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  1. Faber has to have a chance at the belt, so unless Mike gets punked somehow.

    (and yea, I'm terribly spelling challenged, especially names. Usually take the time to look them up before posting but, duh, thought I had that one right. Should have know a beach bum would have a funky spelling to his name.)
  2. *Grabs pedal-car and attachs a small propeller to the back*

    That might help you get around a bit faster.
  3. Welcome back Pogo and very glad to hear the operation went well.

    Also glat to hear the surgery went well.

    Anyway, did they send you home with the "auto exercise" machine? Don't know if they still use those but if they do, make sure you use it. Don't want those new tendons to get all tight.

    Re: WEC, they replayed about 3 or 4 Uriah Favor's fights. THAT is a dangerous man. Saw him knee his opponent in the face while his opponent had his other leg in a hold. Just crazy.
  4. Peterbilt

    What'ya Think

    Respect? What the hell is that?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Watch out guys, if you comment on the time saying it's too early, someone might ding you with negative rep points
    Some people just can't take criticism.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
    What am I looking at here?
    A big, meaty, package?
  7. Yes, definitely watch the 2nd one as soon as possible. Great movies.

    How do you see the rep list?

    Go to MEMBERS LIST above and then sort on rep or posts.
  8. Run it at 12 EST (9 PST) and I'll be there, otherwise I have to wish you good luck.
  9. Howdy Smurph. Missed the message. 80 deaths and still under 2 hours. Thats some good time.
  10. Quote:
    - Will get bored of this soon and the forums can go back to utter obscurity. Until the next pvp nerf. Or ED-like change to the universe.

    Why don't they tell me of these things?!?!?!?

    Calm down. It happened even before you bought the game.

    Thank you. I feel so much better.
  11. Hello all.

    Thanks for the book tips. Saw a preview for The Titan's Curse and started reading the Rick Riordan series. Fun but not a literary classic.

    Son wanted to try a sonic blaster and got on an AE farm. 1 to 22 in under 3 hours.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emmi_Blaze View Post
    Rainy. Boring. I tried to re-read one of my favorite books, but really couldn't concentrate on it.

    How was yours?
    That's kind of a personal question isn't it?



    Oh! My weekend.

  13. Just want to reiterate:

    Don't rush to 50. It is a scenic drive, not a sprint.

    And don't worry about taking the "wrong" power for your character. If you have a concept/idea just go with that. Anyone who complains and doesn't understand your explanation isn't worth much to you anyway.

    Welcome to the game and the Boards, and everyone is right when they say BMT is full of helpful people. Use us, err, them.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JagBlade View Post
    *walks in, lighting candles with a 1:1000000 size flamethrowers. Grins wide looking around*

    You'll never guess what tomorrow is!
    National "Warm up the planet" day?
    National "Be Kind to Flamethrowers" day?
    how about National "Pyromanics" day?

    What do I win? What do I win?
  15. On a different note, our own Emmi Blaze is on the first page of Rep in the top 20 (I think but I didn't count so ...)

    Who said the Rookery. can't lead to fame and fortune?
  16. Hey Tech, sorry to hear about the employment issue. Maryland may be stingy but at least your state isn't broke like Cali.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emmi_Blaze View Post
    *cuddles with Fey* Of course I missed you! You're my buddy
    I'm confused. Fey said the chair was soft and ... and ...

    keep moving. no one is interested in your opinion anyway.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    "Another"??? He hasn't even sent me one yet...
    Consider yourself lucky. That crashing of the internet mentioned above ... not for a good reason. I believe the term used was "scrubbing of harddrives" but others would call it a purification ritual.

    Oh, and I always pictured Voo's voice as Gomer Pyle.
  19. Now if THAT don't earn me negative rep, I don't know what will.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    Was there a rumor that we are dangerous Merry? Cuz I am! Just look at my avatar! Sackperson devastation at it's most violent!

    hey Petey! I gets a smooch and a hugs?

    *POUNCES Neko and tussles.*
    Yous gots a problem wit that? *smootchy smootchy*
  21. Cien said somewhere about needing smilie help?

    Here is your quick smilie primer for the boards.

    Go to USER CP
    Select Edit Options
    Go to the 2nd to last option and pick #3 of 3 giving you the full editor.

    Now you will be fully smilie equiped.

    Just one last thing ... doesn't the question one look like it's wearing a crown?

    Just saying
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    How a levelpact-feeling-guilty how-to-repay topic morphed into a dislike bacon/icecream topic, while burning in hell..

    And so i was still thinking the EU forums were THAT weird.. time to reconsider.
    That's the Champ forum, most everything devolves into bacon at some point.
  23. Peterbilt

    Ding.. Yata50

    Gratz. Friends wanted to play lowbies during the week so I made a storm/electric. Borrowed Bad Storms' name, kinda because you know with those powers, A Bad Storm's Coming. She was very fun, even a low levels.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merry_Mint View Post
    The Rookery seems entirely harmless. Cynics... :/
    Bwhahahahahaha. Foolish child, you have fallen into my trap! Now I shall destroy the WORLD!


    I can't destroy the world, that's the Count's job.

    Hello all. +rep for everyone once i can post rep again.

    and hugz for everyone also (except for Emmi and Fedor - *smootchie smootchie*