Fap should be first since I have asked you two times in the past few weeks. If you basing it on who posted first then again it should be fap as smoke was the first leader to ask in the thread.

    I called for a draft 2 fridays ago and again after that you told me you would set up a draft the past Monday but you never did since there was no one in the draft pool. No one was added to the draft pool so I don't see now why HB is successful in getting a draft and I was not.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    We will have a Captain's vote for it on Sunday before officials, Captain's should send me a tell or preferably an in-game e-mail with the following:

    1. In a single elim style playoff, would you prefer best of 3 or best of 5?
    2. Would you prefer to keep the points system as is or:
    a. Change it to an elimination playoff starting with 1v4 and 2v3
    b. Change it to an elimination playoff giving top seed their choice of opponent?

    In between now and then I would encourage Captain's to get with their teams and figure out what your team wants to do, please don't send me your vote until Sunday, before officials.

    Each team will get 1 vote, majority rules.
    I think Dex already pointed this out but I would like to know the results of #1 before answering question #2 as it could effect the way a team wants to vote.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Seems like it would make sense for FAP to have first pick.

    Far as I can tell there is only one new addition but I suspect tonight there will suddenly be more. That's what happened last time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Well since FAP asked for a draft last week and the week before it should be us then Kat just keeps forgetting or wanted to wait for more teams.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Let's just have a spelling contest!
    I will loose that smakesignal!!
  15. Some additions/clarification

    Pets: only ones that have taunt powers like stoney, PA and Phantasm etc. are an aggro issue

    Your tanks need a kb of 10+

    Hami tank should have Taunt well slotted, and have a ranged attack like hurl or laser eyes for gauntlet.

    Might want to add greens must be held before they can be killed.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Your opinion matters, Sep, don't worry.

    To clarify, my current version of that 6 team playoff would still keep the league to 2 weeks, it would just be 2 matches per week instead of 1, with round's 1 and 3 being freely scheduled before the Sundays of round 2 and 4.

    I get the feeling that most people haven't really read in it's entirety what the idea was.

    Apparently the GP network is under maintenance or something atm.

    I read your proposal I just still don't see the need to change it so drastically from what it was. Especially with teams having attrition problems. Originally you just wanted to change it from points based to elimination and I can understand that. But now your talking about making it 6 teams and making more nights for "officials" it's just a bit much to make that big of a change now. But that's my opinion I would suggest rather than debate this we have a captains vote.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    What's the date for playoffs again?
    12/4 and 12/11 I believe
  18. I'll be late tonight for practice, Barrier might be late too.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Also, the only team that would not potentially hurt from the weighted playoffs would be WARE, as they would be the only team that would have the weight in their favor against every team until the Finals.

    I think the only glaring flaw with that setup provided we also did the weighted seeding would still be the extended length, if it were impossible to either extend the league to 4 weeks or have each team play 2 rounds every weekend, then that 6 team bracket would be impossible no matter what.

    If we could get people onboard to do 2 rounds every weekend, it would probably be either Friday and Sunday or Saturday and Sunday, probably at 9 PM est on both days.
    I don't want to extend the season and asking people to give up 2 weekend nights will be bad. You will have teams loosing simply because of no shows, which isn't fair.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    I would be open to that, I'm assuming it would basically be dissolving CC and doing some kind of redraft out of their remaining active roster?

    Shouldn't it be their choice to disolve?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Would extending the playoffs to 4 weeks be bad? If we can do that we can do a setup that allows 6 out of the 7 teams to play in the playoffs, and it could either be setup so that the top 3 teams have decent matches all the way through, with maybe a couple exceptions, or it could be setup to where the better teams start off fighting the weaker teams, whichever people would prefer.

    The problem with the first option is it does in some ways diminish the value of seeding a lot more, but would make most of the playoff matches more evenly matched, and would probably make the playoffs more fun.

    Every team would be able to play, at the very least, until week 3 (Except the 7th seed), with week 3 knocking it down to 4, and week 4 knocking it down 2 (finals) in either bracket setup. In week 4 the 2 teams who got knocked out in week 3 would play off for 3rd, and whoever got knocked out in week 2 would then faceoff for 4th in week 3 or 4.

    The reason I think this makes more sense is it would allow most of the teams maximum playtime through the playoffs, with the only team getting none being the 7th seed. It's a good mix of competition and maximum playtime for all of the teams, the only problem is it would absolutely require us to extend the playoffs from 2 to 4 weeks. I already have brackets drawn up for it in mspaint if people want to look at them, though they are hard to read.

    Personally I would rather not extend the playoffs as that approches the holidays and we are already seeing attrition on teams. This will only increase closer to the christmas holiday and you will have teams that won't be able to field 8.

    I understand you are trying to get more play time for other teams but CC is already having trouble fielding 8, not sure the state of HB and CN. My team had 8 on to start on Sunday and 9 shortly after, though some of that was because of the freeky oct snow storm, it's much closer than I would have liked though.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    So the first 7 weeks of this league was a waste? Did anyone honestly think that ware Shen and exile wouldn't finish top 3? So really it was all to decide who gets 4th spot and fed to the wolves.

    Want to know why I want pick of opponent? So we can get 6 matches vs Shen and exile in during this league. Steam rolling the other teams is only mild enjoyment. I don't want exile having an excuse that they could have slain the big bad wolves when Shenanigans knocks them out of the playoffs.


    So you don't want an easier pic you want a harder one.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    The points being a continuation of the reg season in the playoffs was what we voted to do, and was brought up by Mage if I am remebering correctly. That vote passed, and then we moved to vote how the matches would be weighted, which was either 1 for semi-finals and 2 for the finals (per win) or both rounds being 2 points per win. 1 semi-final/2 finals was the version that was passed.

    You sound a little hostile, so let me explain what I said: Shenanigans refused to practice with WARE almost entirely until fairly recently, and in your last practice with us some of your team mates were using incarnates and TK, both of which are banned, so it wasn't really much of a practice. That's not me trying to be insulting or offensive, it's just how it is. If your team really is trying to compete and win, then I suppose I misjudged, and I would rather that be the case than not.

    I was not trying to turn this into some kind of e-peen war or debate, I just want to know what people think about changing the playoffs to what I proposed.
    That's probably just smallz she uses tk when we practice with them as well. I agree since it's a banned power it kinda makes it a dumb practice but you can't label a whole team because of one player.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Some of them are pretty funny, especially the old u2bg ones. Overall I think they are enjoyable as long as you don't take them super serious. The dilz chart was also funny.
    I liked the farm list too but silit stoped updating it

    I was disapointed with the removal of our write up but in no way am I disapointed with the matches or our performance in them. I only wish we had a chance to practice on the mm's, myself especially since I've never really played one, we can do that now though. If that's how WARE feels then that's how they feel it's their perogitive. The multiple posts by both sides will have no influence on what we run in the future.