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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Dont you love when u get on a team and u have everything kinetic/ a rad/ a tank/ a healer or bubbler.

    Dont u hate when the kinetic is too selfish to pick sb, the rad doesnt understand that the toogles debuffs are too important, the tank picks stealph and hides on the back and the healer attacks more then u the blaster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Guess I'll respect out of stealth. brb.
  2. I ment to put that down also. (where did I put my note)
    Anyway, conga rats!
  3. Greenlaw got their first 50 MorningMist last night and made a Warshade. Our thanks go out to the Family for letting two defenders beat them senseless.
  4. Yes, Darzer, glad they got your power back quickly and that you and your family are safe.
  5. That's great new CG.

    Wise advice from my Son's baseball coach. After running several wind-sprints he asked, "Are you guys tired?" "No" "Then you haven't run enough yet." They run a few more and he asked, "Are you guys tired?" "Yes." "You guys must be out of shape. You need to run some more."
  6. Don't you love it when you look at your villain's salvage and see all those high priced items.

    Don't you hate it that when you go to the Black Market and and your stuff sells for so cheap and there's nothing to buy.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    a normal lifeĀ…..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Reminds me of Frank Capra from some reason.
  8. First practice with the little league team. No fatalities.
    I consider that a success.
    That, and my son's not the worst on the team.
  9. Peterbilt

    Friday TFs

    Yes, Penny had it. 3 debuffers, 2 damage, tank and two others along for the ride.
  10. Peterbilt

    Friday TFs

    I searched everywhere and can't find it but someone, I think on Champion, does a quick STF where they pull GW, Sirrocco, Mako and BS all at once. They also do this as a Master of, but they said with Nukes and Shivans all 4 go down in about 30 seconds. There's a video somewhere and it is just amazing. They target GW first then Mako because he will elude or run.

    Anyway, gl to everyone.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What didn't you like about the IO's. Didn't give as much improvement as you thought?

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    yea, pretty much.

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    That's too bad. I haven't purpled out my PB but the IO's, IMHO, made her playable on anything other than easy. But I was very specific and slotted as much healing as I could find.
  12. Let's see

    What, no Khelid?
  13. Gratz to all the new 50's. I like how they ding on Statesman TF, or the Hero arc or something like that instead of just farming. Sounds like 2xXP weekend let us play instead of just grind.
  14. Gratz on the 50. What didn't you like about the IO's. Didn't give as much improvement as you thought?
  15. Being a mom has nothing to do with it. If he doesn't help with you making dinner, maybe you shouldn't feed him.
  16. Gratz on the first 50. They are always something special.
  17. gratz. How is shield for a tank. Someone said it's lacking.
  18. That's the frame of mind where Shreading Moms can get you jail time, depending on the extent of their injuries.
  19. Don't you love it when you spend a lot of time on a new costume and it comes out perfect.

    Don't you hate it when your new character comes to Atlas, you join a new sewer team and the first character in you team has a better costume than you? And you find out they used the "Random" feature to create it?
  20. There is just sooo much wrong with that video. Notice the absense of women. (But I'm sure there are plenty of places where that wouldn't be true. Just look at the proud moms of suicide bombers.)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a feeling this thread is gonna blow up come this weekend

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's why I started it now.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I got my Widow to lvl 50 on Saturday during an ITF.

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    I think since this TF started, I've heard more characters ding there than anywhere else.
  22. GP, that is so wonderful. I'm so glad for you. Will he try out for American Idol?
  23. Guess I'll go first. On Saturday night my first character, Peterbilt, hit 50. He fell just short after defeating Synapse and Mynx so we went looking for Gunslingers to make the final leap.
  24. It seems that since new 50's are randomly announced in different threads it would be a good idea to consolidate that into one, new thread. And with the bonus XP weekend coming soon, we should have a whole bunch of new 50's to announce.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    dont drop the ball and be one of those guys on the 13th grubbing for what ever is left.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uh, well I guess I will take that baby's breath/fern bouquet. Can I have it delivered?