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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I wanted to throw rocks at the preppy chicks heads to see if their hair spray would stand up to it.. but my aim wasn't that great.. It's the thought that counts.

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    Only if you have mental powers, otherwise aim is everything. I was always the dorky one until Senior year in HS when I fell in with a BAD crowd.
  2. They say duct tape is cruel, but I say they aren't using it right. If used properly, you only need to use duct tape once! and then just the memory will suffice for the future.
  3. OMG, do your kids know my kids? I broke one of them of that habit by taking everything he says literally back. His comment, "That is so annoying."

    Edit: because I'm spelling worse than usual
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't take offense to it because well, I have no kids of my own but keep helping other people have their kids.

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    Which is a wonderful and nobel thing to do.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm going to veer off this medical insurance topic because I have this burst of excitement I need to get off my mind. One month until the twins turn 1 year old!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does that mean their 22 months old already?
  6. Thanks to the US medical system, Canada can enjoy some of the best medical care in the world. GP, and other Canadians, Brits, etc who have government insurance, remember that those single payer systems are notoriously backwards in their advancement in medicine and pharacuitcles. (Sorry about the spelling.) The private sector, profit generated, multi-payer american system is improving the lives of everyone across the world. Something that government health programs cannot boast.
    /e getsdownfromsoapbox
  7. He must have heard you say the furnace filters needed cleaning and he was just trying to help out by washing the furnace itself. Don't get mad, he was just trying to help. As for the tire chip, if you put it in your ear you can hear the ocean(!?!) Hopefully the health insurance paid for most of that. Now the question is... have you met your deductible yet?
  8. First day of school yesterday. Oldest boy comes home (age 12) complaining that the girls are picking on him. Tried for 20 minutes to tell him it is because they like him but can't get him to understand. Oh well. It will probably only be a few more years until he brings home something, errr, someone I wish he wouldn't have.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I think mine's going to come out an old man.

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    And then spend the rest of his life trying to get back inside.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    You guys are awful.. shame shame shame.

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    I had no part in it. I always agree with Morticia Adams that infants are just too young to cook.
  11. I played on a static-electricity team one. It was fun but made my hair stand on end at times.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    <moves chair across room and pushes lei long towards GP>
    sacrafice for cailm the angry Mom to be.

    sorry Lei will rez you if I can later on.

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    I need another level for the TP others so prvt can rez you so be patient.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    <pokes teh GP >

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's how she got pregos in the first place. Hopefully she's in full labor at the hospital with a healthy boy on the way.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Pete, go to consignment shops, if the clothes they had are in decent condition, they'll sell and you can buy the sizes you need. BOYS don't need brand new.. and Girls will wear it of they think they look cool.

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    Thanks. Mervyns is still open. We went last weekend. Had a 40% off coupon and got another 15% off with an in-store scratcher promo. With the way they are growing I got them about 6 months worth of clothing.

    btw, Nice to see you posting, if even for only a few days. Good luck again on the birth.
  15. Things not to mention to pre-teen boys who watch professional wrestling.
    "Do you guys was a nut bar?"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Hand them a burlap sack each?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So tempting.
  17. Mervyn's declared bankruptcy. Where am I going to do the back-to-school shopping? The boys have already outgrown all the pants I bought at the beginning of the summer. *sigh*
  18. YOU can wait? What about US!?!? The suspense is killing us. Will you give birth to a hero or Arcanos soldier?
    On a more serious note, your hormone swings haven't scared him into helping more? You are doing far too much to remain calm and even keeled.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Stinks of feces and baby vomit in here...

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    [ QUOTE ]
    <hands IdNemesis a bucket of diapers>

    Take care of that...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just getting you ready for cleaning up after those Happy 21st birthday parties.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Common Sense (though this one will be a mircle if any)

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    Its called Common Sense but there sure are too few people who have it.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh SWEET.. I got my Moby Wrap Baby Sling in the mail. I can give birth now.

    (Would be nice if kids came with a remote)

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    I'd be happy with just the on/off switch.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I had a step-daughter before my biological child (son)... so there is nothing odd about said distinction. Free your mind, Peterbilt.

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    Sure, sure, but none of that is FUNNY! Maybe he's a mini Steve Austin? Crawling at 200 mph!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    My wife and I are expecting our first biological child in December

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    Huh? As opposed to a mechanical child? Are you the Clockwork King in disguise?