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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
    999 day, huh?

    Where is my world-changing, cataclysmic event that thrusts us into an era of tough survival and terrors, mixed with unearthed wonders and forgotten enemies?

    The President's giving a speach tonight. Is that it?
  2. happy 09-09-09, or as they say in German, oh-nein, oh-nein, oh-nein!

    Sad story, the theaters around here have decided they don't want to pay the full price for the movie 9 so instead they are showing a budget knockoff called 8.

    What's going on in the shadows?

    *shines a 1,000,000 lumes spotlight in the shadows*
  3. Please tell me that the next line is not, "and there was a rumpus room behind me."
  4. If Neko tussles eastward at 1 kitty power and Fedor tussles westward at 1 sackboy power, how many mini marshmallows can we throw at them before they stop tussling and attack the thrower?

    Is this a theoretical problem or and experimental one?

    Your choice.

    *throws 1 mini marshmallow*
    *throws 2 min marshmallows*

    Hmm, no reaction yet.

    *throws 3 mini marshmallo ....*
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    I went to my campus today. I didn't get my course added, but I was able to get my course changed. New schedule! Fridays I go to class from X to X o'clock. It means I do not need to go at all.

    Is this an algebra problem we need to solve? If so, it doesn't seem to have enough information in it.

    How about if we change it to: Rad's new schedule has him going to class from X o'clock to X o'clock. If Rad normally sleeps Y hours, how many energy drinks will he need for his new schedule? How will your answer change if he doesn't like his Friday classes?

    That seems better.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    *takes the distraction as a chance to pin Fedor to the mat, then sits on him and sings her song of success*


    *throws shoe at the kitty*

    Oh! That was a song of success? I thought you were trying to pass a stone.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    That's okay. You can have Victory. I'll stay here on Virtue where it's cool.


    (But I do have some very nice and friendly characters on Victory so don't go too far with the insults.)
  8. Peterbilt

    so CO is out

    Originally Posted by NIGHT_RUNNER View Post
    What's CO?

    And why did they even bother to create it, as CoX exists?

    I think what he means is, why bother creating a lousier game. If you're going to try to beat City, shouldn't you at least make the new game better?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    If you offer some product at a "lifetime" price, it doesn't mean you're putting a timeframe on how long you think the product will last. You're picking a pricepoint that you hope will get the most customers to pay it. If Cryptic/Atari went with a lower pricepoint, it wouldn't bring in enough revenue for what they plan to do with it. If the point were higher, there wouldn't be a lot of folks that would be willing to invest that much money for an unknown.

    If Cryptic operates like Paragon Studios does, the devs have plans for updates at least two years down the road, or at least have enough ideas to make it at least that long. I doubt any publisher would give the green light to a developer if they didn't have a long term plan past the launch date.

    Certainly, that is how most companies look at it. But there is a length-of-time calculation even if it is not stated. They have to look at the costs of collecting money up front over how much they could collect monthly. It's an over/under bet. Do you believe your up-front money will outlast the game. Depending on costs, that up-front money helps short-term but hurts long-term, especially when the lifetime subscription is so small. From my economist side, I just look at that number and think they believe the company will fail short-term and they better collect as much money up front as possible. I hope I'm wrong. I think CO could be a lead-in to City from the game-box crowd looking for something else to play on their PC.

    I'm glad to hear other games have made the same offer and players have benefited. I have two friends who signed up for lifetime so I certainly hope they get their money's worth.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    I was freaking bored to tears all weekend. Then yesterday I ran a Posi, Synapse and Psyche. Had an internet failure for like an hour and a half before the 1st mission from the Synpase was done, but got back in a mission before Babbage and we knocked it out.

    Overall, Monday was... awesome. Sat/Sun... pretty much crap.
    Nice! Never a real fan of Synapse but love it when heroes from all over come to help with Babbs. That concept is just terrific for him to spawn out of the mission.
  11. I love this thread. It is always current until i16 rolls out since it could always roll out next week.

    Something gets me thinking that release date will be 9/22.
  12. Great stories.

    32! Damn, I'm feeling old. (Yea, but percentage-wise, they're catching up) Oh, and saw GP on the other day. I was in log-out mode and needed to check email or I would have said "hi" then.
  13. Electric melee, I want them to have the Electric Slide.

    Hello all. got to play only about 3 hours over the weekend but was able to get on two great teams and knocked off an ITF and Citadel.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
    Go Home Already!

    Is there any way to get a giant smiley face? hmmmm .....


    Have a great weekend all.
  15. Go Home Already!

    Is there any way to get a giant smiley face? hmmmm .....
  16. I see Playskool, Rook and DJ. They're all online too.
  17. I played beta and didn't like it, but that shouldn't be news to anyone. But even if I did like it the $200 lifetime subscription would have scared me away instantly. At a subscription rate of $15 per month, discounted down to $10 to account for the collection of the money up front, they are expecting the game to last only 20 months. I'm not interested in investing my time in something that the designers think won't make it's second anniversary.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Yes I am logged in, lol. I post entirely too much to miss that key ingredient.

    I am not sure what fixed the problem exactly but its fixed. I played with my Mcafee settings, upgraded to the newest Firefox and tiddled around a bit in control panel and came back and now I can see it. So ty for all that helped.

    *btw I am hurt that I only have 1 green dot, apparently I am not a koolkid :-(

    You ARE a cool kid.
    *tries to +rep. gets "you've given out too much rep in the last 24 hours"*

    I'll catch you next week, or maybe Bronx can shuttle a few your way.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    I disabled the Forum Reputation, as it serves next to no function and I could care less.

    positive rep sent your way.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dread_Shinobi View Post
    I'm pretty sure its possible at least. (maybe not master though)

    The last mission, a white dwarf could take recluse (better than black dwarf since they can cap hp), With about 55% resistance to both smashing and energy, a couple oranges and purples should keep him alive along with 1-2 PBs using glowing touch.

    The temp we used in the all tank STF (I forget the name of it, Net knows though) would be used to toggle debuff recluse to prevent spawns

    WS PBAOEs can kill the repairmen before they are targetable.

    The rest of the TF should be a breeze.

    I'm certain if you mix in an emp it shouldn't be a problem to dwarf-tank recluse. Ice tanks can do it and I've tanked Romi on my PB who has no purples at all with the help of an emp. I'd be up to try if kismet (and scheduling) allow.
  21. Hahahahaha.

    Now don't get in trouble with the thread puppy. We would hate for you to "disappear".

    (now, goes back and read the thread.)